Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 337: Gram total fat sugar!

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"Why don't the four of us play trpg!" Qianjia made his own suggestion.

"Huh?" Senxia couldn't resist Qianjia's brain hole that broke through the sky.

"Trpg is very interesting, Mori-natsu-kun, such an interesting game, I must share it with everyone~" Qianjia said as she picked up a slice of honeydew and began to eat it happily.

After hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia fell into deep thought.

In later generations of Japanese networks, the Cthulhu running group can be said to be a very interesting series, what is the end of Love Haier, and my Cthulhu who is known as the second correction boxing.

Of course, the Japanese style Cthulhu is a little different from the general Cthulhu. Simply put, it has a bigger brain and likes to use special settings. Some interesting things have been created in it, such as Head hammer, head hammer, and head hammer...

Generally speaking, Cthulhu is horrible, evil and malicious, but how can I say that Cthulhu in District 11 is always like

That's right, the script of various investigators (players) forcing the whistleblower (host) to death is the happiest thing in Japanese Cthulhu.

"But it's not possible for the time being. We don't have a Cthulhu module here. Moreover, it will be very difficult to understand the rule book or something at once." Although Qianjia seemed to be very enthusiastic, Morinka still told A cruel reality for her.

" seems we can only wait for the future, it is really Cannian..." Qianjia felt a little pity, "Well, but maybe we can do character cards now."

"That," Jixiangyuan raised his hand, "what are you talking about? Games?"

Although Jixiangyuan has been arranged by the opponent to become a player. However, she herself didn't even know what happened, and she was confused about what the two men were talking about.

"Cthulhu? It seems very interesting!" Yukino also stood up at this time.

"Does Xue Nai sauce know Cthulhu too?" Qian Jia asked with a smile.

Yukino nodded: "The myth of Cthulhu is very interesting. As a reference for the novel, you can write a lot of very interesting content."

Novel reference? Xue Na didn't seem to mention Cthulhu's content in his article. There seems to be no relevant content in eva-retake.

But Cthulhu seems to be really suitable for writing novels, but Senxia himself hasn't used this kind of thing as a big background.

"Well, when it comes to Cthulhu, it really is the tentacles that comes to mind. It seems to be a good background for gentlemen's stories in the future..." Senxia muttered.

"Yo Xi, this feels good. Lihua doesn't know anything about the rest... Well, do you want to call other people up, if you run a group, if there are three or four people, it won't be lively at all." Qianjia seemed to be in Thinking.

"That's why. What are you talking about? What is the running team!" Jixiangyuan now doesn't know what's going on.

"Games, games are all, you will definitely be interested." Qianjia leaned to the side of Jixiangyuan. "Well, I will teach you the basic rules now."

"Oh..." Jixiangyuan nodded blankly.

Senxia looked at these two people. Thinking in my mind.

Running a group is not only fun, but also a gentleman, such as the so-called "pink group". It is a table game for gentlemen. In dnd, or Dungeons and Dragons, there is also a special "Pink Book" expansion.

Maybe we can do this too?

No, there is no way to spread this kind of gentleman content in a method widely known to the people. Lifan has an animation carrier, but the running group does not. In these days, many things like running a group are actually niche things.

"Yes, there is no running video these years, so there is no foundation..."

Cthulhu’s running team was an instant hit on the future station, which caused a huge sensation, and then became a series. Some popular series even have special painters for character and background painting. There are also spreads on the side, but not after all, so few people know it.

As Morinka thought before, one of the more popular series is the one of Yaomeng, Mizose Yomeng even except for manga. It’s just that the author is more deadly. The comic is not as exciting as the original video, and the author himself has deleted the original plot from the top. Fortunately, a certain b site has a backup and translation.

Not to mention anything else, but in terms of the degree of excitement of the script itself, it can be said to be a super strong fan, but its niche nature limits the audience of the entire script.

"Well, by the way, speaking of Cthulhu, this has a lot to do with Dongfang..."

Qianjia and Jixiangyuan are still chatting, while Yukino is holding a slice of honeydew and looking at Morinia with curious eyes, seeming to be very concerned about the running group.

"Dongfang? Is it the game Zun-Sang is playing?" Yukino asked curiously, and then laughed himself, "Looking at it this way, the feeling does have Cthulhu meaning..."

Uh, I didn’t mean that...

In fact, these Cthulhu running group videos circulated on the Internet, almost without exception, use the characters of the Oriental series as the player's image, and there will be many interesting interactions.

These head-only derivatives of the Oriental series are called "youkuli", which means "slowly" in Japanese. The image of these wonderful creatures in the oil tank looks like a steamed bun at first glance. After being transported to the celestial dynasty, most of them will be prefixed with "slowly" or "man-man-lai".

The Oriental series itself may be just a setting But it has to be said that the things derived from the Oriental series are countless times stronger than advertising. One reason for the decline in the popularity of the original "Man Man Lai" Demon Dream was that the characters in it all adopted the image of other characters. Well, of course, besides Dongfang, there are also l and Goro...

But it is undeniable that the Dongfang series played a very good role in publicity. Many people watched the video because they knew Dongfang, then liked it, and finally started the Amway series.

"Maybe I can find Zun Sang another day..." Senxia whispered.

By the way, there is also Lao Xu. If you ask them to join the team, it might be more interesting, maybe it will give them some new inspiration or something.

Ah, there are mushrooms... Well, forget it, let him continue to be Yue Ji, so that he won't bounce again...


Regarding these things about Cthulhu, the book friends who know it will just smile, and it doesn't matter if you don't know it, it's just the brains of the Japanese players running the team, and when you expand it, it becomes hydrology.

Now let's write the second update~ (To be continued.).

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