Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 338: Because I want to live here!


Senxia and the others ate a hot pot of Yuanyang Hotpot for lunch. The bottom material used the bottom material bought in the supermarket plus their own preparation. (Baidu search network updates the fastest and most stable)

"Wow, as expected, lamb should be shabu-shabu." Putting a slice of lamb into your mouth, the spicy lamb instantly showed its excellent flavor, and Senxia Jun felt satisfied.

Picking up another piece of beef next to it and putting it beautifully in his mouth, Morinka often breathed a sigh of relief: "In the cold winter, this should be something like this!"

"Speaking of it, I really haven't eaten hot pot anymore," Qian Jia also sighed, "but the hot pot at home and outside, do have a different feeling."

When eating hot pot and buffet outside, it will feel very lively, even in Japan, it will feel more delicious when you see someone eating next to you. If you eat hot pot at home, it feels more peaceful. If you don't speak, listening to the boiling water in the hot pot is also a wonderful feeling.

Jixiangyuan carefully picked up a piece of cabbage and put it into the hot pot. After it felt almost the same, it carefully took it out, and then carefully dipped it with the condiments, and finally put it into the mouth carefully.

"..." Qian Jia just clearly felt that she had come out of her artistic conception, but after seeing Jixiangyuan's actions, her whole person was in a state of no good in an instant.

"Well, what's the matter?" Jixiangyuan noticed Qian Jia's contemptuous eyes, and put down his chopsticks a little embarrassingly.

"You haven't eaten hot pot before?" Qianjia asked suspiciously.

"I haven't tried it a few times...can't it?" Jixiangyuan turned his head.

"Sure enough." Qian Jia showed a smile on her face, and then she shook her head towards Jixiangyuan, "So your way of eating hot pot is completely wrong. Hot pot should be eaten like this."

Qianjia picked up a piece of mutton with chopsticks, then put it in a spicy pot and rinsed it, then took out the sauce from the side and dipped it in, and delivered it to Jixiangyuan.

"Come on, have a taste~" Qian Jia grinned and looked at Jixiangyuan with kind eyes.

Jixiangyuan seems to be a bit hard to ride a tiger, but at this time I have to eat it again. She could only open her mouth and ate the lamb in the end.

"Um..." Jixiangyuan's face changed in an instant, she hurriedly covered her mouth, her face flushed. "so spicy……"

"Huh?" Senxia had just knocked an egg over, so she didn't notice this side, but after hearing the exclaim from Kichijoin, Senxia also discovered the situation here.

He lowered his head and glanced, only to find a plate of red chili sauce on Qianjia's table. This is used to mix in other dipping sauces for seasoning, but Qianjia seems to have dipped it in it just now.

It seemed that Jixiangyuan couldn't eat spicy food. At this time, her tears almost shed.

"Water——Water——" Jixiangyuan made a terrible voice covering his mouth.

"Hey, I'm going to get water now!" Xue Na immediately stood up.

"No, drinking water at this time won't alleviate much. I will go and get milk." If you drink hot water, the moment you drink it, it feels better, but afterwards. The spiciness will not be dissipated.

Senxia opened a bottle of pure milk, poured a glass and passed it to Jixiangyuan.

Jixiangyuan grabbed the milk, poured it down quickly, and drank the cup of milk in one breath.

"Hoo... saved..."

Jixiangyuan almost slumped on the chair, and the leaked white milk flowed along Jixiangyuan's lips to her neck, leaving a white trace.

"President, are you okay?" Jixiangyuan looked broken at this time, Senxia walked over and asked with concern.

"Well, it's okay, but the taste of this milk seems a little weird..." Jixiangyuan was a little uncomfortable talking.

"President. Your tongue must be numb. This is the milk I usually drink. It must be no problem." Senxia is very spicy, but some super spicy peppers taste it. It will also make people want to collapse. For Jixiangyuan, who can't eat spicy food, this blow almost makes her whole body collapse.

After relieving her anger, Jixiangyuan looked at Qian Jia next to her with a faintly resentful look. At that moment, she was obviously hurt.

Qian Jia looked at Jixiangyuan. Then he showed a harmless smile.

"Senior Sister, what you did is a bit too much." Senxia shook her head next to her, and then poured another glass of milk for Jixiangyuan.

"Well, although I know that Lihua can't eat too spicy food, I didn't expect this hot sauce to be so terrible." Qian Jia waved her hand and denied her behavior.

If it were the usual Jixiangyuan, this time would definitely condemn Qianjia’s behavior, and then teach her righteously, and the result would end up being refuted by Qianjia, but the Jixiangyuan at this time obviously has no extra thoughts to deal with Qianjia spoke.

"Sorry, sorry, come, let's continue eating!" Qianjia waved her hand and continued to cook the lamb.

The Jixiangyuan nearby gave Qian Jia a vigilant look, then carefully picked up the green vegetables next to it and put it in the pot. She didn’t even want to look at the red hot pot and the more terrifying hot sauce At a glance.

After dinner, it's afternoon.

Today is a rare good weather, and the sky is clear.

It's a pity that Jixiangyuan didn't have so much time to enjoy the scenery here with Senxia and the others. After the afternoon, she had to leave here. Although it was a pity, there was no way.

After Jixiangyuan left here, Qianjia began to wander around Senxia's house.

"Well, your house is really good. The room is large, but it is not empty. Instead, it has a very warm feeling, completely different from the apartment." After leaving Jixiangyuan, Qianjia's nature broke out completely. She looked around in Senxia's home like a curious baby.

Senxia hadn't planned to care about her, but was helpless, Qianjia took Senxia and ran around.

"Hey, Your towels and toothbrushes are the same color. Although many things seem to be doubled, they seem to be the same. What are you two brothers and sisters doing? Whose thing is it?" Qianjia noticed a problem after walking around for half a circle. "And your shoes are the same size, so when you go out, you won't wear them wrong?"

"Going out? This won't happen. Girls' shoes can tell at a glance. If they are just ordinary shoes, no one wears them. As for other things, it is Yukino's strong request to be exactly the same. Ah." Senxia didn't feel much about it, and he was not an outsider anyway.

"Then these are troublesome." Qianjia rested his chin in thought.


"Because I am going to live here tonight."

"Oh Ha?!"


Roar, second more

Start to save

~\\(≧▽≦)/~(To be continued.)

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