Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 339: This matter is very complicated...



"You want to live here?" Senxia's eyes widened.

"Yeah, let's start with the doujin exhibition horse. It's better for everyone to act together in the past few days. And here is closer to the Musashino animation, which is good." Speaking of this, Qianjia took a deep look. Senxia glanced, "Well, if you are willing to go to my house these few days, it doesn't matter."

"Absolutely not!" Xue Nao jumped out before Senxia spoke.

"Uh... forget it, let's go, if you really want to live here." Morinka waved her hand, "but only if Yukino agrees."

"I agree." Yukino jumped out at this time, "If Senior is here, winter CM's preparations will be smoother, right?"

"Well, that's okay." Senxia shrugged.

To be honest, there is a beautiful girl who wants to borrow to live in her own home, and Senxia actually feels quite cool, although this girl has a slightly disenchanting attribute.

After confirming this, Qianjia seemed to be more relaxed. She completely regarded this place as her home.

After strolling around the room, she took out Morika's Jump manga and started to read it.

But she felt that this was not enough, and then she got up and walked into the refrigerator again, and took out a bottle of milk.

It's just that she was just about to drink it, when Yukino over there grabbed the bottle of milk.

"That was what I prepared for my brother, you are not allowed to drink it, you have to drink it and buy it yourself!" Xue Nai glared at Qianjia.

"Don't be so stingy, anyway, we are a family now living together~" Qian Jia looked indifferent.

"In short, no, no, no, you are not allowed to touch the things I bought for my brother!" Xue Nao did not show any weakness either.

"..." Qianjia squinted at Yukino, but the latter did not back down, and the two stared like this.

Although Morinia next to him wanted to persuade him, he felt a strong pressure, and this pressure left him speechless.

It's terrible, the battle between dragon and tiger is terrible...

Morinia at this time. There seemed to be hallucinations in front of them, and the two men seemed not to be humans, but terrifying prehistoric monsters.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Ah, here it is!" Senxia quickly escaped from this place, and after arriving in front of the hall, she finally let go of her heart.

"Good afternoon. Senxia-kun, I am a little late." Opened the door. Standing outside was Uncle Sato, for some reason, he looked rather tired.

"Good afternoon, uncle... are you okay?" Senxia asked with concern.

"...It's okay..." Sato's words were tragic and empty.

In fact, Sato was actually going on a date this afternoon...or rather, he was going on a date.

As a normal man who likes mature women, Sato finally met another woman with the same temperament today. He originally wanted to develop well with each other.

but. The sudden appearance of a few pupils disturbed everything.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence. When he was dating, accidents happened frequently. First, two elementary school students “lost”, and then went to Sato. When he finally got in touch with each other’s parents and then went to dinner with the mature woman . The other two pupils ran out from nowhere, and when they wanted to send each other home after eating, the terrifying pupil emerged from an inexplicable place.

These elementary school students were out of sight. Before coming to Tianhai's house, Sato was exhausted.

"Uncle worked hard..." Morinatsu used to feel gloating about Sato's elementary school students, but she didn't know why. Morinia today feels the same.

Sato, who lamented his poor relationship with women, didn't realize that all this was not a coincidence, but a strategy of the elementary school students, but he finally relaxed a lot when he arrived at Morinka's house.

Morinatsu took Sato into the door together, and found that Chika and Yukino were sitting on the sofa and chatting happily, the atmosphere between the two. It can be said to be as good as it is. Senxia was almost stunned when seeing the enchanting smiles of these two people. Could it be that what just happened was just an illusion?

"Xuno-chan, happy birthday. Chiba-san, hello." Sato also greeted the other two.

The two also stood up and said hello.

After the two had spoken, Sato took Morika to the side again, and then asked, "Mori-kun, when do you plan to go back to your hometown? Uncle misses you very much."

It’s actually a very warm time to go back to my hometown to visit my grandpa, but after hearing Sato’s words, Morinka’s face changed: "Uncle, you also know how unreliable grandpa is, and How could it be possible to agree to those conditions."

"Uh..." Sato scratched his head. The matter was very complicated. It was really not clear in one sentence or two sentences.

Mori Xia sighed. How can I say this kind of thing? I can only talk about the inferior nature of the nobility? Or is it my unique Japanese?

"But is that good? If you insist on Mori-kun, it is Yukino who inherits the Tiankai family. If Mori-kun insists, uncle will definitely do it." Sato is not special about Mori's grandfather. Clear but he also knows some information.

"Well, it doesn't matter, they are brothers and sisters after all." Morinya waved her hand, "And I can't go to a place like Hokkaido to develop, right?"

Because they are their biological siblings, their relationship is very complicated...

Senxia sighed, it was very troublesome to want to explain something like blood lineage for a while.

"But is this okay? Don't say it now, what will you do in the future? Your father's generation is a patriarch. If you disagree with Xiajun Mori, what will happen afterwards?" Sato asked with concern.

Mori Natsu-kun’s father is a lonely left in Japan, who belongs to the family of Tianhai.

"Didn't my mom and dad come to Tokyo to develop together? If Yukino is always by my side, there is no problem. It is impossible to let us go back to Hokkaido anyway." Morinya categorically said.

Sato shook his head, but he looked at Morinka with some worry.

"Well, I actually respect Yukino's opinion, but compared to me, it is probably harder for Yukino to accept this fact." Morinka pulled Yukino out as a shield. Although he is a gentleman, Mori-kun said that he is actually It's still full of integrity, and absolutely can't do things that can't be done.

"Actually, Yukino--oh, forget it." Sato shook his head, and he almost said the taboo. "Well, in a word, you can do it yourself, that girl from the Qianyu family, you have to think of a solution. Take care of it."


It turns out that Jotaro's stand-in is the ability to replicate the DIO stand-in. What abilities does the world have, what abilities does the platinum star have, DIO, you are destined to be killed by Chengtaro in this life.

Finally, the President QAQ for the country and the people

There is one more update (to be continued.)

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