Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 340: You bad guys QAQ

Morinka's dinner is a high-end western food that Uncle Sato packed from a high-end restaurant, and it can be eaten when it is slightly warmed. [Reading the latest chapter..] As for why I eat this...this kind of sad thing is better not to ask Uncle Sato.

However, after eating, Uncle Sato seems to have recovered a lot, and his traumatized soul has also been redeemed.

Seeing that his uncle was back to normal, Mori Xia was also relieved.

As a lawyer, Sato’s work is sometimes very busy. After dinner, he hurriedly left.

Watching her uncle leave, Yukino walked to the window sill and looked at the scenery outside. She sighed, "Unfortunately, this Christmas is not a white Christmas."

"Today's snow came a bit early." Morinka nodded, "But as long as I spend my birthday with Yukino, I will be very happy."

"Yeah!" Yukino also laughed after hearing Morinya's words.

"By the way, is there any entertainment on your side?" Qian Jia looked around.

"Do you want to play the game or do you want to play? No problem."

Senxia turned her head and glanced at Qianjia. If you want to use the camp in dnd to make a distinction, this guy must be a neutral chaos...No, it should be an evil chaos camp, right!

After washing the dishes, Yukino looked at the time and said, "I will prepare hot water first."

After speaking, Yukino left here and walked towards the bathroom.

"Well, it's almost time now, then I'll go write something too." After seeing the time is almost the same, Senxia also walked into the room, turned on the computer and sat down.

"Eh, Senxia-kun, your room is very feminine." Qianjia has been following Senxia. After she entered the room, she immediately looked around curiously.

"This is Yukino's room, my room is next door." Morinya explained quickly.

"Eh..." However, not only did Qianjia's attitude at this time have not changed, her eyes became even worse.

"Although this is Yukino's room, Yukino and I usually move around here. Is there anything wrong with this?"

Morinya strongly suspected that Qianjia was actually deliberately misinterpreting and causing misunderstanding. Senior Sister Qianjia is actually very clever. She must have done this deliberately, as for the reason she did it. Then there is only one-to deliberately tease Senxia.

After thinking about this, Senxia's face was left with endless sighs.

He turned on the computer and went to icq first, but unfortunately no one was online at this time, so he went offline. Then I opened Ayana's game before and began to study.

"Speaking of which, when are you going to talk to Ayana and the others?" Senxia asked back.

"At least I have to wait for Erika to come back from London, but don't worry, I'm pretty sure about this matter." Qianjia made a gesture that made Morinya feel relieved.

"As long as you don't use any weird ideas and thoughts..." Staring at Qianjia, Morinya still has lingering fears, Qianjia's n-sexuality, Morinya is very clear, those extraordinary practices, he does not want to happen to his Friends.

"Senior, please come over!" At this time. Xue Na's voice came from downstairs, Qianjia hurriedly went downstairs, and Senxia turned around and started codeword work.

About ten minutes later, Xue Nao ran up, with a smile in her eyes, as if she was expecting something.

"What's wrong?" Senxia saved the document, then looked up at Senxia.

"Ah, it's a good thing~ Come on, brother blindfolded first." Xue Nao smiled and looked at Senxia, ​​holding a blindfold in her hand.

"Huh? What do you want to do?" Senxia was inexplicable. "Is it another game?"

"All in all, put it on first!" For some reason, Morika noticed that Yukino's face seemed red.

"Well, let's take a look at what you are going to do." Morinka glanced suspiciously at Xue Na. Then put the blindfold on his face.

"Brother come with me." It was pitch black in front of her eyes, but Yukino had already lifted Morika.

Although it was dark, Morinka was still very trustworthy with Xue Na. At this moment, he followed the opponent and walked forward.

Not long after, Yukino finally stopped.

"The touch of the sole of the foot... Is this the bathroom?" Morinka was about to take off the blindfold immediately.

"How can you succeed?!" Qian Jia suddenly jumped up. Then he squeezed Senxia's hand.

"Senior sister?!" Fuck, why are you here, senior sister? !

Morinka stood up and wanted to resist, but what he faced was Yukino, who could easily suppress even adult men, Morinka couldn't do anything at all.

"What are you going to do!" Senxia was pressed under her legs by Xuena, and she couldn't move at all.

"Ala, of course it is to help Senxia-kun clean your body, after all, winter is coming soon, Senxia-kun, starting from today, your body will be completely managed by us~" Qianjia lay down. Senxia's ear, and then blew into Senxia's ear, "Not only that, but in order to prevent you from being dishonest, the replacement and cleaning of that special fat time must also be done in this way..."

"Hey, hey, you can give me enough, I still have the dignity of being a male!" Senxia strongly protested.

"Questions and answers are useless, there are two girls helping you take a bath, do you still have any dissatisfaction?!" Qianjia's voice was unquestionable.

"Kso, you bad guys, Euler, Euler, Euler..."

"No railroads, no railroads, no railroads!"

After waiting for half an hour, Morita, who had changed into a white shirt and pajamas, slumped in front of the desk. The air conditioner in the room was blowing warm air, but Morika had lost focus in her eyes.

"The feeling of this pajamas is also very good. The white shirt represents purity and beauty. After wearing it, this feeling is very wonderful!" Chika and Yukino were talking about each other, their faces glowing, and they just helped Morika Taking a bath is like playing house wine and taking care of your own children, which makes them very interested.

"You bad guys..." The corners of Senxia's mouth twitched, and his eyes were covered the whole time, but his body's sense of touch became more sensitive because of this. When he took a bath, he was tossed by these two people.

If possible, Senxia wanted to overthrow it strongly, but the problem was that Yukino's force value was too high, and Senxia-kun couldn't help it.

But Morinka is also a bit If it wasn't because of Yukino's presence, when he was just taking a bath, he would really want to throw away his own section c together...

"This is a part of the special training!" Qianjia was awe-inspiring, "I will give it to you for the next few days, Dong, Senxia-kun, don't you want to mess it up!"


Senxia didn't speak, he gritted his teeth, as long as it can reach winter, everything will be over.

Winter, come on...


Wuzha means "useless", which is actually the stalk of jojo.

The second update today is still full section c.

By the way, please don’t use the gift points to subscribe. This is not a subscription, and we can’t get the money qaq. Let’s use these free ones and subscribe to the Great God first... (To be continued.)



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