Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 350: I like this pose

"Let’s take a group photo first!"

The first suggestion was not the Miss Torrete, but Qianjia. 【Full text reading...】

Although people have taken so many photos before, it was that time. Although they took so many photos, they were not professional after all. They were just games between fans. But Miss Torrete is going to shoot a photo album for them, which is completely different from the previous concept.

"Please wait, we still need some necessary things." However, Miss Torrete asked them to wait for a while.

By coincidence, Ichiro Kuroshima was also following, and she simply walked over: "This gentleman, I wonder if you can help me get some reflectors?"

"Huh...?" Ichiro Kuroshima was inexplicably, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because I am going to shoot a photo album for these two Miss Asuka and Miss Ayanami, I think this is needed."

Ah, it turns out that the goddess needs it!

Ichiro Kuroshima felt his brain hot, then he patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me!"

Seeing Ichiro Kuroshima running away bumpy, Morinka sighed, so he said he was dead...

"Okay, now we can start." Torrete also smiled and walked towards the two at this time.

"Please, Miss Torrete." Qianjia waved to the other party. When dealing with open foreigners, she didn't care so much about the so-called etiquette.

"Miss Ayanami, please lie here." Torrete pointed to the lawn next to her.

Senxia nodded, and then lay on the ground.

Although he didn't know what the other party was going to do, the other party's expression was serious and professional appearance made Morinya awe.

After lying down obediently, Torrete said, "Miss Asuka, you lie on the left side of Ayanami-san, facing her, holding her left hand and her right hand."

After Qian Jia heard the other party's order, she was actually taken aback.

Uh, this Miss Torrete didn’t know that Senxia was actually a boy, although Miss Torrete’s opinion was normal. But a boy and a girl make such a move... why do they feel like they are at a loss?

Qianjia looked at Senxia, ​​her eyes flushed, but she lay next to Senxia for the time being.

"Miss Asuka, please put your left leg on the right side of Miss Ayanami's left leg." Torrete continued to instruct Chika to move.

"Hey. Senior sister, if you are reluctant, forget it." Morinya noticed that Qianjia's face turned red.

"It's okay, you are not an outsider anyway, Senxia-kun, why do you care more about this now than me?" Qianjia shook his head. Turning sideways, his right chest was facing Senxia's left chest. The whole person was half lower than Senxia, ​​and his left leg was pressed against Senxia's right leg.

"Um...Miss Ayanami, your body is a little like this..." Torrete looked at it for a while and walked over in person. She lifted Senxia's right leg until it reached her chest, forming a half-M. Then he used Senxia's upper body for nothing. Keep it sideways slightly.

After fiddling with Senxia, ​​she went to Qianjia's side again and brought her head closer to Senxia. The two of them could feel each other's breathing almost head-on. At this time, Senxia was lying down while Qianjia was almost halfway. Lying on Senxia's body, fortunately, Senxia is wearing Ayanami's clothes at this time. Otherwise, if she is replaced with a strong Chinese paper, this picture can even be used as the cover of Lifan.

But then again, the two girls used to be the covers of certain comics and books. It seems to be nothing...

"Please turn your head to here." After seeing that it was almost the same, Torrete held up the camera and snapped a picture.

"Is this all right?" Senxia felt Qianjia's breath on her body, and he felt a little itchy.

"No. I'm just trying to see the effect. Now the lighting is not enough, we have to wait."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ichiro Kuroshima over there carried the reflector he didn't know where he got it from, and ran over bumpingly. He just came over. Seeing the stunning and beautiful scene of Asuka and Ayanami, the whole person was stunned.


This kind of picture is simply perfect, the pure lilies bloom in an instant, and the whole world seems to have turned into a warm spring at this time.

"Come here, stand here..."

After losing his mind, Kuroshima Ichiro completely became Torrete's props, so he listened to the other's instructions and began to light Morinatsu and the others.

After feeling that the lighting was almost the same, Torrete gave Morinha and the others another photo. But this is not over yet. In order to pursue the effect, Miss Torrete took a few more photos, and after fiddling with the light board a few times, she took a few more clicks.

And Senxia and Qianjia were so close together, unable to move for a long time.

Although still taking pictures, Senxia's attention has shifted to Qianjia.

The temperature outside was a bit low, but Qianjia's body temperature was conveyed to her body surface through the clothes, and the two looked at each other speechlessly.

"Miss Asuka, Miss Ayanami, it's all right, let's change the position now!" Torrete came over.

"My name is Qianyu Qianjia, just call me Qianjia directly, she is Tianhai Senxia, ​​just call her Senxia~" Qianjia nodded towards the other party.

Although they cos are the characters in eva, it is strange that os is always called Asuka and Ayanami.

"Well, that's fine, Chika-san, Mori Natsu-san." Although Torrete's Japanese is not standard, it sounds like it has a special flavor.

Torrette first asked Chika to stand, and then he greeted Ichiro Kurojima next to him to come and help. The dead house had unknowingly reduced to Miss Torrete’s coolie without realizing it, and is still stunned. Follow the other side.

After Qianjia separated from Senxia, ​​she let go a lot. She devoted herself to the shooting, which was much I have to say that this Miss Torrete seems to have two hands. Senxia nodded frequently when she saw the actions the other party was playing with Qianjia. These movements were very harmonious and very "fan".

How should I put it, Senxia saw Qianjia doing the action and thought of the green tea **** in front of the camera in the previous life-don't get me wrong, this is not derogatory, after all, the pure and lovely photos of the green teas are also a big mark of them.

At this time, Moriha was a little curious, what kind of photos this Miss Torrete would take in this era when PS has not yet become popular...


After reading the C89 information for a day, it’s a pity that I am in Akalin Province, studying Japanese hard...

In fact, the first action happened when I was looking for the book. The cover of poka^2 in the eva book. If you don’t know the r gel coat, the texture of this cover is almost the same, cough...

The first more~ (To be continued.)



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