Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 351: I admire Teacher Xia Sen the most!

When Senxia and Qianjia returned home, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening. 【..】

"We're back."

After returning to the room weakly, Morika took off the clothes outside, and then took off Ayanami's red cosmetic contact lenses, and then sat on the sofa tiredly.

For Morinia and Qianjia, today is a rich day, and it is also a tossing day.

It was okay at the beginning, but since the beginning of the photo shoot, the two of them posed for an afternoon of movements. After finally escaping, they met Ms. Torrete, and then followed each other in a series of difficult movements. The two people At this time, they are already exhausted enough.

Torrete's photography skills are very good, and they are very serious. Moriha and the others were tossed for half their lives by the other party. After the shooting ended, the other party was even unsatisfied.

In fact, this is really the case. Not only did the other party tell Morita and the others his mobile phone number, apartment address, e-mail address, and so on, but he also enthusiastically invited Morita and Chika to continue taking pictures. It stands to reason that Senxia and the others should also leave their own contact information, but in the end, Senxia only left an e-mail address, and they dare not give the other contact information at all.

How should I put it, at that time, Morinka really wanted to tell the other person that I was actually a boy or something, and your enthusiasm really couldn't bear it...

Well, I have a chance to explain it later.

"Hey, by the way, I remember there seems to be someone next to him, who is that?"

Except for Torret, Senxia remembered that she seemed to be standing alone when she was next to her, but now looking back, Senxia found that she didn't even remember what that person was like.

"Well, it might look like a dead house, anyway, just remember that he is a dead house. It's about it..."

Senxia selectively forgot the other person standing next to her.

"I don't know the effect of the shooting, I really look forward to it."

Qian Jia put her bag aside, as if she was expecting this too.

"That's right, I also seem to be looking forward to it." After all, she looked so professional, and Morinatsu wanted to know the final result.

"Well, I'm going to change clothes first. Let's just go, I'm really exhausted."

"Go go go~"

Senxia was lying here to rest, and Qianjia over there rushed to the dressing room when she came back, took off her cos clothing, and then walked out tiredly.

As soon as she changed her clothes, she moved to Senxia's side. She got to Senxia's neckline and said, "Let me see."

"Eh eh eh eh?!"

Senxia was lying on the sofa to rest, Qianjia leaned in suddenly, and she was really caught off guard.

At this time, Qianjia had already opened Senxia's collar. Then he moved to Senxia's side: "Damn it, I really didn't sweat at all..."

"Brother, you are back!"

But at this moment, Xue Nai had already ran down from the second floor. Then... she saw such a scene.

Senxia was pressed on the sofa by Qianjia, who had already pressed Senxia to death. His head was on Senxia's neck.

Then, the scene was seen by Yukino.

A kind smile appeared on the girl's face.

"Aha, Xuenao..." Qianjia was not as embarrassed as she was looking at Xuenao's eyes. She stuck her tongue out mischievously at Yukino, and then climbed off Morinka.

"Ahem, Xuena, we're back." Senxia smiled at Xuenai, then he stood up, "Okay, it's time to make dinner, Qianjia and I haven't eaten yet."

"Just leave dinner to me." Yukino smiled. "It just so happens that I didn't have dinner either."

"Hey, it's already past eight o'clock..." Senxia looked at the time and found that it was already so late now, why has Xueno not eaten yet? Senxia looked at Xuena strangely, but made a strange discovery: "Hey, Xuena, what's wrong with your hand?"

Morika noticed that Yukino's left hand seemed to be red and swollen.

"Today, my classmate taught me to write with my left hand. Although I haven't learned it yet, it seems to be very interesting." Xue Nao panicked, and even the momentum he had accumulated before suddenly disappeared.

"Writing with the left hand." Senxia nodded, and speaking of it, teacher Erdaime seemed to be left-handed too, writing with his left hand seemed very interesting.

"Okay, brother and senior, you are already hungry, just leave it to me for dinner!" Xue Nao smiled kindly again, and then left here with a smile, and went to the kitchen.

"Huh..." Although she was a little strange and worried about Yukino's appearance just now, since Yukino didn't say anything, let's just assume that nothing happened.

"I'll go to the bathroom to fill the water first, and then I can take a bath later." Qianjia doesn't treat herself as an outsider at all. She is simply too casual in Senxia's house.

"Forget it, I will check the forum first, and talk about eva with Yukino later."

In fact, Morinka had planned to clarify the matter with Yukino from the beginning, but the pressure of the previous situation was so great that Morinka had forgotten all about it.

But for now, it will be fine.

Senxia stretched, then went into the room and turned on her computer.

Today is not only the day when c53 is held, but also the day when Morinka's official forum was opened. The manager of this forum is currently part-time job Daisuke Ono. He just has time these days, Morinka let this guy I have come to manage the forum. There are not many people on this year anyway. Just ask someone to take care of it. With the universal Ono Daisuke, there is basically no need to continue to be blind.

Opened the page and entered the forum, and Senxia found that there was nothing here.

"Well..." He scratched his head, then took out a copy of "eva-retake" next to him, and there was a card inside. The content of the card was to promote their station.

However, it is a pity that when Senxia and the others entered the station, there were no posts here. Only one id who seemed to have just registered was asking if it was their official forum.

Senxia thought for a while, and registered a small vest herself.

"Hello everyone, I am a newcomer, eva-retake is super exciting, and the Witch's House is also great, I really like it, Mr. Xia Sen, I admire you the most!"

Well, yes, Senxia gave herself a post and became a navy...


The second update, section c is here, to write monthly ticket support owo (to be continued~^~)



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