Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 352: Looking at you with this look, I have a feeling of losing...

"Yo, Senxia-kun, how is our forum?"

Senxia had just quit the trumpet, and Qianjia senior sister here had already walked over. [Read the latest chapters..]

"It's okay, there are not many posts yet." Although she had been mentally prepared for a long time, Senxia actually felt a little pity in her heart at this time.

"Let's do this, but speaking of today's photo, I have an idea, Mori Xiajun, let's go to shoot a better photo book in the future!" Qianjia came up with a new idea.

"What?" Senxia looked at Qianjia-senpai strangely.

"Well, after all, we just found a random place and started shooting. If we are serious, we must choose a good place." Although it is very hard, Qianjia's attitude seems to be the same as that of Ms. Torrete. a feeling of.

"Do whatever you want, that's it for now." Senxia closed the forum, then opened the icq and mailbox.

No one is online on icq. This is probably because the New Year is about to be celebrated now. Although the Japanese say that they have inherited the culture of the celestial dynasty, their festivals are all according to the Gregorian calendar. Some days are fine, but some days It's worth complaining.

New Year’s Day is the New Year, which is actually good, but some festivals have a strong sense of disobedience. The most typical is Qixi Festival. The Cowherd and Weaver Girl cannot cross the Magpie Bridge to meet on July 7th in the Gregorian calendar. Would never be together...

Fortunately, they didn't change the date of the Mid-Autumn Festival anyway. Otherwise, think about it, if you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival on the night of the new moon or the first quarter moon, the picture is really beautiful.

"Huh? There is a letter in the e-mail?"

However, at this moment, Senxia noticed that there was a letter in their e-mail address, but the address Senxia was not clear.

"Dr. Mouse in the dungeon...?"

The signature of the email is very strange.

"What?" Qianjia was most interested in this kind of interesting thing. After smelling the interesting smell, she immediately leaned forward.

"Hello, this is Torrete... I will return to the United States in the next year, although I still want to stay in Japan. But there is no alternative..."

It turns out that this is the email from the Miss Torrete, but this half-baked Japanese is really hard to understand.

After watching for a long time, Senxia and Qianjia came to understand. It seems that something happened to the other party, so he is going back to the United States. After the photo album is ready, it will be sent directly to the two of them. In the end, she also put an address, which is her private station. She hoped that Senxia and the others could look at this station.

"But what does her signature mean? Dr. Mouse in the dungeon?" Qianjia was a little strange.

"Well, just go in and take a look."

The two clicked on the link, and then they were stunned, because the name of the station was "Dr. Mouse's Laboratory."

At this moment they understood that this thing was what she called it.

Senxia and Qianjia had weird expressions, and this lady was really sturdy, and her nickname was so strange.

But Morinka thought for a while, and it didn't seem to matter.

In the future, the cute girls and handsome guys on the network are often big guys, but the decadent uncles and middle-aged players in the game. But they are often sisters, which is very common on the Internet.

Well, if you think about it this way, the name "Dr. City Mouse" seems quite normal.

There was a button on the homepage. After they clicked on it, Senxia and the others found that all the photos stored in this site were limited to the speed of this world. These photos took a long time to refresh, but this did not prevent Senxia and the others. Watch it here.

"It's a summer time picture."

The first picture shows Xia's meeting place. This Miss Torrete wore a tight-fitting outfit worn by the heroine Moriyuki in the space battleship Yamato.

I have to say that the Senxue of Miss Torrete's cos is quite good. In Senxia's opinion, it is not bad compared to the 2012 version of Senxue, but the figure of this lady is obviously better than the original sister paper.

"Eh. Wait, the amount of r is wrong..." However, Qianjia found some sense of violation.

"I used a chest pad." Senxia didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Tsk, you are so stupid, Senxia-kun, this is definitely not a chest pad. This shape is obviously natural... Look. There is a picture of unzipping the chest behind..."

Senxia looked at the pictures behind, most of them were this cos, and then last winter, but the other party didn't seem to have a cos, but was smiling happily with a bunch of book trophies.

"It feels okay." At this level, it's actually pretty pretty.

"It's amazing...this one has an i-cup. As expected, foreigners are foreigners..." Qian Jia stared at the pictures on the screen, she was full of unwillingness.

"It's okay." Senxia didn't have much thoughts about it, and this size was just average. But speaking of it, Miss Torrete has blond hair and blue eyes, but she looks like a typical blonde girl. Although she doesn't catch a cold here, she seems to be a little bit in the West, right?

By the way, the Japanese cup conversion is the best. If Japanese style h cups, i cups, etc., change to European and American sizes, that is, g cups, which are even smaller when converted to the UK, with only f cups.

In those love action movies, Japanese people often hype about the i-cup sister paper. However, the fact is that this size is placed in Europe and the United States, and the probability of appearance is much higher, but the letters are slightly smaller and the sizes are all it's the same.

"Well, this is not just a matter of size, other elements such as shape are good."

Well, Yukino's shape is very good, the drop shape is superb, and it's very tall and straight, not drooping...

Thinking of this, Senxia turned his attention to Qianjia again.

How can I say that the size of Qianjia is very magnificent among the Japanese, and it is a little worse than Yukino, but it is still a little worse than the Europeans and Americans who have natural advantages.

"Hey, what do you mean by this look, Senxia-kun?" Qianjia raised his head I don’t know why, I always feel like I have lost when I see your eyes... …"

"An illusion, it must be your illusion." Senxia said and looked away.

"Brother, senior, it's time to eat!"

At this moment, Xue Nao's voice came from downstairs.

"Well, let's look back at this again, let's eat first before talking." Senxia stood up.

"It's also true. Be sure to take a good bubble bath later." Qianjia also stood up and followed Senxia downstairs.


Festival, the liver is violent, the new year is coming, and we must start working hard.

I also want to learn something owo

By the way, I have been fishing for Christmas Eugen for a long time, the golden light flashed, and then ordinary Eugen appeared... (To be continued.)



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