Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 356: Whatever is EVA or something!

The second day of CM was a harvest day for Senxia.

After shopping for a whole day, Senxia feels hearty.

As for Mushroom, today is not so beautiful. Obviously it should be a memorable winter CM, but Mushroom is still sitting at home and writing about Tsukihime.

Not only that, but until the 31st, the last day of 1997, poor student Mushroom, there was no way to go out.

Okay, why is Mushroom half-hearted every day, either playing computer or playing PS, this guy will be half-hearted if he doesn't pay attention, Takeuchi and Qingbingwei dare not let this guy mess around.

"Huh, do you think you can shut me down if this is the case." Qingbingwei is working in another room, and the mushroom triumphantly took the "EVA-RETAKE" hidden in his clothes come out.

Although it is not the work of Xia Sen, it is also the work of Xia Sen's younger sister. It should be very interesting.

The resentment of not being able to go to Winter CM made the mushroom blackened and suppressed. Today, he wrote five or six BADEND to Yuehime in one go. This is the reason. However, this did not comfort Mushroom's injured heart, so he took out the "RETAKE" which was deeply hidden by himself.

The cover of this book is very exquisite and the paper is very good. It is so exquisite that it can't be added. Even if this kind of book is a hardcover book by a certain author, there is no problem. But Mushroom knows that this is the style of the club. No matter what they do, they can be said to be quite serious, whether it is the current "RETAKE" or the previous "Witch's House", it can be said to be the same.

The story of EVA, basically as long as it is a homecomer, can be said to be familiar. For EVA's fan stories, in fact, it is difficult for everyone to say that they can make new ideas. In fact, Anno Hideaki's EVA itself has created almost a new world, a world completely different from the past and present stories.

This "world" is more than just a worldview. It also refers to the field of vision and horizon of all the audience. Compared with the unconventional EVA, those fans can be said to fall into the stereotype.

Of course, you have to say that H is well written. It doesn't matter, after all, the doujin depends on the H and the style of painting, these two are the most important.

As for those serious and serious colleagues, in fact there are not many.

But this story seems different.

at the begining of. The script is that Ikura Shinji is reborn.

Facts have proved that in writing novels, both rebirth and crossing are very attractive elements, even in Japan now.

Just like the current Nasu mushroom, when he saw the plot at this time, it really shined.

"Although the style of writing is different from Teacher Xia Sen, this kind of writing is really outstanding..." Mushroom exclaimed.

The first thing that attracted mushrooms was not the content of the story itself, but the very comfortable writing. This comfortable writing style made Mushroom feel extremely comfortable before the story began.

It's like entering a hotel. Although you don't know the service and taste inside, the comfortable and clean decoration of this hotel can attract many people.

After appreciating this writing, Mushroom was attracted by this story.

The real good writing style is not how gorgeous the rhetoric is, but when you are watching this story, the words can immerse you in it and form pictures after all, as if the words themselves do not exist at all.

So Nasu mushroom was attracted by this story.

After reading the beginning, he has no extra thoughts to complain about.

After the destruction of the world, Shinji's contradictions and hesitation, the shock and joy after rebirth, the sense of power when he can truly change everything, and the panic when Asuka appears...

When everything changes. The whole story has an unreal feeling. When reading the world, readers will even fear that the world described by the story itself is just a dreamy bubble.

Ikura Shinji in the original book seems to have begun to grow and transform in this world. But this is not to change Ikura Shinji into another person, but a reasonable change derived from the original work, and the boy is transforming into a man.

In addition, the illustrations in the article are also very useful. These illustrations always appear when they should appear, and the illustrations themselves are also very beautiful.

Super awesome...

The only thought that Mushroom has after reading the whole story.

Although this whole story is followed by EVA. But it seems to be on its own, with another kind of wonderful charm.

Then, the mushroom found something was wrong.

"So, Nasusan, have you finished watching?" Kiyobei's kind voice sounded from behind the mushroom.

Mushroom was suddenly startled, he turned his head back embarrassedly, ready to admit his mistake to Qing Bingwei.

But when Mushroom turned around, he found that the room was full of people. Takeuchi was putting the fried chicken chops on the table, and KATE was serving dishes.

"Well, it's the New Year after all, Nasusan, let's stop here today." Kiyobei ​​patted the mushroom on the shoulder, and then stood up.


Sure enough, it's better to have partners!

Nasu felt warm in his heart. He had secretly made up his mind. After the New Year's Day, he would start to burst his liver and complete Tsukihime!

Uh, wait a moment, it seems that there are still several games that we bought recently on our PS that have not been cleared. Let's talk about these games after clearing these games in the past few days...

After making up my mind to start working hard, Mushroom is ready to take a few more days, let yourself enjoy the fun of the game first...


"Today is the last day of 1997."

Senxia flipped through the 1998 calendar.

New Year is coming.

Although according to the Chinese empire, today is just New Year's Day, for Japanese people, this is New Year and New Year's Eve. Although Morinka has always felt that using the Gregorian calendar to celebrate the New Year is a very violent thing, the reality is so cruel.

The time now is ten thirty in the morning.

After changing his clothes, Morinka leaned in front of the mirror.

After yesterday’s "Holy War" ended, Morinka and Chika dyed their hair back to black. As for the trophies, they are now safely placed in a corner of Morinka’s room, in order to prevent Yukino from seeing , Senxia also specially covered it with something.


When Morinya sorted out the image and came out of the room, he heard Qianjia-senpai's exclamation.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you?" Senxia's mouth twitched.

Qianjia hurriedly shook her head: "It's okay, I just feel that your hair is too uncomfortable. I am used to Ayanami's blue hair, but now I find that she has black hair. Who can bear it!"

"Senior sister, if you don't distinguish between reality and the second dimension, your future life will be very hard." Senxia shook her head.

"Brother, I'm ready!" At this time, Yukino, who had already changed his clothes, also walked downstairs.

"Yo Xi, we should start." Senxia nodded.

Today is the last day of 1997, but Morinatsu and their affairs are still not over, because today they are going to see Anno Hideaki.

After the three set out from home, they headed towards Akihabara. The place they are going today is the White Bear Cafe. Although Erika is now in London, the cafe is still open because of the high salary. Although it is the time of Chinese New Year, there are still many female college students and female high school students still working here.

Morinya and the others came here early, but they didn't expect Anno Hideaki and his party to also come here early, and two groups of people met at the door of the cafe.

"This place is really good, the maid cafe or something, it is very famous in Akihabara recently, we always wanted to come to see it, so we got here early." Sadamoto Yoshiyuki explained to Mori and the others.

"It doesn't matter, since everyone has arrived early, we can just start the discussion... Oh, yes, this is my cutest sister, Yukino."

Morinka didn't forget to introduce Yukino to them.

"Hello." Xue Nai bowed to them generously.

"Hmm..." Even though Anno Hideaki wears big sunglasses, Morinia still sees the doubt in his eyes. He groaned and asked, "Have we met somewhere?"

"Well, Yukino and mine look exactly the same." Morinya explained to the other party, because of the relationship between brothers and sisters, this kind of misunderstanding would also happen, Morinya had already been surprised.

Hideaki Anno nodded, and Sadamoto Yoshiyuki over there also walked over, and then introduced the middle-aged man next to the two to them: "This is Mr. Toshiro Otsuki, the producer of EVA."

After hearing this name, Morija was shocked.

Otsuki Junlun!

The current production committee system has a great relationship with this person, and the reason why EVA launched the theater version has become a model of money fraud ~ has a great relationship with this person, it can be said that The awkwardness between him and Anno Hideaki made it possible for Evangelion to become a money-swindler in the new century!

In addition, the recent girl revolution has a lot to do with him.

However, although this person is very powerful, he has a lot of bad reviews. The behavior of circling money is even more despised by the masses of the people. It can be said to be true. The malignant tumor of the industry is not an exaggeration.

Well, but EVA is my shit, as long as we can make money, right?

After thinking about this, Senxia suddenly became clear, and he smiled and bowed at the other party: "My god, Hai Senxia, ​​please advise."


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