Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 357: Fans will cry!

Third, ask for a monthly pass! This is section c!


The Maid Café is indeed one of the most powerful things bred by the otaku family. Even a rascal like Anno Hideaki, now after entering the Maid Café, his sharp eyes have softened. [Read the latest chapters..]

Then he said something unbelievable: "...if I knew it, it would be nice to transform eva's restaurant into this kind of maid cafe."

No, Mr. Hideaki Anno, if you make random changes in eva like this, those fans will strangle me...

Morinka murmured in her heart, if the diehards knew that Anno Hideaki was influenced by him, he would definitely be stuffed into an oil drum, filled with cement, and sank into Tokyo Bay.

The three of Senxia were familiar with this place. They led each other up to the third floor, and then entered the private room.

After sitting down, Otsuki Junlun first spoke: "I saw the "eva-retake" created by several people yesterday. I have to say that this story is very novel and has a unique taste."

While he was talking, he took the book out of his briefcase. The other party had obviously read the book very carefully. There were several bookmarks in it.

"Although it has nothing to do with Eva's own story, but as far as the story itself is concerned, it is already very remarkable. Even if it is separated from Eva, it is possible to take it out and form a separate chapter." Hearing the words of the other party, Mori I felt a little relieved, Morinka wouldn't be so nervous about her work, but once her sister was involved, Morinka's heart began to become nervous, for fear that the other party would say something to blow Yukino.

"Of course, as far as the story is concerned, this story would obviously be more interesting if it were followed by eva. Anno had talked to me about derivative works before, and I think your work is very interesting. I think I can give it a try. "

Derivative works are not uncommon in later generations, but people in this era still have some resistance to the so-called derivative works, but the production team of eva is indeed a production team that fell into the eyes of money, in order to make money. They are really unscrupulous.

After saying this, Otsuki Junlun's gaze turned to Xue Nao: "Is this the author of the retake?"

When Otsuki Toshiro said this, the eyes of Anno Hideaki and Sadamoto Yoshiyuki also focused on Yukino.

Yukino didn't have any stage fright. She still smiled at these people, as if they were young ladies: "I can make you like my clumsy work. This is my honor."

"But having said that, your brothers and sisters really look alike..." Sadamoto Yoshiyuki was also a little surprised. He hadn't noticed before, but after entering the coffee shop and sitting down, he found that the brothers and sisters really have exactly the same faces. If it's not for the clothes and hairstyle, it's really hard to find out.

"...Brothers and sisters?" Otsuki Junlun muttered, and then continued, "What do you think of the next plot?"

Although I already knew the general facts from Anno Hideaki, there are some things that Otsuki Toshiro still wants to figure out by himself.

"This is the outline we have made." Morinia was already prepared. So they handed their finished outline directly to the other party.

Otsuki Junlun took the outline, and then began to read it carefully.

As for the outline and script, Morinia is not worried about being stolen. These people are not so stingy, and...forgive them not to dare.

Well, it feels so good to be able to fake it.

Morika glanced at Qianjia next to her. Although she didn't know her relationship with Kadokawa, this identity seemed to work well.

"It's been planned until the ending. This feels good." Da Yue Junlun nodded.

The original story was originally a work of word-of-mouth, and now it is put out after polishing, how could it not work!

Senxia disagrees.

"Although we all know this is a derivative work. But what if readers really regard this story as an official sequel?" Sadamoto Yoshiyuki expressed his concern, "The quality of this story itself is very high, right? I suspect that some readers will have such a misunderstanding..."

"It doesn't matter, this is just convenient for us to speculate." Otsuki Junlun waved his hand. "Take advantage of that time, we can stir up disputes among readers, and then the official will come out and say that we are going to be a follow-up to the real eva. Taking this opportunity, we can still take another investment."

"Yes." Anno Hideaki also nodded, "When I was doing eva, the funds were always insufficient. Taking this opportunity, we might be able to make a complete version, which can fill the regret in my heart."

Fuck, reset eva? Mr. Hideaki Anno, didn't you say that the eva is gone, why are you still here?

No, Hideaki Anno didn't think Eva was a pity, he just saw that through this method, he can still make money.

"Well, I think it can be done by authorizing multiple derivative works, such as creating a new heroine, and then making it into a game, so that she can interact with Shinji. When there are more derivative works, a single Derivative works will not have the status of inverting the original work, and it can speed up the recovery of funds and expand the influence of eva. Isn't it great?"

Although Mori summer thinks this thing is good, if you really do what Anno Hideaki said, the audience will definitely cry!

As the victim of the ruffian, although Senxia has decided that he is stubborn and stubborn, but at least the most basic section c is still needed on his own side. He is pitted by the ruffian back and forth and has to buy it. This pain , It's really not good for outsiders.

In order to take pictures of the vast otaku family, Mori Natsu told her his thoughts.

"Mori-kun's idea is good." Sadamoto Yoshiyuki also felt that Mori's idea was good.

If the rumored or derivative works are too popular, the original works will be reversed. Although there is no such thing in this era, there will be a famous masterpiece later on, that is, "Spirit of Food".

Shi Ling once had an animation called Shi Ling Zero. As a result, this animation hit a Huangquan Jianshan who had not many scenes in the original work. After that, under the influence of fans, the original work had to take this original The hung sister paper took out again.

There are many similar situations. For example, after fate/zero came out, in order to wipe P shares for the old virtual, Mushroom had to modify a lot of original settings, such as the father of cut heir who was able to tear the heroic spirit by hand...cough cough .

But if the number of derivative works is large, this influence will decrease, and it will help people concentrate on the original works. The most important thing is that it is conducive to the great cause of making money.

Morinha's remarks gave the opposing team an idea.

Now that this matter has been said, Qianjia also came over at this time: "Three people, have you considered cooperating with Kadokawa? If Kadokawa is asked to do this book, it will definitely be more for you. Help?"

Sister, are you digging the corner of your house again?

Senxia looked at each other secretly, he didn't know what to say.

"Ann, talk about business for your own family, it's okay, don't you worry about it." Qianjia said, and then gave a thumbs up.

No, you just think it's very convenient and very good! You are definitely digging a wall!

Forcibly using other people's resources to do favors for oneself, and still so thick-skinned, only Qianjia senior sister can do this kind of thing.

But from another angle, Kadokawa is a giant, and it is a good thing to be able to cooperate with them. The three people over there nodded to each other, and seemed to think that this idea was quite good.

Well, everything is fine, anyway, the matter is settled.

Senxia had already shut up.

"Miss Tianhai Yukino." At this moment, Anno Hideaki said again, "I think yours has a very familiar taste. Is this the first time you write a book?"

"The name'Tianhai Xuenai' is the first time to write a book." Xuenai smiled.

"So that's the case, I'm so worried." Hideaki Anno nodded, "But this style of writing is really wonderful, I think readers will like it."

"That's great!" Yukino seemed very happy.

After lunch, the two parties said goodbye. Although today was the time for them to discuss business matters, it was the end of the year after all, and many things could not be discussed. However, Qianjia smoothly negotiated with the other party about publishing.

All this seems to be going smoothly. The next time I meet with them, it is almost time to sign up for publication.

"Now, Senior Sister Qianjia, today is the New Year anyway, don't you plan to go home?" On the way home, Senxia realized an important problem.

"In the New Year, of course, I want to be with the person I want to stay with the most?" Qianjia disagrees.

"Your father will shook his head and sighed.

"No, I think he should be very moved." Qianjia shrugged, "I am more interested in red and white songs than in the New Year."

At the end of the year, Japan also has traditional programs. The Red and White Songs will be half of Japan's "Spring Festival Gala". For example, Mizuki Nana's dream is to be on the stage of the Red and White Songs.

"Well... if you expect..."

Anyway, what's worrying about is your father, do whatever you like...

Senxia mourned for Qian Jia's father in her heart.


I don’t remember how much I owed, so I just press 200.

There are still 199.

Use a monthly pass to stun me! (To be continued.)



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