Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 361: If you dare to take off the blindfold, death penalty~

"Yo Xi, go to the hot springs!"

After eating, Qianjia came back to the room. While turning on the floor heating and air-conditioning next to her, she went to the closet next to her to dig out a few yukatas, and then threw one of them to Morinka and Yukino. ∑, x.

"You go, I have something here." Senxia did not pay attention to the other party, but took the notebook out of her luggage. Compared with the hot spring, Morinka feels that she should be more deeply involved in work now. Procrastination is terrible. Morinha has decided to graduate from procrastination.

Then Morika found that Chika and Yukino seemed to be quiet.

"What's the matter?" He raised his head and found that Qianjia and Yukino were staring at him strangely.

"Brother, don't you think?" Xue Nao looked at Senxia with a weird look.

"Xunai, why do you look at your brother like this?!" Senxia's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that Xuena saw him like this.

"Ordinary elder brother would not do this kind of thing, but I don't know why, I always think that elder brother, your performance is very strange these few days..." After speaking, Yukino glanced at Qianjia next to him from time to time.


Senxia wanted to cry without tears. It was obvious that the senior sister had been digging holes in me. What does this have to do with me!

"Yes, if you are such a healthy man, Mori-natsu-kun would definitely think about it." Senior sister Qianjia also followed behind to help, "Xuno-chan, can't let your brother do such criminal things~"

"Yes, and if only your brother doesn't go to the hot springs, he will be very lonely, right." Yukino looked at Morinka with a worried look, as if her gentle mother was watching her home in her thirties with worry. Like the poor people at home.

"It's okay, you go to the hot springs, I can also go...huh?" However, just after Senxia said this, she realized that Qianjia's eyes seemed very subtle, and then Senxia realized something was wrong. "Wait, isn't there a gender distinction in the bath?"

"What are you talking about, Senxia-kun, this is a private hot spring, of course they are all mixed baths." Qianjia shrugged.


Mixed bathing……?

Morinka and Yukino looked at each other, as if thinking of what had happened.

Senxia's brain was caught in a short circuit.

"Well, that's good!" At this moment, Yukino jumped out, "In order to prevent my brother from peeping, let's go to the hot springs together!"

Yukino was talking. While looking at Morinka with fiery eyes.

"Well, mixed bathing or something, is there really no problem?" Senxia felt the cold sweat falling from her head.

"Of course...Oh, yes, there is that mysterious fat time, let me take it off for you." Qianjia approached, but Senxia took two steps back, "No, really no need!"

I'm afraid after I take it off. Chastity is not guaranteed...

No, chastity is not the key, if Xue Na is not here, this is actually a happy thing to see. But as an older brother, you should lead by example at this time!

Humph, it's not because of fear of being dismembered...

"What are you talking about, the necessary cleaning work is necessary. Brother!" Yukino said righteously.

"Hey..." At this time, Qianjia took out a blindfold from her package, "Sinxia-kun. Let's go to the hot spring together~"


Senxia let out a scream.

The hot spring of Qianyu's house is very exquisitely decorated. The ground outside is covered with exquisite patterns. The hot spring itself is also surrounded by exquisite stones. Although the whole hot spring is not big, it is not too small. The living water gushes from one end and then stays at the other end. The water flow is not great, but the clear sound is refreshing.

There is a faint smell of sulfur in the hot spring, but this is not important, the hot spring itself is very comfortable.


Sitting down in the hot spring, Morinya buried her whole body in the water, leaving only one head outside.

It's cold winter outside, but the water is a warm world. This feeling is really wonderful. When the eyes can't see it, other senses in the body seem to be strengthened.

"Why should I soak in the hot springs like this..." Senxia whispered.

He admits that the hot springs here seem to be beautiful, but he can't see anything now... Isn't this cheating?

"Ah Lala, what are you talking about, Senxia-kun? This is a good way to prevent you from peeping."

In order to prevent me from peeping, he took me to the hot spring together? Do you know that you are playing with fire at all!

Senxia was angry.

If it wasn't for Xuenai's presence here, he might have knocked the two of them down on the spot!

How can it be repaired, you bad guys!

"Wow, it's a wonderful enjoyment."

Qianjia and Xueno also entered the hot spring at this time, and Qianjia made a very comfortable voice.

Senxia listened to the sound of the debate, and moved towards the distance between the two.

"Sinxia-kun, what are you doing so far away?" Qianjia asked strangely.

"It's nothing, I just want to enjoy it." Anyway, I couldn't see anything. Morinka simply closed his eyes to rest up. As an older brother, he had to lead by example and be regarded as a peeping gentleman by Yukino. This was his brother's negligence.

If someone makes Senxia's characters similar or dnd game characters, then Senxia must have this attribute.

Sister Control: When Sister Xue Nao appears in the same scene as Morinia, Farewell +100.

But at this time, Qianjia moved towards Senxia.

"That, senior sister, do you have anything to do." Senxia quickly continued to stay away from Qianjia by two steps, otherwise he was afraid that he really couldn't control it.

"I thought it was weird from the beginning," Qianjia said seriously, "Mori-kun, why do you and Yukino have such good skins? There are no scars at all, and they are so white and tender."

Before Senxia could react, Qianjia's hand suddenly stretched out in front of Senxia, ​​and then pinched him, causing Senxia to exclaim.

"This is probably inherited from our family. Mom's skin is also very good." Yukino also swam over here, and then pulled Morinya away and pulled him to his side. Then he hugged Senxia's right hand tightly and hugged Senxia's back for fear that Qianjia would take away his brother.

"Damn it, Xue Nao, your body is so good, this kind of safe body is what I dream of!" Qianjia let go of Senxia and walked towards Xue Na next to her.

"Senior, you also have a safe body shape. Really, how could your brother create such a weird vocabulary!" Xue Na seemed to be complaining about Morinka.

"But sure enough, it's not as good as yours." Qian Jia sighed.

"No, senior. Your figure is already very good. This figure is simply a standard figure for wearing clothes. If my mother sees it, she will appreciate it very much, right?" Yukino is not a compliment, she said. Only the facts are said.

"Oh, you just need to lose to Xue Nao Jiang, and Mori Xia-kun, he is obviously a boy, but he has a better figure than a girl. Fortunately, he has no chest... Damn it, Xue Nao, what do you eat every day? What is it? Why is it obviously thinner than me. But here is bigger than me!" Qianjia yelled unwillingly, and then rushed towards Xue Nao.

"Wow, senior don't want it!" Yukino also hurried away.

"Questions and answers are useless!" Qianjia didn't let go of Xue Na, "Really. Why are you brothers and sisters fouling like this! It can be said!"

Senxia next to him had already quietly escaped at this time. After getting out of the claws over there, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, there was a sudden change.

"Wow, senior, it won't work there!" Xue Nao's voice was miserable and sad.

"Hahahaha, questions and answers are useless!" Qianjia-senpai seemed to be hungry.

"Wow!" Yukino screamed, "No, it really doesn't work... Not there..."

"Ah la la, cute Xue Nao, so you can't bear it?" Qian Jia was like a big bad wolf, very cruel.

"Um..." Yukino exclaimed, "No, I can't... endure..."

"You don't need to be patient, just call it out, hahaha~" Qianjia showed no mercy.


"Don't tickle me anymore, I can't take it anymore..." Xue Nao was weak.

Qianjia has been tickling Yukino from the very beginning, and there is nowhere to hide in the hot spring. Yukino can be said to have eaten the opponent's "full set of attacks", even if she is a kendo master and Tianhai Zhenliu. , At this time, there is no strength.

There is no way, people are always more or less weak, otherwise the tickling will not have been an enduring prank since ancient times.

"There is no other way, Yukino, your skin is slippery, it's really fun, it makes people want to say it." Qianjia smiled, "Or, do you want to see me attack Senxia?"

"Senior, don't make such a joke!" As soon as Morinka was mentioned, Yukino immediately became serious.

"Hey, what on earth are you guys going to do!" The noise of these two people playing was very loud, and Senxia also wanted to lift the blindfold.

"Sinxia-kun, if you lift the blindfold, death penalty~" Qianjia shouted to Morinia in a sweet voice.

" You all have a bath towel around your body, this can already cover your body!" Senxia yelled unwillingly, but put her hands down.

"Brother, the precautions we have done here are our business. If brother wants to take off the blindfold, it can only show that your mind, brother, is too impure... Death penalty..." Senxia 'S voice was as gentle as ever, but Morinka shuddered.

He drew back into the water angrily. The two of them are really weird. Don't they know that bathing boys and taking them to hot springs together are the most impure things...


The second half of the previous chapter has been rewritten, so let’s take a look again...

The third update today, the third update of debt repayment, and there are 197...

In fact, I am a little bit pitiful for Morinka. As long as there is Xuena, Morinka who can't let go of the morals really doesn't know what to do to overthrow it. Even if I overturn it, I might face the hell-difficult hatchet ending. I really don’t know... …Oh, poor Senxia-kun… (To be continued.)



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