Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 362: Actually this is a very gentleman's prop

When I came out of the hot spring, it was already pitch black outside, with only a few stars dotted in the sky. o, x.

"Huh, so comfortable."

After changing into a yukata and coming out from the inside, Morika felt that she was light and light.

The yukatas in the hot springs are mainly loose and comfortable. They are suitable for both men and women. There is no hindrance even for sports. They are really comfortable. The term "yukata" is just right.

However, Qianjia and Xuenao were still dwindling at this time.

"Oh, it's really slow for girls to change clothes." When she walked to the corridor next to her, Senxia gently opened the window.

The air in the hot spring was warm, and the air outside was cold. Being stimulated by the cold air, Mori Xia suddenly felt that her whole person's spirit seemed to be boosted a lot.

Although bathing in hot springs is a very refreshing thing, it is really uncomfortable to soak in the dark all the time.

But after leaving the bath, I can finally see the light again. This joy is really pleasing.

"But a private hot spring is good, you can do anything..." If Chika and Yukino are playing like this in the hot spring outside, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble to other people, let alone Japan. The whole world will not be popular.

The two people over there wandered for a long time before finally coming out of the locker room.


Then Morinka noticed that the two men were wearing yukatas that were completely different from her own.

The yukatas worn by the two of them seemed to be of silk texture, very close to the body, and the skirts were very short, just like a mini skirt, but they could cover the bottom of the skirt.

Yukino's body is a yukata with a black pattern, and her lower body is black stockings. On the contrary, Senka-senpai wears a white yukata. On his feet is a pair of white stockings.

In fact, Morika feels that the two of them will wear the wrong yukata, because in Morika’s impression, Senka-senpai seems to be more suitable for black silk. If Senka wears black silk and Yukino wears white silk, it feels very reasonable. . However, looking at the clothes of the two people now, it seems that it is not bad. This kind of image that is different from the usual impression gives people a refreshing feeling.

"How about it, I was surprised. Senxia-kun~" Qianjia ran to Senxia triumphantly.

"Well, it's really amazing." What a surprise, Senxia gave the senior sister thirty-two likes.

After seeing the dresses of the two cute girls, Morinya suddenly realized that her previous sacrifices were all worthwhile.

"Hmph, Xue Nao-chan, I'll just say your brother would like it~" Qianjia smiled and grabbed Xue Nao's arm.

There was a slight blush on Yukino's face, and she didn't know if it was because of Morinatsu's expression or because she was a little dizzy while bathing in the hot spring. But even so. She still smiled and said, "Hi, as long as my brother likes it!"

"Now, Senxia-kun, do you want to go to the hot spring outside with us?" Qianjia suddenly offered a strange invitation. She put down Yukino, then moved to Morinka's side

"The hot spring outside?" Senxia was a little inexplicable.

"Hey, if you can go to a female-only hot spring, Mori Xia-kun will be very happy, too." Chika leaned in Mori's ear. Continue to tease him with a soft voice.

"Hey, hey, I'm a boy." Senxia felt that Qianjia's proposal was a bit out of the ordinary, and she passed it like this. He will definitely be regarded as a perverted gentleman...

"What are you afraid of, don't we have the secret weapon of mysterious fat times!" Qianjia disapproved.

"No, your purpose is just to make a fool of me." Well, it's like this.

Qianjia was noncommittal, but just took Yukino and Morika back to the room. As for the cleaning of the bathroom and hot spring, no two people were required to do it. According to Qianjia, by tomorrow morning, someone would come to clean it and leave it there. Any questions.

Yukino was probably really fainted. After making the bed, Qianjia had already taken out the playing cards and was going to play a lap, but Yukino was already lying on the bed and fell asleep. In fact, she seems to have never recovered from the bath.

"It seems that Yukino is really tired." Seeing her sister lying there quietly, Senxia's face showed a gentle smile.

"It's a pity. Originally, I wanted to play any interesting games, but Yukino actually fell asleep." Qianjia looked unsatisfied. Looking at her, it was obvious that she wanted to continue doing some interesting things. .

"Well, this time can be used for work." Senxia took out the notebook again at this time, preparing to start preparing materials.


"Didn’t we come to live together? At this time, I mentioned going to play again. Senior sister, you are too weird!" Mori Xia Jiao looked at Qianjia senior sister, eldest sister, this time, isn’t it because Your proposal and invitation!

"It's strange that you are Senxia-kun. When we discuss gentleman topics on weekdays, don't you always take Senxia-kun seriously, but what happened to you today?" Qianjia rolled his eyes at Senxia.

"Uh..." Senxia was speechless.

Yes, in normal times, as a gentleman, we have not discussed what kind of topic, but when Yukino appeared next to him today, Morika felt a little bit stunned and could not get Senka’s response. Although she didn't know it, she was really awkward.

However, Morinka was also very entangled at this time. Before, she obviously thought this was normal content, but when Yukino appeared, she couldn't say anything...

"Well, after all Xuenao is here, I want to set a good example for Xuenao." Senxia decided to move Xiaozhi with reason and affection to Qianjia senior sister.

"That means you can do it now?" Qianjia smiled and drew closer to Senxia.

"Of course! What do you want to discuss?"

Yukino was asleep now, and Morinya had no doubt about it.

Qianjia nodded: "Why don't we discuss the mysterious fat times."

"This, it's completely a disguise, it's like wearing a pair of safety pants on your body. Although it looks like a girl, it's not really special except for the trouble squatting down to go to the toilet. "Sinxia doesn't seem to have any opinions about the mysterious fat times that Qianjia-senpai expects.

"Eh...Is that so?" Qianjia's face showed a disappointed look, "I originally wanted to see your shameful expression on Mori-kun! Otherwise, I wouldn't let Xueno be a model, damn..."

Fuck, this is what you want to do?

"But it's a pity, senior sister, you are disappointed." Senxia Tan shook his head.

"Then Senxia-kun, what do you think can be improved?" Qianjia asked unwillingly.

"There is no such thing in the real world, but if it is considered as a fantasy work, we can discuss it. For example, we can add some electrodes to this kind of silicone product, and then make this thing as feedback as real skin. "Senxia said.

Qianjia nodded: "I've heard Nini say about this. The idea of ​​this product seems to be originally used as a substitute for gender-disordered people, but it is difficult to wear for a long time, and there is no feeling, Senxia-kun, you are right. Well, if you do this, it seems really good."

"As for the second role..." Senxia's eyes were full of excitement, "This thing can be used as an advanced disguise to bring down the girl!"

"Huh?" Qianjia came to be interested, "tell me more specifically?"

At this time, some works such as the monastery of the saint appeared in Mori's mind, and then some special works of helping her came to mind. Moriha sorted her thoughts and said, "For example, boys can use this as a Disguise, usually pretend to be a girl, and other techniques can’t detect it. Then when it’s critical, you can take the crime tool out of the mysterious fat man..."

"Oh, in this case, even if it is unscrupulously knocked down in the women's bathroom, it will not be discovered by anyone!" Qian Jia learned from the opposite.

"Well, that's right, pretending to be a girl, then getting close to the other person, and finally pushing it down slowly. This is a wonderful route..." Senxia gave the other person a thumbs up.

Then he continued: "More than that, we can extend this setting, for example, set the protagonist to be a prince of subjugation, and then for revenge and restoration, he is determined to sneak into the aristocratic girls’ academy of the enemy country, The girls are pushed down one by one..."

Morinia and Qianjia started a whole story on this topic.

As for why revenge and rejuvenation want to sneak into the girls’ academy, please don’t care about this kind of thing at all. For normal articles, rationality is very important, but for the h-direction, everything is for ergonomics, and together for 18x, set Of course, it's just for the convenience of this kind of plot to start.

"Oh oh, it seems very suitable to be written as the content of a gentleman." Hearing Senxia opened her mouth and told a whole wonderful story, Qianjia's eyes suddenly lit up, "Menxia-kun, would you like to write a story about this plot? ?"

Senxia immediately shook her head: "I don't have the I also hope to finish the script of the Guilty Crown as soon as possible."

Senxia's biggest wish now is not to delay the draft.

"How about making a game?" Qianjia seemed unwilling to do so.

&nbame? Our club does not have so many resources, right? Now that two games are played at the same time, this is already the limit. "Senxia ruthlessly hit Qianjia's illusion.

"Oh, okay." Qianjia finally stopped, she patted Senxia on the shoulder, "Senxia-kun, come on!"


&nbs, the second one is more drastically revised, it could have been changed five times...

I can't carry it anymore, I'm dying, I'll go to bed first, ask for monthly ticket support...

The fourth debt repayment, there are 196 more. (To be continued.)



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