Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 364: prpr

"...Fortunately, I woke up, otherwise you really did something that was impossible, brother just now. ¤, x."

Xue Nao seemed to be finally relieved after preaching.

No, Yukino, the timing of your wakefulness is completely wrong, as long as it is earlier or later, everything will be different...

Senxia sighed in her heart.

Fortunately, the soles of Yukino and Qianjia are very clean. Although they are soles, they are as delicate as palms. The soles of the two feet are stuck on their faces with a layer of black and white silk. Not only is it not uncomfortable, but it feels very wonderful. If it weren't for this reason, Morinya would not be able to endure Xueno's ten minutes of preaching at all.

Seeing Xue Na finally finished speaking, Morinya struggled to get up.

"No, brother, if you don't reflect on it, I won't let you get up." Yukino doesn't seem to think that he can forgive this brother who made a mistake so easily, "And if you have no regrets, Senior Qianjia will be very sad too."

After speaking, Yukino rubbed his foot on Senxia's face for several times before taking his foot away.

But before Senxia could catch her breath, she heard Xue Na tell Qianjia: "Senior, don't take your feet away."

After speaking, Yukino stepped on Senxia's abdomen with one foot.

Senxia's face turned into pig liver in an instant.

"Today is just a small punishment. If you dare to do this kind of thing in the future, you will be sentenced and castrated!"

Yukino didn't change her face and said something terrifying, Morinka felt cold sweat dripping from her body.

Qianjia! You little bitch, you count me!

Although she was stepped on Qianjia's feet, Morika could probably see Qianjia-senpai's tricky smile.

"All in all, starting from today. I will guard my brother’s morality. No one can take away my brother’s morality except me. I will never allow my brother to do terrible things like this to other people in the future. When girls are together, they have to wear mysterious fat times. Only under my supervision can they take them off!" When talking about this, Yukino also glanced at Chika, "In short, I won't let my brother do bad things. Yes, I won’t allow the fishy cat to steal your brother’s morals!"

At this moment, Yukino seemed to be a defender of justice, her body shining with holy and pure brilliance, like an angel descending from the earth!

"..." Qianjia curled her lips, then rubbed her feet back and forth in front of Senxia twice. "But then again, this kind of feeling seems pretty good, it seems quite comfortable to step on Senxia Jun's face."

"Ahhhhhhhh, senior, do you think so too," Yukino showed a smile on his face, "Although it's a bit strange, this feeling is really great."


Senxia struggled for a while.

Hey Hey hey. At this time, shouldn't you let me go before you talk? Why do you still discuss the "feel" at this time!

Senxia was struggling.

"Brother, be honest!" Xue Nao increased his strength.

Although Senxia wanted to resist. But under the threat of becoming a eunuch, he honestly stopped the struggle.

Questions and answers are useless at this time. It is better to wait for Xue Nai to calm down.

"But if you wear a pair of socks on your feet, it really feels a bit strange." Yukino was putting forward her own opinion again.

"No, no, silk stockings are the point!" Qianjia objected, "It is because of wearing silk stockings. The feeling of being separated by a layer of yarn can make us feel the wonderful beauty, not just us. If you wear silk stockings, Senxia-kun will definitely feel this feeling better, right?"

Morinya didn't care what they were saying. But at this moment, the topic of these two people suddenly turned to him. Although Morinya didn't care much, his attention was still attracted by the discussion between the two at this time.

Both Chika and Yukino have their feet on their bodies, and if they are separated by a layer of tulle, there is indeed a very strange feeling, a little dreamy and a little hazy. He seems to understand why so many cartoonists like to draw. A cute girl wearing silk stockings, because this feeling is really wonderful.

"Eh, is that right?" Xueno was a little curious, "I don't even know."

"Well...Speaking of it, I never seem to have had this experience. Although I am in favor of the stockings school, I have not studied which one is better, bare feet or stockings." Qian Jia also fell into thought.

"Why don't you take it off and try stepping on it?" Xue Nao made a suggestion.

"Well, that's not bad!" Qianjia thinks this idea is also quite good.

"Then I will try it first. Senior stepped on my brother, don't let him break free!"

Yukino nodded, then moved away from Senxia, ​​sat next to Senxia, ​​and began to take off Manman's stockings on her left leg.

Don't do experiments on me!

Senxia struggled to say something, but only when his head turned half an angle, Qianjia pressed him again with greater force, and then Senxia heard the other party saying in a voice almost laughing: "Ah la la, we almost made a big mistake Mori Xia-kun, what are you trying to do?"

Not because of you!

Senxia's breathing became heavy, and a burst of heat hit Qianjia's feet, making her face a little red, probably because the soles of her feet were tickling. But even so, Qianjia did not relax the strength of his feet.

But after changing the angle, Morinka happened to see Yukino sitting on the ground. She was slowly taking off the silk stockings on her left leg from her body at this time. The place covered by the black silk fabric seemed to be magical. The same, gradually turned into a white and red color.

Generally speaking, the safe-type figure always makes the thighs look thick, but Yukino’s side is an exception. Her legs are neither thin nor fat, as perfect as a work of art carved by Michelangelo. , While breathing the air blocked by Qianjia's white silk, Senxia stared at his sister. He wanted to clear the misunderstanding at this moment, but the other party didn't even bother Senxia.

After taking off the silk stockings on his left foot, Yukino sneezed.

"It's a bit cold. If I knew it, I would wear it for a while to get fat."

Yukino stood up while talking, then walked to Senxia's side, spread her legs, and stepped on Senxia's face with her foot without stockings.

"Yo Xi, it's my turn." You Xuena relayed, Qianjia put her feet down at this time, and then sat on the ground.

"Xue Nao-- woo woo woo!"

Senxia took advantage of this gap and was originally prepared to explain, but Yukino's speed was very fast, and in an instant he moved his feet and blocked Senxia's mouth.

The soles of Xue Na’s feet are not thick-skinned, they are very delicate, just like the rest of her body, but because of this, she seems to be more ticklish than ordinary people. After stepping on Senxia with bare feet, she immediately Feeling itching, the whole person seems a little unstable.

Senxia clearly felt a few drops of water dripping from above, and he understood in his heart that Yukino had obviously been drenched in cold sweat in order to endure the itchy feeling at this time. This was just a chance to explain...

However, at this moment, Qianjia's feet stepped on again.

"Well, this feeling is really different." Qianjia rubbed her foot on Senxia's face a few times, obviously there was a feeling different from wearing stockings, and she seemed to be surprised at this.

"It seems that there is no way to comment. It's just a layer of stockings, but the feeling of passing it up and taking it off seem to be completely different." Yukino was also surprised, she rubbed Senxia's face with her foot. This feeling is completely different from when wearing silk stockings. Simply put, there is no way to compare.

Senxia naturally felt a different feeling at this time, silk stockings and barefoot, this kind of trade-off is almost like fish and bear's paw, there is no way to make a trade-off.

"Well, it's almost time to let my brother go."

Probably because Morxia, who was struggling with the problem, did not move. Yukino probably thought that Moria was finally back to righteousness, so she relaxed a little, but after she left the Chika-senpai next to her, she didn’t know what she thought of, but suddenly she started again. Stepped on Senxia's body: "No, I still have to let my brother know the importance of ethics, otherwise, my brother might do something extraordinary in the future."

"woo woo woo woo!!"

Senxia wants to cry without tears, Master Xue Nai, wronged qaq

"Senior Qianjia, when do you think you can let go of your brother?" At this time, Yukino chose to consult the "victims".

"Hmm..." Qianjia held his chin in thought.

"Brother, what is your destiny? It depends on whether Senior Qianjia forgive you." Yukino looked at Morinya very seriously.

However, at this moment, a pair of salted pig's hands suddenly stretched out from behind Xue Na, and then pressed on the opponent's waist.

"Wow...!" Xue Nao screamed.

However, the matter was not over yet, at this time, Qianjia began to attack Xue Na.

"Wow, it's dysfunctional, itchy, senior, what are you doing!"

Yukino finally couldn't suppress Taking advantage of this opportunity, Morinka finally escaped from Yukino's feet.

He sat up embarrassedly, only to realize that Qianjia and Xue Nao were tossing together at this time. Xue Nao's face was flushed, apparently tossed by Qian Jia's tickling attack.

"Of course it's a prank, Mori-kun and Yukino-chan, you are all calculated by me, wakakaka~" Qianjia smirked.

Senxia, ​​who was next to him, saw this scene without turning his eyes. No, she was dumbfounded.

Xue Na was suppressed by Qianjia, and Moraka next to him just kept watching.

"Wow, brother, don't you!" Xue Nao was ashamed and angrily, she hurriedly broke free of Qian Jia, kicked Senxia in a roundabout, and then he didn't know anything...


The second one, there are three more, today I am also full of morals owo (to be continued.)



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