Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 365: 2 locations

Jixiangyuan Lihua doesn't like New York. 【..】

This is a bustling metropolis, but it is not a place worthy of her nostalgia.

A little bit lonely, a little bit cold.

This place is like another world. Those prosperous voices are clearly in front of them, but they are like things of another dimension.

It is already night, and the sky at this time has completely dimmed.

"It should be the morning of the second in Japan," Kichijoin thought in his heart.

At this time, New York is only time for dinner, but in Japan on the other side of the earth, the time is now on the morning of January 2nd. New York has just ushered in the sunset, but they are just at sunrise.

New Year is obviously a day to reunite with her family, but Jixiangyuan doesn't like this day, because at such times, she will feel that her only freedom is passing with the wind.

Tonight is a dance party. As a member of Jixiangyuan's family, although Jixiangyuan Lihua is extremely unwilling, she still needs to stand here today.

In fact, today's events are also related to her. Although she has already realized her consciousness, she is still a little unwilling to resist.

There are many people at the reception, including foreigners and Japanese. Kichijoin can speak English, but she doesn't want to communicate with the people here... as long as it is not a rule or something.

"Oh, you are the child of Jixiangyuan." At this moment, a voice rang around her. She turned her head and saw a girl with blond hair and blue eyes smiling at her.

She looks like 13 or 4, wearing a short red cheongsam on her body, and two buns on her head.

However, although she looks like a child, the other person's chest is very conspicuous, and it accompanies her... Well, how do you say it, it's very contrary.

If Senxia saw this foreigner at this time, he would definitely exclaim Tongyan **** or something.

"Hello." Although surprised, Jixiangyuan Lihua greeted the other party politely.

"You seem to be very distressed, do you want to talk to your sister?" She tried her best to make herself look like a big sister.


sister? Is this girl older than herself?

Seems to see the question of Jixiangyuan. She proudly said: "I am 17 years old today. I will always be 17 years old. If you have any questions little sister, just ask me!"

The other party's Japanese is very bad. Listening to her speaking in Japanese also has a funny feeling.

"Sorry, the lady is only fourteen years old this year, please don't mind." But at this moment, a woman in a maid costume appeared next to her.

"Oh... that... hello..."

It turned out that 14-year-old forcibly said that he was 17 years old?

"Really, Elsa. Don't expose me at this time!" The girl pouted, "I wanted to be a confidant sister again!"

My confidant sister?

Jixiangyuan is a bit strange.

"Now, Jixiangyuan Lihua, you seem to be very upset, right?" The girl leaned over to the Jixiangyuan.

"Distress...?" Jixiangyuan hesitated.

Are you worried?

"But, what am I worrying about?" She seemed to be asking each other, but she seemed to be asking herself again.

"Of course it's love, and blind dates without love must be sad, right?" The little girl's eyes shone. It seems to have confirmed this.

"Okay, miss, don't mess around!" Fortunately, the maid next to the girl stopped her, "Sorry, Miss Jixiangyuan, my lady likes to mess around."

She made a complaint to Jixiangyuan, and then took the other person and left here, leaving only one person in Jixiangyuan.

"Love?" Jixiangyuan was stunned, she seemed a little confused.


When the sun fell on the ground on the second day of 1998, Morinka was awake.

I don't know if it is because of the hot spring. That night yesterday, Senxia felt particularly comfortable.

"Um..." It's just that, unlike the mentally refreshing, Senxia felt that her body seemed to have become riddled with holes at this time.

He opened his eyes shakily and stood up. Then I found that the whole room was already in a mess.

What's going on here?

Mori Xia found that there seemed to be some fragments in his memory. He always felt that something terrible had happened in it, but his own mind couldn't remember anything.

"Ahhhhhh, where are Xuena and Chika-senpai?"

Senxia shook her head and stood up with difficulty. Only then did she hear a joke from outside.

"Aha. Brother, you are awake." Seeing Morinya wake up, Yukino smiled at him.

"Where have you been?"

Senxia just woke up, her brain hadn't completely turned around yet.

"I took a shower for a while. I originally planned to go to the hot springs to bubble, but I was a little hungry, so I just took a shower." Qianjia said as she fiddled with some hair.


Senxia struggled to climb up to the computer, and then turned on her Thinkpad.

"Brother, let's take a bath, too. I'm very embarrassed as I look like this." Yukino said as she began to clean up the room.

"Wait a moment, I now feel that I have a steady stream of inspiration, and I want to complete the scripts of Qiqi and Yingmanji..."

Although I don’t know what happened last night, at this time, Senxia has already felt that a certain mysterious power has given him a steady stream of inspiration. This makes Senxia feel that he is well-informed and he has to grasp this wonderful Inspiration, only in this way can I write the bridge of this place.

"Xuno, you don't need to clean up here. The servants will come here later." Qianjia saw that Xuenao was cleaning the bedding, so she stopped her.

"It's okay." Xue Nao smiled, "Just leave it to me to do this kind of thing. This place is clean and clean. When my brother writes, he feels comfortable."

No, Yukino, your brother is obviously in a state of devil right now!

Qianjia glanced at Senxia with a worried gaze. His eyes were dull at this time, and his hands were quickly tapping on the keyboard, as if he had fallen into an indescribable state.

Could it be that I played with fire last night?

Qianjia was secretly worried in her heart.

Originally, she planned to take Morinka and Yukino to the streets this morning. Hakone really is a very nice place.

It was just seeing Senxia's state of severely traumatized mind that Qianjia put off this plan in her heart.

"Ala, senior, you don't have to worry about your brother," Xueno over there saw Qianjia's appearance, so she comforted her, "Brother's words, only half a day's work, you can get back to your state."

"Oh, all right."

Last night...Forget it, in order to avoid further psychological trauma and shadowing to Senxia-kun, what happened yesterday, just ignore the past!

After Senxia devoted all her energy and finished writing the script of this place, it was about ten-thirty in the morning. After finishing all the writing, Senxia finally got a sigh of relief.

"Huh..." I don't know why, when the contents of this part are all finished, Morinia feels alive.

"Why do you feel so uncomfortable?" After the highly tight spirit relaxed, Senxia immediately felt the discomfort on her body. This feeling made Senxia feel uncomfortable at this time.

"Ah, Senxia-kun, have you finished writing?"

Qianjia and Xueno are also working at this time, Qianjia is in the program, and Xueno is writing the back part of eva-retake at this time.

"Forget it, I've been stuck in this place for one night, and now I feel more comfortable after writing." Senxia smiled.

"Just get it done." Qian Jia also nodded.

"This part of the main storyline is almost the same. In the future, I am going to start to fill in the storyline of each branch route." As an excellent game, the text volume does not reach hundreds of thousands or millions, which is not a qualified one at all. The game scripter can write tens of thousands of words a day, which is also due to their game capacity requirements.

Senxia is now working on the script production at full speed. He estimates that the first draft will be completed by the end of January and February. However, to perfect and complete the script for each route, Senxia feels that this will at least It’s not until June or July.

"It's really hard work, Senxia-kun." Qianjia nodded, and then said, "Okay, Senxia-kun, you should take a good bath now. It's almost time to have lunch in a minute."

"Oh." Senxia nodded.

"Chunxiang, take Senxia-kun to the bathroom!" After talking with Senxia, ​​Qianjia yelled outside.

"Hi!" A nice female voice came from outside, and then a young woman in a plain black kimono walked in from outside.

"She is……?"

"She is Haruka Sakagami, and what about the servants" Qianjia asked strangely.

"Didn't you say that all the people here are'Obasan'?!" Senxia couldn't complain. He originally thought that the people working here were all middle-aged, but the ponytailed man appeared in front of him. The sister paper seems to be only seventeen or eighteen years old.

"She is the daughter of Obasan Sakakami. Their family has been the retainer of our Qianyu family for generations. They are also members of our family now. Is there a problem with this?" Qianjia didn't care about it.

"Well, okay." Anyway, it's not something worth complaining about, isn't it just age, "Also, if I take a bath, I'll just go alone, and you don't need to take care of it."

I need to wake up completely now...

Morinya rubbed her own sun x.


The tea house is full, newcomers please add the group owo of the coffee house

Third today! (To be continued.)



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