Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 378: To see the same scenery


cpa300_4(); The temperature in winter is obviously lower than that in summer, but for some reason, the sun in winter seems to be brighter than in summer, probably because the surrounding temperature is too low, so it is an illusion.

There are mountains and forests everywhere in Hakone. The specialty here is the hot springs. It is really a wonderful thing to enjoy this wonderful temperature in the hot springs in the mountains. At the same time, you can also enjoy the beauty of the forest. Except for Japan with hot spring culture, it is rare to see this kind of sight in other places.

Qianjia and Senxia chose a mountain road for pedestrians only.

Although this road is paved with slate, it is covered with traces of moss, and it seems that no one has walked it for a long time.

The air is somewhat dry.

"We can already see Lake Ashinoko just now, right?" Senxia looked at Qianjia.

After getting out of the car, Qian Jia stared at the road, she seemed a little lost.

"That doesn't count, what we want to see now is the whole picture of Lake Ashinoko-go up the mountain!"

She turned her head and smiled lightly at Senxia.

The car that brought them over has already drove away. At this time, only Senxia and Qianjia were standing in this place.

There is yellow dirt under the feet, and the branches of the deciduous trees nearby have withered. This place is like an uninhabited wasteland.

No one, apart from the path in front of him, there is not even a trace of one.

"You wait a minute."

Qianjia turned around, went to the back of Senxia, ​​opened his backpack, and took out two rice **** from inside. One of them was thrown to Senxia, ​​while the other was nestled in her hands and continued on the path. .

"Don't you eat first and then go up the mountain?" Senxia quickly followed Qianjia's footsteps.

"It's faster." She stopped, then half-turned her head. "And, I wanted to try it a long time ago. With a piece of bread in my mouth, I met that person at the crossroads of fate."

After saying this, Qian Jia turned around and fixed his steps.

"Strange metaphor." Senxia shook her head. "I just said it's not good for your health."

He followed behind the opponent, and then bit the rice ball in his hand.

Well, it tastes good.

The path is so long that you can't see the end at a glance. I can only vaguely see this mountain road extending to the depths of the forest, going forward and up.

The two of them didn't speak, so they faced the morning sun and went straight ahead.

The mountain is getting higher and higher, through the woods, Senxia can vaguely see the outside scene, and the lake in the distance is rippling, but it is a pity that Senxia and the others can't get a glimpse of it in this mountain road.

Gradually. Morinya also felt like she was a little tired.

He looked up at Qianjia who had been walking in front of her. Her breathing was rapid, and she seemed to be more exhausted than Senxia. She had already taken off her original coat and held it in her hand, but even so, she still refused to stop.

Senxia walked behind Qianjia, his sight was right at Qianjia's calf and leather shoes.

"Now, senior sister, you just came out to climb the mountain in high heels like this, is there no problem?" The other party's leather shoes were covered with a thin layer of gray. It's not as beautiful and beautiful as before.

"Well, I'm used to it." She replied softly.

"--But in this case, won't your feet hurt?" Senxia asked worriedly.

"It's a bit, but it's not annoying. It's my own choice." She turned her head, facing the sun, sliding her fingers from the corners of her eyes to her chin, and a little sweat was wiped off her face with her fingers.

She paused like this, then turned around and continued to walk forward. The pace is firm.

Senxia took out her mobile phone to check the time. They had been walking for more than two hours. It was past 11 o'clock when they arrived here at 8 o'clock and then started up the mountain.

Just when Senxia wanted to greet Qianjia-senpai to take a break, a burst of warm sunlight had penetrated the woods and poured on them.

Before they knew it, they had walked out of this small road. This was the top of a mountain, but the nearby mountains were connected to the mountains, and this was not the tallest one.

"Huh—it's finally here."

Qian Jia let out a sigh of admiration, then walked quickly to the edge of the cliff.

Today's weather is exceptionally good. Looking at the past from the edge of the cliff, you can see the sights in the distance.

Lake Ashinoko is sparkling in winter.

The surface of the lake is beautiful, and when viewed from a distance, the scenery is almost like a painting.

Although the mountain is not high, you can already see the panoramic view of Lake Ashinoko in this place.

"It's a pity that some places are covered by mountains. Although the distance is enough, you can't see the entire Lake Ashinoko." Senxia shook his head with some regret.

"No, that's enough. It's enough to be able to see all this here."

Qianjia smiled.

Although it is deep in the mountains, this place is also surrounded by guardrails, and there is a warning sign beside it. Compared with that mountain road, this place is more popular.

"Drink something, it's almost time for lunch."

Senxia put a tablecloth on it, then sat on it, then took off the backpack, and took out the bento box that Qianjia had prepared from it.

Lunch consists of dried plum rice, red octopus sausage, and two poached eggs. The color is very simple.

"Na-Senxia." Qianjia didn't sit here immediately, but stood in front of the fence, looking into the distance.

Then she looked back.

A gust of wind blew, her hair moved with the wind, and her skirt flew gently.

Like a water surface blown by the wind, a wave of ripples waved from Qianjia towards the outside, penetrating Senxia's body.

The girl in the wind, she is so dreamy.

"It's beautiful," Morinya murmured.

"Now, Morinya." She said again, "If in 2000, will there really be a third shock?"

"Hmm...probably not." Looking at the lake in the distance, Senxia fell into silence for a while.

Although I know that I won't, but in my heart, I still look forward to a change. I look forward to a day when I will usher in a brand new day and a different day.

Morinia knows his heart, and he also understands that Qianjia has the same thoughts as himself.

"I want to go to a new place, I want to see a different scenery." Qianjia said the words that Senxia wanted to shout from deep in her heart.

"Well, I will accompany you down." Then Senxia said this to Qianjia without hesitation.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Yeah."

After lunch, the temperature seemed to be higher, and even Senxia took off his coat.

"Qianjia, should we go back?" He realized that it was late.

However, Qianjia did not immediately respond to Senxia. On the contrary, she looked at the mountain on the other side at this time: "Now, Senxia-kun, I want to see the end of the road."

"Where is it over there?" Senxia asked worriedly.

Qian Jia shook his head: "I don't know, but it should be possible to go down the mountain, let's go this way!"

Senxia didn't answer the other party immediately. He opened the map prepared in his backpack, and after confirming the route, he nodded: "But if there is no road or if there is a special situation, we must return immediately."

"Don't worry, there is no problem!" Qian Jia also stood up immediately, and she continued to walk ahead with full energy.

On the other side of the mountain, there is also a way down the mountain, but this side seems to go farther into the mountains. Senxia is not worried, because the mountain side is the road. Although the road here is more rugged, it is always possible to go down the mountain. of.

In case they are in danger, they can still contact for help via their mobile phones, but this should be an unlikely thing. Unlike the Celestial Kingdom, this place in Japan does not have the so-called “deep mountains and old forests”. difficult.

I don't know if it was because of lunch, Morinia felt like she was more energetic.

Senxia didn't watch the time, and Qian Jia didn't watch the time either. The two of them just walked on the mountain path, except for the woods and dead grass outside.

Gradually, the original stone road has disappeared, and the one in front of Senxia and before has become a dirt road.

"This is another world." Qianjia murmured.

"If I can, I would like to see a real different world, to be able to see different people and things." Senxia, ​​who was following her, handed her a bottle of water.

Qianjia took the water from Senxia's hand and took a sip.

"It seems a bit cold." Before he knew it, Senxia found that the surrounding sunlight seemed to have disappeared. At first he thought it was covered by the mountains, but when Senxia raised his head, he found that the sky was already covered with clouds. .

"Ah, it's going to rain." Qianjia also looked at the sky.

"Crap! We haven't even reached half the distance now!" Senxia took out the map and estimated it, and he found that the current distance seemed to be a little worse.

"Put the clothes on first!" Moriha returned the coat she had taken off to Qianjia. After putting on the coat, she took the other's hand and said, "Go, we should go back."

"It's a pity, I thought the front should be a better viewing point." Qian Jia sighed, but did not oppose Senxia, ​​but followed him back to the original road.

"Rumble--" There was a thunderous thunder in the sky.

Shanyu is about to Senxia is getting more and more anxious, and he drags Qianjia through the mountains and forests quickly.

The sky gradually dimmed.

Gradually, the scene in the distance has become blurred, but Morinia and Qianjia still have not returned to the top of the previous mountain.

"Tick, tick."

Raindrops fell on the treetops.

"Tick, tick."

Raindrops fell on Senxia and Qianjia's body.

The first rain in 1998 that Morinka experienced fell on the sixth day of the new year.


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