Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 379: Rain in the mountains

The rain drops on the eaves and on the ground.


The two people who rushed into the hut were panting.

"I remember when we came, we didn't seem to see such a room?" Senxia asked, panting.

"It's definitely not, and we only walked for half an hour after going down the mountain, but we walked back for an hour!" Qianjia's voice was filled with resentment and blame.

To put it simply, when walking back, Senxia found that she took Qianjia... and went the wrong way.

The gloomy sky and heavy rain made the two panic and they walked on this divergent road in a hurry.

Fortunately, when the two had been in the rain for an hour and were completely wet, they found a small house.

After finally running into the hut, they found that the door here was not locked, so they opened the door and walked in immediately.

With a little glimmer outside the house, Morinka took a look at the scene inside.

The things in the room are very simple, only a small bed made of wooden boards, a stove and a few cabinets, other than that, there seems to be nothing.

"This seems to be a hunter's cabin." He speculated.

There are special hunters in Japan. Morinatsu suspects that this is one of their houses, but he does not rule out that it may be an abandoned residence or a club's stronghold.

There were no signs of people in the house, but it looked quite clean.

"Anyway, I'm finally saved." Qian Jia also let out a long sigh, "Speaking of which, if we are still on the right path, we must continue to get caught in the rain. It seems that it would be nice to stay here like this. ."

Although Senxia was a little annoyed that she had walked to a fork in the road, as Qianjia said, it was precisely because they were on the wrong road that they found this cabin. I heard Qianjia's emotion. Morinatsu really didn't know whether she should cry or laugh.

"All in all, take off your coat first, it's completely drenched." The wet clothes stuck to the body, very uncomfortable. And it's winter. If you wear such clothes, it's even colder than taking them off.

Morika put the backpack on the ground and then took off her clothes.

He took out everything in the backpack, luckily. Although their clothes are soaked, the backpack itself is waterproof, so everything inside is still dry.

Senxia turned on the flashlight, and there was a ray of light in the originally dark room.

He turned on the flashlight and looked around again, and he immediately found some dry firewood **** in the corner of the room, which must be fuel for the stove.

Senxia walked over, then put the firewood into the stove, and then took some firelighters and put it in the stove.

The orange light filled the room, and this warm light made the cold people quiet down immediately.

Morinka put the previously used tablecloth on the ground. Then he took off his coat and hung it on the shelf next to the stove. The clothes inside him were soaked and only cold.

After doing all this, Senxia looked at Qianjia-senpai. Although she took off her coat, she was still shivering now, obviously facing the same situation as Senxia. Morika immediately waved her hand and said to her: "Senior sister, take off your coat together."

"Hmm..." Qianjia walked over, then took off the black sweater. Although the rain in winter is not as exaggerated as summer. But after all, after staying in the rain for an hour, both of them were already drenched inside and out.

After taking off the clothes outside, Qianjia turned around and took off the miniskirts together, letting Morika help to hang them on the shelf next to her.

Then she took off the pantyhose she was wearing outside. Another black stocking inside was exposed.

Qianjia really wore two stockings, but the one inside was translucent. Through the fire, Morija could see the condition inside. Obviously it couldn’t keep warm, but the advantage of this kind of thin stockings is that it dries quickly. . This is a good thing. Although there is a stove for heating, it is always better to have an extra piece of clothing on your body.

"...Can you turn your back?" Only Qianjia stopped, and she just looked at Morinka who had been watching herself.

"Um... I'm sorry!" Hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia realized how rude it is to stare at each other so consistently.

"Huh... I'm saved, even the inside is soaked, it's really uncomfortable." Qianjia sighed for a long time, and then she said to Senxia, ​​"Hey, Senxia-kun, your clothes are also inside. Take it off, it will catch a cold."

"Does it matter?" Senxia hesitated.

"Well, we sat with back to back." Qianjia took off the hair tie and the hair tie together as she said, letting the ponytail that had been tied back to the back of her head, she then sat down and held her legs like this , Side facing the stove.

Senxia hesitated for only a moment, and then immediately nodded: "Okay."

After taking off their clothes, the two of them sat back to back like this.

The back and the back touched together, and the temperature of the two was transmitted to each other.

"Um..." They exclaimed at the same time, and then fell into silence together.

The scene seemed a bit embarrassing, only the sound of rain beating and the crackling of firewood in the stove.

"...This rain seems to be unstoppable for a while." Senxia quietly listened to the sound of rain outside. The rain did not decrease. On the contrary, the ticking sound became louder and louder. Senxia thought it would be a torrential rain, but did not expect the rain to be so heavy.

"Yeah." Qianjia's voice was very small, she just responded softly, and then she seemed to think of a very serious problem, "Now, Senxiajun, do you remember where we came from? "


Senxia was stunned. He really didn't care about this. When they came here, they were already a little panicked. As for what was on the road, where did he remember so much?

In other words, Morinia and Chika seem to be lost.

"I look at the map!"

Senxia immediately took out the map, and then when he opened the map, he found something even worse. On his own map, there was only one main road, and there was no information about the house on it. .

It didn't seem like they were lost, but they were really lost.

"By the way, cellphone, maybe we can— uh." Senxia suddenly thought that he still had a cellphone. He originally thought that at this time, he should be able to call out and tell Xueno and the others about it, but when Senxia When he picked up the phone, he discovered that the word "outside the circle" was displayed on the phone.

"In other words, we are now in the deep mountains and old forest, and then the mobile phone can't get through, the map can't be seen, so we are-completely lost?" Qian Jia sighed.

"Well, it's almost like that. But it doesn't matter. As long as you keep going on the road here, there will always be an exit, right?" Senxia found out that there are still exits in the forest area here. Avenue, follow the road, and you can be saved...probably.

"But wait until the rain stops." Qianjia moved her body slightly, her hair gently rubbing Senxia's shoulders and neck.

"But," she said again, "on such a rainy night, trapped in a small wooden house deep in the mountains, isn't this a very royal script unfolding?"

"That said, it's a very classic clip." Senxia couldn't help but laugh out loud. Thinking of this, she really made fun of suffering.

"Usually boys and girls are sure of their significant other at this time, right." Qianjia was teasing, but her voice seemed to tremble because of the cold.

"It seems to be so." Morinya sighed, "It's just that I never thought that this classic plot would actually appear in the real world."

"Well, isn't this great..." Qianjia seemed to turn around and put her hand on Senxia's back, "This posture is very uncomfortable, let's lie down."

"...Qianjia, if you say this at this time, it will make people look forward to the unfolding of the royal roads." Senxia felt that her breathing became rapid.

"Stay on your side, then lie down."

Under Qianjia's initiative, the two of them lay on the ground. Fortunately, the ground was made of wood and the picnic tablecloth was large enough. They felt very warm when lying on the ground.


I didn't know how long they lay down, and their stomachs made a gurgling sound. Looking out the window, the sky had completely dimmed.

"Fortunately, I prepared dinner...Senior sister, the clothes inside should be almost dry, it's better to change it first, otherwise, if you just fall asleep like this, you will catch a cold." Senxia reminded Qianjia.

"Yeah." Qianjia replied in a daze, and then fumbled around, "Strange, where's my hairband?"

"Hairband?" Senxia almost turned around, but fortunately he restrained himself in time, and then he quickly picked up his own.

"Well, forget it, anyway, there are alternatives." After Qian Jia finished speaking, she picked up herself and the stockings.

" can turn around now."

Senxia turned her head when she heard Qianjia's words. At this time, the senior sister had put on her stockings and bra, and the hair on her head was **** again.

Although there are not many clothes, it is always slightly warmer.

But this headband doesn't seem to have a red lace border before?

Well, you don't need to care about such trivial things, Morinia turned around again, and then took out their dinner from the backpack: "First eat something to replenish your energy."

"Fortunately, I have the foresight, and I even prepared dinner." Qian Jia also smiled and picked up the lunch box and chopsticks.

"I started!" ×2.


The second is more get, today's festival operation.

Ask for tickets, ask for subscription! (To be continued.)

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