Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 380: Self-sufficient

"Hmph, this is how you left me!"

Yukino akimbo, staring at Chika and Morika who were lying on the bed. [Read the latest chapters..]

Yesterday's rain fell all night, and it didn't gradually stop until the next morning. For Senxia and the others, it was even worse, after they wandered around the mountain for a day before finding their way down.

Although there is food preparation, there is only one day.

On the second day, Senxia and Qianjia, it can be said that they have been walking in the cold mountain road for a whole day under the severe cold and hunger, and they finally walked out of the mountain.

This result is of course self-evident. After being caught in the rain on the mountain in the deep winter, and then eating nothing, Qianjia and Senxia both fell.

Senxia's condition is fine, but Qianjia has a fever at this time. Fortunately, there is the personal doctor of Qianjia's father in the mansion, so the condition quickly stabilized, but this must be a few days in bed. .

"Senxia-kun, my head is so dizzy." Qianjia who was lying on the bed let out a sigh.

This is the diagnosis and treatment room of the mansion. God knows why there is such a place here, and the equipment here seems to be very new, and it seems to be used often.

And at this moment, Morinka and Qianjia rushed on the two hospital beds here.

"Just bear with me, I'll rub it for you later..." Senxia didn't have a fever, but the physical strength was too much, and the whole person was choking.

"Big brother, lie down!" Yukino pouted and pressed Morika. After stopping Morika, who was also unconscious, Yukino shook her head, and then reached Qianjia's bedside and massaged her.

"Xuno-chan, you are such a good person..." Qian Jia smiled at Xue Nai, but by looking at her eyes, Qian Jia was still confused at this time.

"Hey." Xue Nao sighed and shook her head. She originally wanted to teach the two guys who had left her privately, but seeing that they had become like this, Xue Nao was really cruel.

"All in all. You guys will take a good rest tonight. It's really self-sufficient."

Even so, Yukino did not leave the room, but stayed by the two of them.

The weather in the sky is very repetitive. It wasn't until noon on the third day that the sun reappeared from behind the clouds.


By the time Senxia slept all day and got up from the hospital bed, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon on January 8.

Qianjia's fever has gone down at this time, and she is resting quietly in the hospital bed. Xue Nai was lying on the head of Senxia's bed, and she was also asleep.

Sunlight poured into the house from outside the window, hitting on Senxia's bedding, making the whole bed more warm.


As if feeling Senxia's movements, Yukino also woke up. After noticing that Senxia got up, she immediately leaned over: "Brother, you finally woke up!"

"Eh eh..."

Senxia did not react, although it was a good thing to be so related to her sister. but……

"Xuno, why do you wear a maid costume?"

Um, yes, Yukino is wearing a maid outfit at this time, and different from the traditional maid outfit, it is closer to the maid outfit in the white bear cafe. The whole dress is very slim and fit, and the beauty of the body is completely covered by the whole outfit. Reflected vividly.

Yukino smiled, then stood up and turned around in front of Morinya. Then he smiled at Mori and said: "This is to restore my brother's vitality. The maids here say that this trick is very useful for Mr. Chiba. In addition to this dress, there are also witch costumes, A sailor suit or even a swimsuit. If my brother needs it, I can lend it to my brother~"

"Uh...then there is no need." Senxia stopped Yukino rationally.

"But it's really weird to say." Xue Nao tilted her head. "The maid here seems to be very clingy to Mr. Qianyu. If it is seen by Qianjia's mother, wouldn't it be bad?"

"...My mother has passed away, so my dad's troubles. I won't take care of it." Qian Jia also woke up at this time, but obviously, she was still pale at the moment.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it." Xue Nai quickly replied.

"No, it's okay, it's already a thing of the past." Qianjia waved his hand.

However, the speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. After hearing the words of the two of them, Senxia next to him suddenly flashed some clues that she had seen before. Now think about it...

"Sure enough, gentleman!" He sighed slightly with an enviable taste.

Really deserves to be Qianjia's father, who can actually enjoy it so much.

"Well." Xue Nao sat back in front of Senxia again, "but today you are sick like this, and you have been taught a lesson. If this is the case, see if you dare to throw me down again!"

This sentence is full of gloating for the two.

"That, Qianjia-senpai, didn't you talk to Yukino before...?" Morinya noticed this.

"If you are talking about this note!" Yukino threw a note in front of Senxia with resentment.

"Ah... the day before yesterday, I'm sorry, I seem to have almost forgotten it, sorry, I am having a fever now, and I can't remember too complicated things." Qianjia's eyes curled against the ceiling and refused to look at the two people. .

"Your brother, I'll borrow one day~——by a kind person."

This is what it says on the note.

"Uh..." Morinka looked at Qianjia, but the latter was whistling at this time, ignoring Morinka and Yukino here.

"All in all, brother, take a good rest today, and school will start next week. You can't make the illness worse at this time!" Yukino said while helping Moriha to cover the quilt, and then she stood up again, "I will give Brother pour a cup of hot water, wait a moment."

Only when Xuenai got up and left, Qianjia turned around.

"Senior sister, you seem to have gone too far!" Senxia rebuked.

"Sorry, sorry, haven't I already been punished?" Qianjia chuckled at Senxia.

Senxia originally planned to ask the teacher for the crime, but don't know why, after seeing Qianjia-senpai's smiling face, he found that he didn't have the strength to fire at the other party without it.

"Well, let's not take this as an example." Senxia sighed.

"Yeah~" Qianjia looked at Morinya, then just secretly laughed like this.

Senxia felt very strange when he heard his smile: "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing." Although Qianjia said that, Qianjia was still smiling, and seemed very happy.

"..." Senxia shook her head, Qianjia-senpai is so weird sometimes, she always talks to herself, always ignores others. But how to put it, her point is not annoying unexpectedly.

"Sorry." Finally, Qianjia narrowed her smile and looked at Senxia with a serious expression.

"Uh, it's okay." Senxia felt a little uncomfortable when he was solemnly apologized by the other party.

"Because of my relationship, Senxia-kun's manuscript is about to be delayed. Please be sure to keep up with it afterwards. After all, the demo version will be released in Xia, if the time is not up to date, it will be bad."

"This is what you are talking about!" Senxia rolled her eyes anger.

"Well," Qian Jia took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled the mouth. After taking a deep breath, she supported her body and sat up, "Speaking a little bit, people really become energetic. "

"Think about it carefully, we are really too reckless this time." Morinya was reviewing, "At the beginning, Qianjia-senpai, you specially pulled down Xuena and let alone. We didn't make enough preparations later. I didn’t have a thorough understanding of the terrain, and I didn’t bring enough things. I didn’t think of any measures to deal with it after the slightest distress...By the way, senpai, if you were wearing the clothes from the beginning, you might not catch a cold."

Qianjia was wearing jeans and a sports long shirt at the beginning, which not only kept warm, but also had better water resistance, at least not getting wet inside and out.

"That's a must. If I foresee what will happen later, I will definitely put on better-looking clothes!" Qianjia said this, and turned her head willfully, making Senxia angry again. It's funny.

"But Senxia-kun, I will remember your warning, my head is still sad." Qianjia said dullly.

"Brother, this is hot water and porridge. You haven't eaten for a day. Drink some porridge to replenish your strength."

At this moment, Xue Nao smiled and brought a plate with two bowls of hot porridge and two cups of hot water on it.

"Senior, this is yours." Xue Na put one of them on the head of Qianjia's bed, then picked up the one for Senxia and sat on the head of Senxia's bed. She picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoon of hot porridge, put it in her mouth and blew it, and then took a bite. After she found it suitable, she stretched it out in front of Senxia, ​​"Brother, ah-- "

Morinia originally thought that Xue Na would pass the porridge directly to herself, but she didn't expect that she would come.

"Let me do it myself." Senxia said awkwardly.

"No, my brother is sick now, what if he accidentally knocks over if he eats himself?" Xue Nao pouted.

"Xue Naijiang, I am more ill than your brother!" Qian Jia turned his head again.

" turned her head and gave Qianjia a warm smile,"Please wait a moment, Senior has just woken up. At this time, I can rest for a while. After I feed my brother, I will take turns. It's senior! "

"In that case, the porridge is cold!" Qianjia protested.

"It's okay, the porridge is a bit hot now. It will take about half an hour after I feed my brother, and the porridge will definitely be ready to drink by then." A sunny smile appeared on Xue Nao's face.

No, in half an hour, the porridge is already cold...

Senxia looked at Yukino and then at Qianjia. He felt so stressed now...


The new fan is out, I don't know why, but I really want to give people a spoiler feeling.

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