Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 387: This is left by father and mother?

The theme of the rpg version of the guilty crown became tall without knowing it. Old Xu Bugui is an s-level scripter, and the whole story is turned into a work of art in minutes. 【Full text reading...】

But the side effect of this is that Senxia can no longer find Lao Xu to help complete the script on the game side. In other words, Senxia can still only do it alone.

After discussing with Lao Xu, Morinia's work was put down. By next week, the office supplies and other things of the club will be moved back to their real office from this temporary office. It is on the right track.

But after Senxia came home, the house had to be cleaned up first.

Originally, according to Japanese custom, this kind of cleanup was done before the New Year, but at that time Morinatsu and the others did not have that mind. This time they went out for a week, and the family did accumulate a lot of dust. When Qianjia came over, They just cleaned the room briefly, but today, it's going to be true.

"Senior, you should go back and rest first, just leave it to me to do it." When Morika returned home, she saw Yukino and Chika standing next to her.

Yukino was wearing a black tight shorts and a tight T-shirt inside, and an apron outside. Her hair was combed into a ponytail and tied behind her head. She also wrapped a white headscarf. The appearance of the field.

Qianjia-senpai now wears Morika’s big sweater. This sweater is so long and big that it can almost be worn as a dress, while her lower body is a black stockings. Compared to the coolly dressed Yukino, Qianjia was converging much at this time. Qianjia's expression at this time was much better than yesterday, but Yukino obviously didn't want Qianjia to do this kind of physical work now.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and it was very warm. Morinka, who had just arrived home, sat on the sofa while watching the two talking.

"It's nothing. As a member of the family, I have to do the cleaning. That's a normal thing." Qianjia smiled, her face still pale, but she was more energetic, "Please leave it to me to do it. That's it!"

Yukino seemed very happy originally. But after hearing "a member of the family", she seemed to start to feel uncomfortable.

"Ala, no need, even if this kind of work must be done, it's my brother to complete it—brother!"

Yukino turned to Morika who was watching the excitement next to her.

"Huh? What?" Senxia was a little inexplicable.

"What's the matter?" Xue Nao pursed her lips, "Today is a general cleaning, brother, do you want to escape your responsibility?!"

"Ha... how could it happen?" Senxia smiled wryly, "I just came back from our club."

"But it's not the reason for my brother to be lazy." Yukino pouted and looked at Morinya with her arms akimbo.

"Well, I should start working, too." Morinya shrugged, then stood up, "I'm just taking a break, cleaning things like this, I won't let you do it alone. Yes."

"Yeah. Yeah." Xueno nodded in satisfaction when he heard Senxia's answer.

"Ha~" Qianjia yawned at this time, and she seemed a little tired, "Well, since I have Senxiajun to help, there is nothing for me."

Although she knows that Qianjia needs to rest now, Morinya still couldn't help but want to complain about what she said: "What is it? Since I have my help, I don't have to participate. This is not a reason!"

"Well, Senxia-kun. Just work harder and help me finish my work!"

After Qianjia finished speaking, she already walked upstairs, and Senxia looked at Qianjia who was leaving. Can only helplessly shook his head.

"Yo Xi, leave the kitchen to me, brother, go to the living room to clean it now." Xue Na was full of vitality at this time.

After taking off his coat, Morinka also put on an apron, sleeves and a mask, and then began to clean the living room.

Although there are only Chika and Yukino on Morinka's side, there are still a lot of things in the living room. At this time, Senxia hit a pot of water and started a big cleanup.

The first thing to clean up is of course the cabinets and accessories. Take out the useful and useless things first, then try to wipe them clean, and then put the things back and re-arrange them.

The living room of Morinka’s house is actually seldom used, so there is a lot of dust everywhere. After Sister Qianjia came here, it became a little popular, but also because of Sister Qianjia, it has also become better than before. More messy.

Although it's messy, Morinka doesn't hate it, because the room has become more popular, and this feeling is indeed a long absence.

Even, sometimes Morinka thinks, if Qianjia has been living with herself and Yukino...

"Um..." Senxia shook her head hard, "God, what am I thinking about, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible!"

Even so, Morinka had a little fantasy of such a scene in her heart.

But this is impossible. Don’t look at Morinia’s detached house. Qianjia lives in an apartment, but the floor plan and interior decoration of the apartment can be said to be super high-end. The price of that apartment is compared to Musashino is a lot more expensive here. Although these two places are not in the central city, they are rich in people. This side was a suburb a few decades ago... Well, it is actually now.

After cleaning this side, Morinya wiped his sweat, and then set his eyes on the TV. The biggest electrical appliance in the living room is a TV set in a conspicuous position, produced by Sony, a large 24-inch color TV...

"I don't know when there will be oled TV..." Senxia whispered in her mind, wiping the dust on the TV.

The future TVs will be fifty or sixty inches. After getting used to large color TVs, Morinia is really uncomfortable with this kind of small color TV. Even after so many years, Morinia still feels uneasy.

The advantage of this kind of big TV is probably only the transparent color, and then the dynamic effect is good. When you encounter the plasma in the future, you can still say "I am not satisfied", but after meeting the oled, it almost completely becomes the tears of the times.

What, you said y Jing? This is just a malformed product caused by cost and compromise. It is actually an evil way to use it on TV, really.

"Well, wait for the development of technology, I don't understand this thing very well." After muttering a few words in silence, Senxia's eyes moved to the TV cabinet under the TV, where a lot of Senxia's collection of animation DVDs were placed. And video tapes.

Although some gentleman's items are not placed here, most of them are still collected by Senxia.

"But it's messy inside, it's time to sort it out."

Senxia thought for a while, then took out all the treasures in the TV cabinet and cleaned it carefully.

"Well, something is wrong." However, when Morinka took out all the collections, he found that something was not quite right. It was because of putting things out before. After all the things were taken out, the space inside the TV cabinet It seems... small?

This TV cabinet is quite large, but now that the space seems to be only half of it, he curiously fumbled for a while with his hands, and then pressed everywhere, then he heard a "click" coming from inside. the sound of.

"So there are springs here."

The wooden board inside the TV turned out to be just the door of a small hidden cabinet inside. Moriha curiously opened it and found a box of black video tapes inside.

It just so happened that at this time Yukino came to the living room to pick up things, Morinka immediately stopped her, then took out a video tape, and asked strangely: "What are these video tapes?"

"Oh, those are commemorative videos of Mom and Dad." Xue Nao replied, turning her head.

"Hey, there is such a thing, Yukino, we?" After all, it is a memory left by my parents, so I should always have a look.

"Those are all broken." Without looking back, Yukino took the things and headed towards the kitchen.


Senxia tilted his head, then he took out a disc from it, then turned on the video recorder next to it, and put the video tape in.

There are images of my father and mother in the screen, but depending on the quality of the image, this is probably something many years ago.

There is no sound in the picture, only a faint noise. Could it be that Xuenai's words are broken, is it the sound?

The image of the old man appeared in the picture. He was holding a kimono in his hand and seemed to be talking to the person on the screen. The person who was recording the video should be his mother.

Although it was vague, Senxia tried to look inside, but still found that the picture was a bit vague.

"It's probably in a place like a studio." The place in the picture seems to be like a studio. Morinka also remembers that my mother does have her own studio, but the picture recognition is very low. It is hard to see the contents inside, and Senxia can only vaguely see that there are some black objects on the right side of the old man who do not know whether it is leather or the like.

The old man in the picture put down his kimono at this time, then took out a bunch of rope and put it on it, as if he was chatting with his mother. After they had spoken for a while...then it was gone.

The whole picture becomes a black screen at this time.

"It seems really unusable." Morinya shook her head. There is still a lot of work and there is no attempt to roll by roll in international time.

He took out the video tape, put it back in place, and continued to clean. These things are memories left by his parents. Even if you can't see it, it's good to stay here as a memento.

"Ding Dong—Ding Dong—"

At this moment, a doorbell suddenly rang outside the door.

"Hi--" Senxia immediately greeted and stood up, then stood up, he walked quickly to the door, and then opened the door.

Then Senxia was stunned.



Overturned? You are still too young. Believe it or not, if I wrote down in the article, I can get a 404 the next day?

Make up your own brain, maybe something happened, maybe not... (To be continued.)



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