Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 388: I have sold the house, I will live here from today

When she saw the people standing outside the door, Morinya was shocked.

This is... a moving company?

what's going on?

"Ala, you are already here." However, Senxia hasn't spoken yet. Senior Sister Qianjia has already walked over at this time, but she has changed her daily clothes at this moment.

"Senior Sister, what's going on?" Senxia turned her head, then looked at Senior Sister Qianjia.

"What about the things over there, Senxia-kun, let me go, just leave it to me here." Qianjia waved his hand towards Senxia.

"Things over there...?" Senxia looked at the people outside the door.

What is the situation?

At Qianjia's greeting, they walked in, and then moved the boxes one by one into the living room.

These people moved quickly and neatly. Before Senxia hadn’t realized what was going on, they had already got all the things in. These things almost filled a small part of the living room, which also meant that Senxia's cleaning effort just now... was completely in vain.

"What the **** is this!" Senxia raised the table and spit out until after all these people left.

"Well, haven't you said that, this is what's in the apartment. I've lived here since today." Qianjia smiled.

At this time, Yukino also came to the living room again. She caught a glimpse of these things, and then asked Qianjia: "Are all the things of the predecessors here?"

Qianjia nodded to Xuena: "Hey, as long as these are enough, I will send all the books and other things to the activity room of the Vision Research Institute. Some unused furniture will be provided to the club. This is all here. ."

"Hi." Xue Na nodded, and then went back to the kitchen.

Morika looked at Yukino who was leaving. He turned his head and looked at Morinka again: "So, why is Yukino so normal? Am I the only one being kept in the dark?"

Senxia couldn't help but want to complain.

"If I don't live here, then I don't have a place to go. The apartment has already been sold." Qianjia shrugged.

Hearing these words, Senxia calmed down instead. He looked at Qianjia and asked in a somewhat incredulous voice: "Sold it?"

"Yes, the company’s renovation cost, the cost of developing with Sony, the cost of the game, and the investment of the girl’s falling in love with her sister, all need money. Although I know we will definitely succeed in the future, we are very short of funds now. This is the only way to raise funds at this time." Qian Jia looked like a matter of course.

"But, isn't senior sister your home there?" Senxia looked at each other.

"It's just real estate. If you want to say, this place is my home now, Senxia-kun." Qianjia said. While walking to the side of his box, he opened the boxes one by one.

"This..." Senxia didn't know what to say anymore.

"This is called breaking the boat and sinking the boat." Qian Jia turned around and looked at Senxia with a very free and easy look.

At the moment his gaze changed, Morinya had already understood. In this girl's mind, the value of that apartment is limited to living. Apart from that, she didn't care about that place, and she had no nostalgia.

"I'm different from Mori-kun. I don't have extraordinary creative talents. I don't have superhuman insight. I'm just doing my best to do what I can do. It's just that. This is what I am now. What can be done, so I did it, nothing more."

She spoke very softly, and seemed unwavering.

At this moment, Senxia seemed to understand something.

Chiba Chika is a girl who pursues her dream, and everything she does is to work hard for this dream.

No, there is something wrong with that.

She is not that superficial.

"Now, senior sister." Senxia walked to Qianjia's side.

"Hi." Qianjia looked at Senxia in response.

"Why can Senior Sister do this level?" He asked.

"Because life is not the same scenery in different places, isn't it?" She smiled, her pale face turned out to be strangely beautiful at this moment.

Looking at Qianjia’s face, Senxia felt that her whole person was a little shaken. He suddenly thought of the night in the abandoned hut. At this time, Qianjia seemed to have an irresistible power just like her at that time. But this power seems to be different.

“It’s easy to have a dream, but it’s hard to take steps for it. If we don’t work hard, what we expect will not fall from the sky.” She said, “Human beings are small and humble. Dreams do not make people great. Those so-called soul chicken soups are just anesthetic for human beings to comfort themselves. I know what I want, so everything beyond my goal is not important... No, At least there are some things that cannot be discarded."

At the end, Qianjia's eyes were on Morinha.

"'Don't make yourself regret' words like this may be a bit too bold. If I fail and I fall, I will stand up and move on towards the goal, nothing more."

Her eyes were extremely firm.

At this moment, Morinya completely understood.

She is such a person, even if she is bruised and entangled in pain, as long as the beacon of dreams is still there, she will keep going, even if the goal is beyond the reach of the universe.

There was a smile on Senxia's face, and he didn't know why he showed such an expression.

"Senior sister, if you are a politician or a revolutionary, it would be great to say this."

Morija believes that if Qianjia really does that, she might really be able to achieve her goals. She is talented and has the courage and heart to strengthen her goals for it.

"How do you know that what I am doing now is not something greater than that?" Qianjia brushed her hair, and she was as free and easy as ever, "It's like the state of a gentleman we are pursuing. This kind of thing is actually Derived from the most primitive impulse of mankind, it is the instinct of human reproduction, and the most basic power to pass on the descendants of all creatures. Gentlemen’s research is great, no matter how those so-called defenders slander, we are the forerunners of mankind As long as mankind still allows boys and girls to be together in order to spread the offspring, gentlemen will not be extinct. What we are doing is a great cause based on the foundation of human existence!"

Hear what Qianjia said. Senxia's heart also resonated, and what Qianjia said to Senxia was really "sorrowful to my heart".

He totally agrees with Qianjia's words.

In fact, the gentleman industry has always been a pioneer and pioneer of technology. In the era of 56k cats, gentlemen first realized online streaming, and even many streaming media technologies in the future were invented by gentlemen, such as dragging and dropping the progress bar to a specified position for playback, slider preview, and automatic capture of video screenshots. The generation and so on are all made by the programmers of Gentleman's website. Even with online payment, there are gentlemen's push.

"Zi said: food and **** are also". Freud also said that gentlemen are the source of human progress. For Mori Xia, who stands at the forefront of gentlemen, he can create new achievements for mankind in the future of gentleman culture. It is a very glorious mission.

Is it wrong for boys to like pretty and cute girls? Humans want comfort and comfort. This is the simplest nature and instinct. People who say that there is a problem with the culture of gentleman are like the parents of those internet addicted teenagers, instead of making mistakes in themselves, they blame the things on the Internet cafes.

A gentleman is never shameful. Both boys and girls have the right to be a gentleman. A gentleman is a spirit, an attitude!

The gentleman himself has never had a problem. The problem lies in other things that accompany the gentleman, such as the inequality between men and women and the ethics of social relations. These are the problems. But is this kind of pure emotion in the heart wrong?

Is it wrong to want to lick the black silk she is wearing? Is it wrong to want to rub the cotton candy-like oppa?

Do not! neither!

Senxia clenched her fists.

"Although I don't know what weird things you are trying to write, can you help me get these things right now?" Qianjia found that Senxia seemed to be caught in an inexplicable self-movement.

"Cough cough." Hearing Qianjia's voice, Senxia came back to her senses. In order to cover up, he coughed embarrassingly.

Senxia nodded: "Hi."

"By the way, now that you know about this, you'd better look at the club's financial statements. I think this part of the money should support us for a period of time, but it definitely requires detailed planning."

Qianjia urged Senxia.

Senxia naturally nodded, Qianjia was already in a rut, how could she not use her strength?

Looking at Qianjia again, Senxia’s eyes are full of admiration and touch for her. Although the money issue is not a big problem for the fan club, it must be said that with this money, Senxia and their future development It can be smoother.

This is a rare good thing, and all this is due to the sacrifice of Qianjia senior sister.

"Well, but from now on, I will live here forever, Senxia-kun, please advise."


Wait, have been living here?

Senxia's brain short-circuited for a few seconds.

Fuck, Qianjia wants to live with me!

For such an important matter, Senxia realized how serious the problem was at this time.

The patience a few days ago is But now that I think about it, this kind of thing is really absurd.

You Xuenaizi said in the past that she is her own sister after all, but Qianjia-senpai is an outsider, living with a girl or something...

Hey, wait, is it because of the flag we set up earlier?

Senxia immediately thought of what she was thinking before.

How can it be repaired, absolutely impossible, there is no such thing as flag, everything is superstition, this is just a coincidence, you can't scare me!


I really feel a little ashamed to watch a certain new show. If you look at some of the contents in combination, you have a very strange feeling...

Forget it, it's just the initial stage, and it will definitely have little to do with us in the future.

In addition, Sakamoto is going to be animated, I hope it's not instant noodles.

First today! (To be continued.)

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