Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 389: Semester 3

The weather on the first day of school was exceptionally good, and the body of Qianjia-senpai had recovered to health at this time, which is really gratifying. △, x.

When Morinya came to school, everyone was friendly saying New Year's wishes to others.

After entering the New Year, Sakino Academy is a bit deserted. The original lush campus, but there is not much greenery at this time.

Even so, it's probably because of a new year's relationship that has just passed, so everyone is very excited at this time. The school is not lifeless, but full of vitality.

"Happy new year, Senxia-kun!"

Not long after stepping into the campus, Reina Dongcheng walked towards Morinya, and she seemed to have been waiting here for a while.

"Happy new year, Rena." Morinka also greeted her.

In the past few days, Senxia has been desperately rushing to draft papers at home. Now that she came out and came to school, Senxia felt a particularly relaxed feeling at this time.

"Sinxia-kun came really early." She said with a smile.

"Well, it's okay, Rena, you are."

Mori Natsu secretly rejoiced that Senka-senpai had followed Yukino to the shrine early in the morning. Yukino was going to work at the shrine in the morning, so Yukino wanted to see it.

If it weren't for this reason, Qianjia and Morika should have come to school together now. When they meet Rena, Morika feels that they will have a guilty conscience.

Hey, strange, there is nothing like this kind of thing, what a guilty conscience!

Well, yes, there is absolutely no problem with living under the eaves with a girl... a ghost!

If it's another school, it's okay, Sakino Gakuen prohibits dating. If Morinka and Chika go together, they will definitely be found to talk!

"Sinxia-kun, your collar...Ah, the president is here."

While the two were talking, Rena, who was facing him, suddenly noticed a girl walking in the door.

Senxia turned her head. I saw Lihua in Jixiangyuan.

Don’t know if it’s an illusion, Morixia found that Jixiangyuan Lihua seemed to be in a daze?

Although she has been greeting people around her, Senxia found that she seemed a little absent-minded.

"Did the president encounter something upsetting?" Senxia said to herself.

"I don't know, but the president is indeed a bit strange." Rena respected Kichijoin Lihua, so she was just like Morika at this time, realizing that the other party seemed to be something wrong.

Senxia thought for a while, then walked up and greeted the other party: "President, happy new year!"

"Ah. Senxia-kun!"

She seemed to be taken aback by the sudden appearance of Senxia.

No, to be precise, she was a little panicked.

"Um, Mori-kun, happy new year...In short, I have something to do now, I'm leaving!"

After she said this, she walked forward quickly, and she almost ran away from here.

"This..." Senxia was somewhat inexplicable. Are you hated?

"Minxia-kun?" Rena patted Morinka on the shoulder.

"Well, what's the matter?" Senxia turned her head back.

"Well, what happened to the President of Jixiangyuan?" She asked with some worry.

"Well, I don't know. But I don't know why, she seemed to have a big reaction just now." Could it be that it was a nightmare or something, and then we were the one who frightened Jixiangyuan?

Senxia got a strange idea, let alone. This thought appeared in his mind, and Senxia felt that she seemed to believe in herself.

"I don't know how the chairman is going, I am really worried..." Rena noticed the back of the chairman of Jixiangyuan with worried eyes.

"Don't worry. She is our student council president. Even if there is something unhappy, she can easily recover!" Mori summer smiled and comforted Rena.

"Hi!" After hearing Morinka's voice, Rena also smiled at Morinka.

Talking with Rena as they walked, the two of them got to the teaching upstairs, and then they separated.

"Happy New Year!"

After entering the classroom, many classmates were already here, Senxia greeted them, and they also greeted Senxia.

"Happy new year, Senxia-kun."

Squad leader Erika walked to Morika.

"Yo, sir!" Erika went to London a year ago. Morika had been in the office for a few days before, but Erika was not there. Seeing her now, Morika really misses her a bit.

"Mori-Ka-kun...wait." Erika was about to talk to Morinka, but at this moment she seemed to notice something, and then she moved to Morinka's side and tidied his collar. "Yoshi , That's good. Mori-kun, when you go out, you must pay attention to your own image. You are a member of our Sakano Academy!"

"Ah, thank you." Morika never expected that Erika would come over to tidy up her collar so directly. He was shocked by the other's actions. "By the way, Erika...Squad leader, what do you want to do with me? "

Senxia almost missed the name of the other party.

"..." Erika did not speak, but looked behind Morika with strange eyes.

Senxia also noticed something was wrong, so she turned her head back.

Takatani Takashi was standing behind Senxia. After seeing Senxia turned his head, he immediately winked at Senxia, ​​and then showed an "I understand" expression.

What do you understand!

Senxia wanted to vomit.

"Well, forget it, it's not an important thing, just want to ask you about the coffee shop, but for now, that's it, we will talk about it after school!" Erika didn't have it at this time. I'm interested in talking to Senxia.

"Eh, what, it's over like this?" Tong Gu Xiao was a little disappointed.

"Ahra, Mori-kun has nothing to do on this side, but it doesn't mean that there is nothing to do on the other side, Tongya-kun, today you are on duty. It just so happens that there are some things I want you to do." Erika stood by Tongya Takashi In front of him, there were kind smiles all over his face.

"Wait, today is the first day of school. Why would I be ranked as a student on duty? You don't decide this kind of thing, right?" Tong Gu Xiao immediately resisted.

"Slow wordy, do you have any dissatisfaction with my decision?!" Erika akimbo her hips, and then stares at Takaya Tongya with Takaya Kiriya shrinks his head, and the whole person It seems to be a sheep being watched by a fire dragon, and the whole person is withered: "This...nothing."

"Hey, that's fine." Erika patted Tongya Takashi on the shoulder, "Let's do it, Kiriya-kun."


Seeing these two people leave, Morinya shook her head, and that was the case with Takatani Takashi, who was not saved.

"Speaking of which, doesn't Tongya Takashi also have a'Mihui sauce'..."

Uh, forget it, when I think of the "Mihui sauce", Morinya feels that she is not good at all. This kind of thing is better... skip it.



For the time being 2,000 words, I wrote a little extra today, my head is a bit messy, cough. (To be continued.)



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