Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 395: Determine the strategy

Although Senxia has been complaining here for a long time, in fact, the publicity itself has been contracted by Sony, so no matter how they toss, the effect is actually not great. 【Full text reading...】

But the key thing Mori Xia thinks of is not in "Plants vs. Zombies", but in "Crown of Sin".

The Crown of Guilt, if this game is made into a system theme, it seems better.

People in this era probably don't know what is called "Moe Hua" or what is called "Moe theme", but it doesn't matter, they don't know, so let them know later.

Qianjia also realized that the most important part seemed to be not just in Plants vs. Zombies, but in the Crown of Sin.

After tossing Ayana for a while, she leaned in front of Morika again: "Do you have any specific steps?"

"Well, the elder sister also knows that the windows98 system will be on the market soon, right?"

&nbindows98, this system has even been very well-known during the XP market for a period of time. Although it belongs to the tears of the times in the future, but in this year, windows98 can be said to be in the limelight.

Well, by the way, the most famous thing about this system is that during the press conference, there was a blue screen of death...

Well, but the blue screen or something was originally the daily life of the plague-to-death system, and Senxia was used to it.

"I just don't know the specific situation of this system..." Qianjia has no interest in this aspect, and although the underlying code of win95 and win98 are somewhat different, the actual difference is not big.

"It should be June when the new system is released. It's not June or July," Mori can't remember clearly. "We are on Xia and will release a demo version. Then we can pack this theme into it. among them."

Speaking of this, Morika looked at Ayana next to him: "I think many people may not know how to adjust the system theme. At this point, we let Ayana-chan write a program. Users only need to double-click to run, and the system theme can be injected into the system. , That's it."

"Well, it's not bad." Hearing what Senxia said. Senior Sister Qianjia also thinks this strategy is good.

"Well, but our strategy can only end here. If we want better and bigger publicity, we can only find those game magazines or something." But if we do this now, it's a bit too early. . If it is impossible to determine the time of the final listing and the heat of publicity passes, it is actually a very bad thing.

For example, Senxia and the others are now starting to promote. Everyone has been looking forward to it for half a year. As a result, the listing is far away. Everyone's enthusiasm for the game will definitely cool down. If there is another ticket at this time, it will be even worse.

Moriha does not dare to guarantee that her game will not bounce due to various problems, but the current situation seems that the completion of the game is still very low. Afterwards, the possibility of problems should be answered. For the sake of insurance, this kind of thing should be more cautious.

After discussing the matter, the sky outside gradually dimmed. Erika and the others were still watching Plants vs. Zombies in front of the computer. Even the two producers Shen Jiahui and Wang Qiwen were addicted to it at this time.

"Ah, it's late." Erika finally realized that it was too late.

She stood up, then clapped her hands: "Yo Xi, I will treat you tonight. Everyone stay here and have a good meal!"

"Oh, that's great, Erika!" Qianjia leaned forward immediately.

Senxia shrugged, and walked to the computer that had been vacated. Then opened the page and entered the forum interface.

I just talked so much to Qianjia, Morinatsu also wanted to see what people think about their animic club on the internet.

The forums these days are obviously more lively than the previous few days.

"Is Mr. Xia Sen the same as the teacher Xia Sen who wrote "The Young Girl War"?

"You Girl Wars" will be on the market next month, so at this time it has already started publicity. Some students who have seen the serialized version of "You Girl Wars". I found this forum along the way.

"Hey, things seem to be pretty good."

Senxia felt a little smug in her heart.

After all, this is written by myself, although a name is applied, in fact this book is entirely Senxia's own brainstorming.

"No, no, mine is not this..."

Senxia shook her head.

He began to browse the posts on the forum.

It only took half a month to open the station, but at this time, Senxia and their forum have hundreds of posts and thousands of replies, which is really amazing... Well, although the replies are mainly because of eva fans tearing *That's it.

"It's more than 400 buildings..."

Senxia noticed the previous test report. This post now has four hundred floors, which is really amazing.

After he clicked on the post, he continued to look down the place he had seen last time. He found that in addition to the original poster, many new evidence parties appeared behind the post, and then started tearing up with the original poster.

"I'll go, they are really strong..."

Senxia shook her head, and then closed the post.

He continued to browse the forum.

"Senxia-kun, I'm going to eat soon, what are you looking at?" Qianjia noticed that Senxia had been sitting in front of the computer, so she leaned over.

"I'm looking at what I think about our animic club on the forum, but it seems that outside of eva's fans, the others are soy sauce parties." Morinya shook her head.

"Really?" Qianjia has been accustomed to the strange words that Senxia occasionally appears, and some words also know what they mean.

"Well, I finally saw it." The hard work paid off. After watching for a long time here, Senxia finally found a post. This post is asking if there is any new work from Animic.

This poster is a player who has bought "Witch's House". He likes this game very much. Then after hearing that animic has established a club, he went to the forum and wandered around. He wanted to know the first commercial work of the animic club What will it be.

Although there is not much content, Morinha finally feels much more comfortable.

"Hey, Ayana sauce." Morinatsu turned her head and stopped Ayana at this time.


Ayana heard Morika's voice and ran over immediately.

"Ayana-chan, can you help us count the c operating system used by users who visit the forum?" Morika asked.

"Things on the Internet..." Ayana closed her eyes for a moment, then nodded, and said to Morika, "Although I haven't tried it, there should be a way to do it, but I am not particularly familiar with Internet. It."

"It's okay, that's fine. You can do your best to find the best." Mori's idea is to ask Ayana to calculate what kind of terminal these people use. Although he has his own ideas, Mori I'm not sure whether his idea is really appropriate. If everyone uses the windows system, his confidence will definitely be doubled.

After giving instructions to Ayana, Morika turned her head and continued to look at the forum.

At this time, Qianjia had been watching the monitor for a long time and said: "Sinxia-kun, do you think our forum is a bit messy and crowded?"

"Well, it seems to feel a little bit."

Indeed, there are relatively few people using forums these days, so everyone has no rules. Although there are rules, these things are not read by everyone.

If it’s a professional forum, it’s fine, but this forum is quite fan-like, so it feels different.

"Let's split the forum in a while, but the popularity is not enough now. If the posts are forcibly separated, it may reduce the number of people."

Morinya finally said so.

The popularity of the forum is very important. If there is no popularity, no one will come to visit. In the case of insufficient popularity, a forum is rashly split. In the end, it may be because there are too few people in each forum, so the forum The popularity will decline. And if you wait until the popularity is enough, then it can help the forum to grow.

This is not only the case on forums, but also on the Internet. Why do so many authors in later generations like to write in Dianniang? This is because Dianniang has the largest number of readers, the most widely-accepted, and even the greatest, no matter how niche a book, Dianniang The mother can have a living space, which is something other stations can't do.

"I don't quite understand this, so Senxia-kun, I'll let you be responsible here." Qianjia doesn't rashly handle things that she doesn't understand, so laymen just stand outside honestly. This is the greatest support for the server.

"Yo Xi, it's almost done. Let's go to dinner first. The strategic plan of the forum does not need to be concentrated for a while. You can watch it when you go home." Qianjia patted Senxia on the shoulder.

Indeed, the advantage of is that as long as there is a terminal, it can be accessed anytime and anywhere, which is indeed very convenient.

"It would be great if you can make videos." Web streaming is also a great thing. If it can be promoted through the network system, Morinia thinks this will be a very hot thing.

But unfortunately, the Internet has not yet developed to that level. Although the era of 56k cats has gradually gone, the era of broadband has not yet begun.

Although it is a pity, the current thoughts can only be temporarily shelved, and I will talk about it later when I have a chance...

Anyway, at this time there is no such kind of station, and this kind of thing is not technical. When it is time to go online first, this can take the lead...


Jun is set to fall to two thousand four!

I have to drop a lot every time I update a chapter, I really don’t want to break out qaq (to be continued.)



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