Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 396: A gentleman should have a masterpiece as a gentleman!

After eating, everyone was gone. Although the New Year of the Celestial Kingdom has not yet begun, in Japan, the New Year has already ended. {We don’t write about text porters. -<>

Senxia and Qianjia also got on the subway at this time and headed home.

"I don't know if Yukino is home now." Qianjia seems to be more concerned about Yukino's condition than Morika.

"Well, probably, the situation on the shrine side." Morika explained, "but Yukino is actually pretty good there."

Because the shrine is not far from Morinka's home, if Morinka wants to find Yukino, he can find him quickly. If Yukino works somewhere else, Morinka will be even more uneasy.

"The shrine..." Qianjia sighed, "Speaking of which, I actually like Miko's clothes."

"Miko's clothes are also cute! Absolutely cute!" As a gentleman, Morinka agreed with this one hundred.

"By the way, ordinary witch costumes are not enough. We can change the witch's skirt into a miniskirt, and then change the inner foot pockets to garter stockings, and the sleeves to separate styles." Mori summer thought of some dancing girls in the future, and then Knead it in, "By the way, the tights are also good, if you can, the translucency seems to be great..."

"Hey, Mori-kun, you also have a lot of research on witch costumes." Qianjia was a little surprised.

"Miko clothes, sailor clothes, ol clothes, these are the sacred things of gentlemen, if you don't study them, it is simply an insult to them!" As a gentleman, how can he not have any ability to associate? Delusion is an essential skill for gentlemen!

"They seem to be very interesting..." Whether it's a witch costume or a sailor suit, when you think of these things, you will indeed have a very reverie feeling.

"If we can, we will be able to get more of this gentleman's clothing to promote it in the future..." Mori Xia said here, she shook her head a little regrettably, "Also, our school uniform, if I were the principal. , I must change all of them into sailor uniforms! No, maybe the Miko uniforms are also good. It seems that no school uses the Miko uniforms as school uniforms..."

In the current schools, suits or sailor suits are basically used as school clothes, but the witch costume does not seem to be.

Well, but as a gentleman. Isn’t it a matter of course to create all kinds of wonderful school uniforms? For example, the tight-fitting school uniform in "Horizon on the Boundary Line" is placed in the real world, and the shame of this kind of clothing is simply exploding, but the characters in the script still wear such clothes. It's simply dazzling. Another example is the heroines in "Strike Witch", who wandered around in an upright fashion after only wearing fat. This is also a very shocking existence.

"Sinxia-kun, are you planning to set the crown of sin like this?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"No, the guilt crown is not the tone, but if we can, we can take out our gentleman uniforms in the future."

When Morinya was speaking, he was constructing a strange worldview in his mind at this time.

"For example?" Qianjia asked casually.

"Well, for example, in a strange world, people began to develop various sea and undersea worlds. Then we can set the story script in the water city Atlantis in this story. The protagonist is the students in this city, and they are all wearing sailor suits." Senxia subconsciously said what was in her mind.

"Ah? That's it?" After Qianjia heard Senxia's description, a disappointed expression suddenly appeared on her face. Isn't this too gentlemanly?

"No, Senior Sister Qianjia, this sailor suit is where the gentlemen's delusional potential erupts. We can remove the sailor skirt from the sailor suit!"

Well, in other words, no skirts!

Hear here. Qianjia, who was initially a little disappointed, had a little energy. At this time, Morinka continued: "We merged the dead reservoir water swimsuit with the sailor suit, and made the sailor suit into a one-piece tight-fitting appearance. Then the lower part of the body, It’s the kind with a high cross T."

"Oh oh oh!" In just a few words, Morinya set off the gentleman's atmosphere, but Qianjia still had some questions, "but why do you design this way?"

"Well... because this suit itself can be used as a swimsuit. This is the water city Atlantis. So life on the shore and in the water are equally important. We designed this part in this way to highlight This sailor suit is convenient in life." Morisha paused. He ignored the fact that he was on the subway and continued, "This sailor suit can usually be slightly loose, but once it gets into the water, it will Become a super tight look, and when you leave sleep, the clothes will dry quickly and make the wearer dry. In this case, the settings are reasonable."

Although it may seem a weird setting at first glance, when you think about it, this setting doesn't seem to go anywhere.

"Sinxia-kun, you really have a set, we will do gg later, should we use this kind of background story?" Qianjia asked with a smile.

Senxia shook her head: "This is not necessary. I think this kind of story is more suitable for making a daily lily script for a group of girls."

This kind of special color setting is matched with Lily's script, and there is also a kind of cuteness in it. This whole script can also be sublimated from a meat-selling drama to a Lily-selling cute drama. There is nothing more beautiful than this... ahem, of course , The premise is that it is sold as a script.

"I didn't expect to have such a setting. It is really wonderful." Qianjia is interested in this story. You can see from her eyes that this wonderful and funny script and setting makes her interested!

Morinya couldn’t stop this brain hole. After he paused, he continued: “We can design the protagonist to be a transfer student from Japan. When she was in school, she put on this kind of super shame The ergonomic school uniform...No, after the sailor swimsuit school uniform, she was not used to it, but at this time, some very amiable female friends appeared next to her, such as Catherine from the United States, Elsa from the United Kingdom, etc. Then, with everyone’s help, the heroine finally abandoned her shame...No, she let go of the tension and restraint in her heart, and lives with everyone in the water city Atlantis."

Fuck, what should I do the more I think about it, the more I feel?

Now Senxia feels as if she is chewing Xuanmai, and this kind of funny brain hole extends more and more.

"I can't wait to think that this script will be animated..." Qianjia murmured.

"Well, I have a chance in the future..."

Senxia shrugged. The current script will have no problem in the future. This is a daily Lily drama, but if it is placed in this era, there will be a problem.

Selling cuteness and selling meat are not a problem. The problem is that what is popular in this era is not the daily life of the cuteness, but the more plot content. If there is no good script, it does not reflect some connotations, there is no way out in this year. .

"Hey, Senxia-kun, don't you think about this story? I think it's super interesting!" Senxia finally pressed her brain down, but Qianjia did not stop.

"But we can't do this kind of script." Senxia shrugged. Although this kind of plot looks very good, it is only very emotional at first glance. Without deep script promotion, it is really not enough.

"Wait, Senxia-kun, have you forgotten our motivation for doing all this?" Suddenly, Qianjia turned her side, and then patted Senxia's shoulder with a hand, "Our purpose is all It is for the inheritance and development of gentleman culture!"

"Um...!" Senxia Jun could not refute!

In the process of looking at Qianjia, Morika lowered her head in shame.

Yes, how can we forget our original intention? Gentleman culture is the driving force and ultimate goal of our development!

Senxia is also reflecting.

He hadn’t noticed this at all before, but now that I think about it, he’s really too embarrassed. Even if it’s a gentleman game, it’s only in mod mode. Mori and Chika have not yet produced a well-deserved one. Gentleman game!

Fuck, as a gentleman, this is unbearable!

At this time, Mori Xia only feels ashamed of the name of a gentleman!

Qianjia nodded towards Senxia: "Well, Senxia-kun, maybe we need a story that really belongs to gentlemen."

Although if they act according to the established strategy, they will have time to make gentleman content later, but for them, it seems to be turning the cart before the horse. Under the guise of promoting gentleman culture, they actually don’t even have a gentleman story. I have written, this is really unreasonable.

"Whether it's a game or not, Senxia-kun, you want a wonderful and attractive gentleman's story." Qianjia looked at Senxia with anticipation.

"Um... let me think twice." Although I couldn't stop thinking about it just now, after thinking about it now, Senxia found that there was nothing in her head.

However, as a gentleman, there is no work that belongs to the gentleman himself. No matter how you look at it, I feel that it is a bit Since I call myself a gentleman, then naturally there must be creations belonging to the gentleman, which are sold at the top Senxia felt that dog meat was not desirable.

"Well, but if you think about it, it's really difficult to have a suitable idea..." Senxia shook her head.

"It's okay," Qianjia smiled at Morika, "As long as we have the heart now, we will be able to create wonderful works in the future."


Morinya nodded, but he was circling in his mind scripts such as Toward the Demon Ninja and Lifanhe in the Demon Tire City. He didn't plan to copy, but these scripts may be used for reference...


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You may not know that based on the fan value calculation, the book’s average set should actually be more than 2,900, but after deducting the gift part, it is now only a little more than 2,400. I don’t believe you can count it yourself, but the problem now is, The fan value gradually increases, but the subscription decreases, qaq. (To be continued.)



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