Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 397: The best tragic person of the year

Although Mori summer and Qianjia have determined the strategy of entering the gentleman culture, what they never expected is that problems in the real world will never wait for you to be ready. {We don’t write about text porters. -<>

Just when Morinka wanted to conceive a dark, profound and cruel gentleman's script, an unexpected thing happened.

The thing is simple, Xiao Ma went bankrupt.

On the day when Xiao Ma sent the CD containing the initial qicq trial version to Morinia, Morinia also received a transoceanic call from Xiao Ma.

"My little Ma, your qicq, I have received it!" Senxia can be said to be very happy, because Ma's first step, it means Ma's future success.

Although Senxia’s future success in Xiao Ma’s reputation is actually not very good, but Xiao Ma cheated you the most, but another surnamed Li, that is to grab your money, and then take your muscles and drink your blood , Eat your meat, the two evils are the lesser one. Among the bad and the worse choices, Senxia thinks that Xiao Ma is a very good candidate, and this person has a very good attitude towards friends, and he did not appear. Overcome the situation of the partner.

Senxia felt that as long as she hugged Brother Xiao Ma's golden thighs, she would have no worries in the future. It was not too good to think about how to play.

However, Senxia never expected that Ma's first sentence on the phone made Senxia almost fail to grasp the phone in her hand.

Four words.

"I'm broke."

Yes, Brother Xiao Ma is bankrupt.

"Little Ma, calm down, what happened?" Senxia felt very uncomfortable.

"I'm bankrupt, now I'm in the hospital, after paying the treatment fee, my money can't be maintained..."

Xiao Ma told Morinia what happened during this time.

During this period of time, it was the mold God possessed.

At the beginning of the agent game, it went smoothly, and the game was after the agent. Xiao Ma started the promotion non-stop. At that time, many domestic players were full of curiosity about this horror decryption game. At that time, after many game media had done reviews, they also felt that the game was really good, and the accompanying 200,000 words were also translated, which is simply conscience!

At that time, Xiao Ma had already launched the fantasy game, how popular their game would be. I will marry Bai Fumei, and then go to the pinnacle of life...

However, Xiao Ma never expected that everything had a huge turn after the game was launched.

After the game was just launched, it was indeed very popular. After Xiao Ma found out that everything was under control, he began to develop (mountain) and (zhai) qicq software.

And almost at the same time, piracy appeared, and the original copy of Xiao Ma encountered Waterloo before it was promoted.

"The Witch's House" is a good game. After playing this game, gamers from the Chinese empire. They rushed to tell each other, wanting to heal their good friends together at the end.

There is nothing wrong with Ma Ge's speculation, but there is only one thing he did not think of, and that is piracy.

With the increase in game reputation, the number of pirated copies has risen sharply, but the genuine copy of Ma Ge's agent has no sales at all.

To make matters worse, Xiao Ma had already started developing qicq at that time, and there was not much capital turnover at all.

At this time, Xiao Ma thought of a trick, that is to sue all these piracy!

Do not. You don't need to sue everything, just kill the chickens and monkeys, drink to stop these piracy, this is enough.

However, Xiao Ma never expected it. The pirate dealers of the Celestial Dynasty were so rampant. After learning the news, the other party directly found Brother Xiao Ma and beat him up.

Of course Xiao Ma refused to do it. After being hit hard, Xiao Ma naturally wanted revenge. But it's a pity that the opponent's power is greater than him.

At that time, Xiao Ma wanted to bypass these people. At this time, his funds were completely exhausted, but fortunately, Xiao Ma still had a few friends who were willing to partner.

However, Brother Xiao Ma never expected that he didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble came to his door. Those evil pirates decided to use Brother Xiao Ma to kill chickens and monkeys. How dare you an agent tell us to lose money? If he doesn't charge you protection fee, he just looks up to you!

Xiao Ma's genuine copy was blocked...Well, yes, pirates blocked the original copy of Xiao Ma.

Xiao Ma finally couldn't bear it, and he was going to find the other party to reason.

However, this time, Xiao Ma was completely knocked out by the other party's sap. After Xiao Ma woke up, he knew that he had just come out of the IC ward and his body was fractured everywhere, every ten days and a half month. It's not going to get better, having said that, this is still the medical expenses that his friend helped him pay.

It was another pirate dealer whose surname was Li. He seemed to be called Li or something Hong, so the Taoists called him Li Feihong.

But even if he knew what Li Feihong was hitting him, Xiao Ma’s friends persuaded him to settle down, and it is better to do less, because there are people on Li Feihong who want the other party to lose money. According to his friend, Xiao Ma If you don't ask the other party to eat a meal, then things will be troublesome afterwards.

At this time, Xiao Ma's company finally couldn't support it and collapsed.

After hearing the news, Senxia felt Budweiser Chen Za in her heart.

The best tragic person of the year, Xiao Ma didn't run away.

"Brother Xiao Ma, what are you going to do now?" Senxia asked quickly.

"What to do, cold food." Xiao Ma laughed to himself, and said with emotion, "I am still too young, I didn't expect the world to be sinister now."

"My mind is so confused now, after waiting for the new year, I will think about what to do." Xiao Ma sighed.

Don't, big brother, your qicq!

Xiao Ma went bankrupt. This is a big joke. After listening to Xiao Ma's plan, Senxia also realized this.

If Xiao Ma doesn't fix qicq now, what will happen in the future?

We are still waiting to hold the thigh with the future brother Xiao Ma!

Should we just do it ourselves?

This thought suddenly popped out of Senxia's mind.

But Senxia subsequently rejected this.

My situation is a little different from that of Brother Xiao Ma. What's more, we are still playing a gentleman game in Japan. How can we have the mind to go to the heavens and go blind?

"Senior Sister Qianjia sold the house. That part of the funds should be enough to run the company. The Young Girl Wars will be listed soon. In addition to the previous signing money, there is still a lot of funds at my disposal..."

Senxia thought a thousand times, and then he made up his mind: "...Little Ma, do you want to cooperate with me? I can invest in you."

If Qianjia-senpai hadn't sold the house, Morika wouldn't say this, because in that case, Morinka had very little funds at his disposal, and it was already doing her best to maintain her own home.

But now with Qianjia's senior sister's capital injection, Moriha's signing fee and commission, he can fully invest again. The software of qicq is not high in technology and the cost is not high. The key lies in the operator's strategy, why With so many instant messaging software in the sky, only Xiao Ma’s qicq survived? This is not without reason!

"Do you invest?!" After hearing this sentence, Xiao Ma's tone went up eight degrees.

"Yes, I invest." Senxia said with a smile, "Let's work on this qicq software with all our heart and hands."

"... Hmm..." Brother Xiao Ma's voice seemed to be choked up, what does it mean to send charcoal in the snow, that's it!

"Oh, yes, the surnamed Wu and the surnamed Li, you give me their information, I will send a lawyer's letter here, I will ask my uncle to protest, saying that their piracy has deeply hurt us. The hearts of the Japanese people, I am afraid it will have a negative impact on Sino-Japanese relations..."

There are some things that Senxia can't do, Xiao Ma can do, and there are some things that Xiao Ma can't do, Senxia can do.

That's it for now. Don't look at the surname Wu and Li, but the identity of Senxia is even more special: an international friend!

Senxia feels that as an international friend, his uncle is also considered some of the best international lawyers. It doesn't make sense, so we can always make sense.

As long as Morinya pursues it to the end, the Heavenly Dynasty will definitely give an explanation. In the 1990s, the status of "foreigner" is definitely enough. What's more, it is Japan, which is now the world's second economy? You know, in the next ten years, Japan will exist as the final boss in the heavenly yy...

Anyway, it's just a favor. Sending a lawyer's letter and then protesting will not consume too much energy on Morinia's side.

The little Ma over there was already moved by Senxia: "Xia Sen, you are such a good person..."

Don't tell me! You big man, don't send me a good person card!

"Well, you are now recovering from your injury. You can also discuss this matter with your friends. Don't worry, your body is the capital of the revolution."

Brother Xiao Ma, don't belch when you get Even if you are not the boss, you are a senior talent anyway, it's a shame to lose...

"Don't worry, I will launch an official version on qicq as soon as possible!" Compared with the beginning, Xiao Ma's voice at this time was really exciting, obviously a lot of energy.

"That's fine, leave it to us later!"


Brother Xiao Ma hung up the phone, and Senxia quickly started to act. He immediately called his uncle to clarify the matter on Brother Xiao Ma.

However, just as Senxia was preparing to take further action, Qianjia took her mobile phone and walked to Senxia's side, and said something terrible: "My dad will see you this weekend."


&nb, the debt payment the day before yesterday has been made up, and I will continue to repay the debt later...

Ask for monthly ticket support! (To be continued.)



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