Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 405: Liberate your heart OwO

Saturday, January 24.

The head of Jixiangyuan returned home, rarely seen today, to have dinner with his family.

However, the smell of dinner seemed a little depressed.

Sitting on the table, in front of Lihua were his father and stepmother.

Lihua’s father, Mr. Jixiangyuan, is a very majestic middle-aged man. He is a little different from the feeling that Qianjia’s father brings to others. Mr. Jixiangyuan feels meticulous in his whole body. He is a majestic businessman. A superior person in control of power.

"Lihua, do you have any young people in New York?" After the meal, Mr. Jixiangyuan put down his knife and fork and stared at Lihua.

"No, my father." Lihua replied respectfully.

"Really, but it's okay. After all, foreigners can't compare to us Japanese. You're starting school now. Let's talk about this in a while." Jixiangyuan's father said blankly.

"Hi." Lihua nodded.

"Yo Xi, so be it," Jixiangyuan father looked at the time, "I am leaving for Kyushu now."

"Hi." Jixiangyuan stood up respectfully, and then sent each other to the gate with the stepmother.

"Then, I'm leaving."

"Go all the way well" × 2.

After Jixiangyuan's father left the family, Lihua sighed slightly. She ignored her stepmother and went straight back to the room.

After closing the door, Lihua sat weakly on the head of the bed.

She looked straight out the window, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Let's take a shower." Lihua exhaled deeply, and then left the room.

There are air-conditioning and underfloor heating everywhere in the Jixiang Courtyard House, so it is very warm, but I don’t know why, Lihua misses the school room at this time.

Now see the research department.

Although it's cold, I don't know why, that cold place is more comfortable and comfortable than my own home.

Soaking in the bath, Lihua sighed deeply.

There is no sense of loss. A sense of emptiness without origin.

After taking a hurried bath, Lihua left the pool, wrapped in a bathrobe, and then returned to the room.

Open the closet. Lihua is ready to take out her own.

As if remembering something, Lihua pulled out her clothes, took out a set of wrapped gift boxes from the side, and opened the gift box with a set inside.

"This one……"

Pick up this suit. Jixiangyuan's face was a little red.

This is a set of white lace, the upper body is a waistcoat, and the lower body is garter stockings and fat times.

Before leaving New York, the lady asked her maid, Miss Elsa, to send it to herself.

"Dressing for boyfriend..." Lihua muttered.

Of course, this is not the point. The lady seems to have said that daily wear is very helpful for reducing stress.

"So, how can a suit of clothes help relieve stress, and the fat time is" Lihua's face turned red.

How about... Try it?

Lihua's breathing became a little quick.

The fabric of this suit is very high-end, and the workmanship is also very fine. It is obviously a high-end product. If it has been kept here, it seems a pity.

"If, if you just give it a try, doesn't it seem to matter?"

Lihua imagined this dress on her body in her mind.

She locked the door, then drew the curtains, seeing that the preparation measures were almost done, she took off all her clothes one by one, and then picked up the white lace.

"Eh eh..."

Originally, Lihua thought that the size of this dress was already huge. But when she put the clothes on her body, she realized that she was too real before.

This suit is very troublesome to wear, especially the waist. It took Lihua a lot of effort to get it right.

In terms of appearance, this set is indeed very beautiful, especially the lace on it is very good. The root of the garter is a section of exquisite transparent lace. This section of lace is about slap wide, which Lihua likes very much.

The garter is up. It is a T-shaped fat time with a string, and what makes Lihua blush is that this fat time is actually open.

The upper body is even more exaggerated.

After putting on this waistcoat, Lihua discovered that many parts of this waistcoat were hollowed out, and then decorated with many gorgeous laces. Even the two cups on the chest were completely made of this kind of transparency. It’s just that the waistcoat’s cup is only one-third. Although it can hold it, it can’t cover it at all. It just can’t cover the key part, as if it was designed this way on purpose.

Among the clothes, it seems that the most common ones are the two long gloves, but the design of the gloves is also very gorgeous, and there is no feeling of perfunctory.

"Really, who would wear it like this..." Although she complained like this, Lihua, who was standing in front of the full-length mirror, couldn't look away.

Although the key parts are not covered at all, the whole dress is very exquisite and gorgeous.

How to say it, if the disharmonious part of the dress is removed, the whole dress is like a bride's blouse.

Bride...If there is another groom in a white suit...

Lihua imagined such a scene in her mind.

"Yo, Lihua~"

Qianjia's voice came from outside the door.

"Eh eh eh?!" Hearing this voice, Lihua was a little lost in an instant.


Lihua quickly turned her back, trying to untie the waistband.

But the more panicked she wanted to untie the lace, the more she realized that she couldn't untie it. After a long time, the original slip knot became a dead knot.

"Lihua, what's the matter with you, why haven't you opened the door?" Qianjia outside the door was a little strange.

"Um, I'm changing clothes, wait a minute!"

She didn't know what would happen to Qian Jia at this time, but she knew she couldn't hang her outside like this now.

"Forget it, wait until after seeing Qianjia!"

After making up his mind, Qian Jia immediately picked up the school uniform and put it on her body hurriedly. This was finally a sigh of relief.

After finishing the clothes, Lihua arrived at the door and opened the door.

"Well, Qianjia, good evening." She was a little panicked.

"You just took a shower? Hmm. That's right." Qianjia nodded.

"Well, what happened?" Lihua didn't know what happened, and Qianjia was caught off guard.

"I called you before!" Qianjia akimbo.

"Huh?" Lihua turned around. Looking at my phone, the waiting on the answering machine flickered, and there were indeed messages left on it.

Because of her ecstasy, Lihua had already forgotten about this incident...

"Um..." Lihua was a little embarrassed.

"Yo Xi, it seems that you are ready. It's time to go." Qian Jia said here and pulled Lihua up, "Hey, are you wearing gloves?"

"Ah, yes..."

Lihua was too focused before, and finally forgot to take off the gloves, but these are long gloves. If you want to take off, you can only take off the school uniforms together.

"Well. It's time to go." Qian Jia didn't care about this, but directly urged Lihua.

"Eh eh eh, wait, what does it mean to go?"

Lihua felt inexplicable.

"Of course it is to comfort Lawson Xiajun, and save your awkward character by the way." Qianjia smiled freely, "So our goal is-KTV!"

KTV, Lihua has never been to such a place, in her mind, she would never go. It's just... if it's with Senxia-kun, go to that kind of place. There seems to be nothing, right?

If she changed to Lihua who was half an hour ago, she would probably twitch and agree, but now Lihua is absolutely impossible to do that.

"Huh?" Lihua panicked, "but not!"

She was still waiting for Qianjia to leave. Change clothes by yourself.

"Well, don't be so rigid. At this time, you should liberate your soul and enjoy it!" Qian Jia instigated.

"Liberate... own mind?" Lihua remembered that the lady in New York seemed to have said the same thing.


Seeing that the other party seemed to be moved, Qianjia's eyes lit up.

"No way!"

Lihua shook her head frantically again.

"Huh? Do you hate Senxiajun, Lihua?" Qianjia was stunned.

"No! I will never let Senxia Jun hate me!" Lihua retorted.

"That's all right!" Qian Jia didn't seem to understand Lihua's attitude. She was very shaken and seemed to want to agree with her opinion, but she didn't know why, she still stubbornly refused in the end.

what's going on?

"Lihua, did something happen? You look a little strange today. You are very different from normal..." Qianjia was a little worried.

"This, it's nothing." As she said, she stretched out her hand to tidy up her hair, but when she raised her hand and saw the white lace on it, Jixiangyuan blushed.

"Well, I don't care, I have already told the people in your family, you will rest at my house tonight, everything has been arranged, so the question and answer is useless, today you must follow me!" Qianjia is categorical.

"Then at least wait for me to change my clothes!" Lihua begged.

"Huh? The school uniform is very Qianjia is a little puzzled," and you seem to have just taken a bath, and now this feeling is just right. "

"Well, in short, no!" Lihua shook her head.

"You really hate Senxia Jun!" Qianjia stared.


Lihua denied it, she stretched out her hands and waved desperately!

But at this moment, Qian Jia smiled slightly. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she calmly pulled Lihua up. The latter was excited at this time, and she didn't react at all, and she was taken away by Qian Jia...


Today is the second more get

By the way, don’t talk about lions, Essex, holy swords, I have never played that kind of game! As long as there is a wife and sister-in-law, it is enough, it is enough, it is enough...

QAQ (to be continued.)

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