Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 406: Prisoner Jixiangyuan Lihua, let my detective 0 Jia come to uncover you...


Sitting on the empty subway, Lihua's face flushed.

Putting school uniforms on the outside of the lace corset suit was a failed decision.

The uniforms of Sakano School are also made of very high-end materials. Even the clothes of this kind of material are not bad when they are used to make fat. However, if you wear them outside like this, it feels less comfortable.

Especially the part of the chest.

Because the upper body of the corset has only one-third of the cup, the key parts are not covered, only contact with the shirt of the school uniform.

"Now, Lihua, why are you curling up?" Qian Jia next to Lihua looked at Lihua with some worry, "Your face is so red, isn't it a fever?"

As Qian Jia said, she reached out and touched Lihua's forehead.

"Well, it's really hot."

"It's not a fever!" Lihua straightened her waist subconsciously, and then rubbed her chest against her shirt. Then her face became redder, and then she curled up again. If it weren't for the corset, she would have been able to shrink even more. Awesome.

"Well... Forget it, it's not very hot, maybe it's because you just took a shower." Qianjia shrugged.

"Yeah! That's it!" Lihua nodded immediately, desperately confirming.

"But it's really rare. Would you still wear such fancy gloves to go out?" Qianjia said and took Lihua's right hand again, then took it and looked at it carefully, "It feels very beautiful."

"This was given to me by a friend of mine in New York, I just gave it a try." Lihua explained immediately, "And it's normal to wear gloves in winter, and the school rules don't stipulate that you can't wear gloves..."

"..." Qian Jia squinted at Lihua.

I don't know why, I always feel suspicious...

"Well, what's the matter?" Lihua was a little disturbed by Qianjia's sight.

Qianjia Yinyin smiled, and Lihua's hair was straightened.

"Dangdang——!" Then Qian Jia took out a dark book from her arms.

"Huh?!" Lihua was startled. She thought she had been seen through by the other party, but she didn't expect Qian Jia to take out

"This is the second-generation work of Alohill, Lihua. Why don't you look at it?" Qianjia said with a smile.

"Book...? Wait, this is forbidden under 18 years old!" Lihua immediately reacted. The huge "18X" on the cover of the book is definitely not something they should look at.

"Well. Give it a try. You want to learn something new, too? And the second-generation book is very helpful for relieving stress, and it is a very powerful literary work!" Qianjia continued to give Jixiangyuan an Amway.

I don't know why, Lihua found that when the other party looked at her with her gaze, her gaze always felt like she had seen her through.

"Well, I'll take a look!" In order to hide the anxiety in my heart. Lihua agreed to the other party's request, "But you have to remember that I didn't want to read this book, but just to criticize it! Yes, yes, just to criticize this book!"

"Let's start reading quickly, or we'll be there~!" Qian Jia squeezed the book into Lihua's arms.


Lihua glanced at Qian Jia, she was mentally prepared, and then silently opened the book.

There was not much time on the subway, so Lihua turned a page at will.


have to say. The second-generation writing style is very good. Although I know that it is something that only adults can read, this comfortable writing style makes Lihua feel great.

Well, there is indeed a feeling of reading a literary masterpiece.

"Hey, how about it, it's pretty good!" Qianjia smiled.

"The writing is not bad. This scene of the protagonist and the owner living in the villa is very interesting..." Lihua was really moved, but then she realized. I read the book with a critical attitude!

"But! Why is it that the protagonist is a boy, but still use the term ‘private’? Are you sure you should use ‘あたし()’ instead of ‘わたし()’?" Lihua started to complain.

Both of these mean self-proclaimed "I", and there are many self-proclaimed "I" in Japanese. There are men and women, and there are no distinctions between men and women, such as "private", "servant", "我", "我" and the like. The protagonist in the article is a cute boy, but he uses the girl's self-proclaim, and insists that he is a boy...

How to put it, this feeling is as funny as someone is saying "Miss Ben is a boy!"

Qian Jia shook his head: "No, no, no. Lihua, you don't understand, this is the cute point! Cute point!"

"Huh...?" Lihua was inexplicable.

“It’s just because it’s a cute boy, that’s why it’s so interesting, because it’s a cute boy, so it’s interesting. Think about it, a boy unconsciously uses a female pronoun to insist that he is a boy. This is not A very cute point?!" Qianjia, as a second-generation fan, now wants to maintain the image of her idol, "and this is just one of the characters created by the second-generation master, and there are also stories in which there are similar.' A cute boy with such an address as "Old" and "I"!"

Although I don't understand what "Moe" is, Lihua seems to understand what Qianjia wants to express.

"But it's impossible to call it a girl or something in the real world?" Lihua still shook her head.

"Who said that the works of the second generation of adults are not so vulgar, and besides, I have actually seen people who call themselves girls-uh..."

Although he said with great pride that he had read it, after thinking about it, he remembered, Qianjia was at a loss for words.

"Well, forget it, although it feels very unreasonable, but in the impression, I do feel some sense of sight. Maybe someone would say that." Lihua shook her head, although it felt weird, but it seemed Some strange sense of sight, so she did not completely deny it.

And when you think about it, this kind of boy seems to be "cute"...

"Ala, it's already here, we should get off." Qianjia stood up as she said, she pulled Qianjia up, "Okay, let's read this book later, trust me, second generation The demeanor of the teacher is definitely better than you think!"

"Hmm..." Lihua was a little caught off guard, and her rapid movement made her shirt tremble. The clothes rubbed against one of the most nerve endings in the body, and Lihua almost yelled out. Fortunately, she stopped immediately. Come down.

The place where Chika and Lihua are located is Shinjuku, which is one of the most prosperous places in Japan. Although it is winter night, there are still many people on the street at this time.


Lihua felt that her cheeks were starting to get hot. Although on the surface she was wearing a very dignified Sakano Gakuen school uniform, but inside the school uniform, it was a very out-of-the-box outfit. Although this was not the intention of Lihua herself, At this time, the fact is that it is undeniable.

"Hmm..." Lihua felt her head blank for a moment, and she felt chilly under her skirt even though she was wearing a heavy winter school uniform long skirt.

"Lihua, you won't really catch a cold?" Qian Jia's face became more ruddy after seeing Lihua coming out of the subway station, she was a little worried.

"No, nothing like that..."

Lihua denied it immediately.


Qian Jia didn't speak, but looked at Lihua left and right, and then his head came to Lihua's face.


Qianjia’s breath hit Lihua’s face in Jixiangyuan. I don’t know why, she found that her senses were very sharp today. Qianjia’s breath came to her face, making her feel itchy and soft.

Qian Jia stuck her forehead with that of Jixiangyuan, closed her eyes, and felt the temperature on Lihua's forehead.

"Well, it feels okay. It's not so much the forehead hair is hot, it's the cheeks are hot, it seems that fever does not seem to be like this?" Qianjia let go of Lihua, "It's really strange, what's wrong with you?"

"It's just the situation after the shower... Yes, that's it!" Lihua said firmly.

"Well, forget it, since you don't have a fever, you can catch a cold," Qianjia said, "but if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell it!"

"Yeah, I know!" Lihua nodded quickly, and then pretended to look around.

I don’t know if it’s because the movements of the two were a bit big. Many people looked at them at this time. Although they just took a look and hurried away at their previous steps, they This little gaze made Lihua feel that her head became blank.

"...It always feels suspicious..."

Qianjia next to Lihua looked up and down, her eyes swept across the opponent's chest inadvertently.

The so-called abnormal things must be demons ~ ~ Jixiangyuan Lihua must have concealed something very important.

No matter from which point of view, her performance today is too strange. When she was at home, Qianjia felt something wrong, but when she was on the subway, she felt a stronger sense of disobedience.

For example, at the beginning of Amway, Qianjia thought that the other party would strongly reject it. She had to spend a lot of hands and feet to get her to accept the second generation teacher's book, but she did not expect the other party to become so persuasive.

In addition, there is also her absent-mindedness now, and even her strange expression, this is all doubtful.

Qianjia's eyes gradually became sharper.

Kichijoin Lihua, no matter what you hide, let my famous detective Chiba Chika crack it!

there is only one truth!


The first one is get, the holy sword is thoroughly salted, ha ha... (to be continued.)

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