Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 418: Show off

After talking about the game concept and some basic design of the game, Morinia and the others discussed about the game mechanics. 【No pop-up window..】

"About this battle and friend system, how are you going to proceed, can you tell us specifically?" the brawny Thomson asked.

"On this point, I ask Mr. Ma to introduce it. If he speaks English, there should be no problem?" Senxia said.

"Well, no problem." Thomson nodded.

Moriha quickly glanced at the little Ma next to him. Xiao Ma nodded and said, "Three gentlemen, the software we made is instant messaging software, but it is different from the instant messaging software on the market. We provide a group system, which Mr. Tianhai has explained before. This type of system can provide players with a communication platform. Discussions on game tactics and discussions on characters can be conducted in this place."

He paused, and then said: "Using this system, players can add teammates and even opponents they get in the game as friends, chat with them, and even team up for battle. As for the group function, For players, this is a good gathering place, they can communicate with like-minded people, exchange experience with each other, and can also communicate in groups, discuss tactics, and even hold team battles. "

"Well, in this competitive game, it seems impossible to have in-depth exchanges with others. In one hour of game time, no one has this margin to talk, so it seems to be a good thing to communicate afterwards. "Thomas thinks this way of playing the game seems to be a good thing.

"This system uses a matching game mechanism to match each game according to the player's level, and then the player can match opponents who have similar win rates and data, that is, equal opponents. Of course, we also support Players create rooms by themselves, and then they can invite friends on their friends list to enter and act as enemies or teammates.” Xiao Ma has already sorted out the relevant information before. Although it is not a good answer, there is still no problem for Xiao Ma to answer some questions.

"In addition, because it is a competitive game. So we will also design a more competitive ladder mode, under this mode, players will play more formal mode, if the previous mode is only for leisure, then this mode is It’s a more sporting competition."

Unfortunately, this idea is not popular in e-sports. Otherwise flicker... No, it's easier to persuade.

"In this mode, we divide players into bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamonds based on their performance. Once the results are achieved, the names or avatars of these people will change color to mention the players. Heart of honor."

The model that Senxia said is actually just a copy, but the design is indeed very good. We don't need to superfluous.

"So, what about the profit model of this game? I saw that the game is free of charge in the project proposal. What about the charges?" Thomas asked another question.

There are very few travels these years, and most of them use online time charging mode.

"Yes, our game is free, charging mode, we will adopt the item charging mode, the game itself is free, but players can purchase point cards, in the game or the skin of the game characters." Senxia explained briefly a bit. "The game will provide some free heroes and weekly heroes at the beginning, but if the player wants to use a hero for a long time, then they must buy this hero, and the rune system is carried by the player in the initial stage Props. It's a development system."

Morika took out the information, and then gestured and said: "In short, for example, we bought the character of Superman at the beginning-I'm just an analogy-but besides the original character, we can also buy this Superman. Skins are used to replace this character, such as the skins of Golden Superman or Supreme Little Superman. Although the special effects are different, the character itself is still the same. You can also think of it as a theme replacement in the c system."

"But can this be profitable?" Sakagi is the person in charge of Japan. He is more concerned about console games. In his opinion, this profit model... can really make money?

"Of course, this is just one of my thoughts," Morinka shrugged, "We are responsible for planning and commissioning production, but you are mainly responsible for the operation of Sega and Kadokawa, buying point cards in exchange for the character skins in the game, this is just me It’s just an idea."

Although this is the ancestor of moba, how should I put it...It is not us who takes the money, so why do we care so much?

For Sega, Senxia can only say that we have done everything we want to do. As for what you want to do specifically... let them do it.

Although Sega is a lot of time funny, but what if they think of something particularly powerful after a flash of inspiration?

Not to mention, after abandoning dc, Sega really opened up. Hatsune Miku’s singer planned or something. It was not too popular, but it was a pity that Hatsune became a dead idol (mistake).

After that, Sega also had the "Dragon" and "Valkyrie of the Battlefield" series, both of which were well-known works. The "Total War" series was also produced by Sega's studio-but this was later acquired by Sega.

Kadokawa All-Stars is a project after all and has not yet started production, so after determining the direction of game production, the production has not yet started.

After discussing this issue, the key issue was the turn of "Guilty Crown".

Of course, Senxia would not let the three of them go upstairs again. He directly took out three laptops and handed them to each other.

"This game is good." After seeing the start screen of the game, Sakagi felt it was good. This kind of Japanese RPG feels, Sakagi feels more pleasing to the eye than the previous moba.

And let alone, the characters in this game are very beautiful, the heroine Qi Qi is not too beautiful.

Sakagi started the game almost immediately.

After entering the game, his first feeling is that the game is very "comfortable", the color of the game is very good, the i of the game is also very good, the whole game gives people a very comfortable and never greasy feeling. It is really wonderful.

"It's not bad." Sakagi nodded.

Although the two Americans next to you are not very cold with this battle mode, they also think the picture is very comfortable, and it can make people feel like playing. Moreover, Jiqi's vertical drawing should be convex and warped. In a way, it is also in line with European and American aesthetics.

"The music of the game is also good..." Sakaki found that the music felt very good and gave people a very comfortable feeling.

"Although the pictures are different, this game seems to be closer to European and American RPGs. This degree of freedom is not the style of Japanese games." Thomson said, while taking a look at the project.

Japanese games pay more attention to the plot, but the degree of freedom is a problem, while the European and American games emphasize the degree of freedom, but the depiction of the plot is often not enough.

Compared with Japanese games, this game is much more open in terms of freedom. Players can also do what they want. However, there is also a task prompt system in the game. Players can always follow the story. It feels similar to the general Japanese RPG.

Of course, these are not the key points. A special setting adopted in this game is what they care about most.

That is scalability, whether it is dlod, this game can be easily added.

Sega is about to start cooperation. They actually know this before, but they will talk about cooperation in the future work. At this time, they are also for this.

"This is the technical information, the mechanism of our mod operation." Mori Xia will give another document to the three.

"Is there any way to demonstrate this mechanism for us?" Thomas asked.


Although the game itself is still a demo, in order to demonstrate the characteristics of the game, Ayana can be said to have stepped up work in the past half month and finally made a simple loading mechanism.

Senxia opened the mod manager and showed the system: "This is the loading system of our game. Here we can choose to load the content. Since the game has not yet been completed, I only made two demo mods, one A merchant has been added to Tianwang State Academy, where you can buy a set of costumes, and another mod adds a small plot."

Mori Xia instructed the three of them to load the mod and restart the game. After the three of them read the archive, they suddenly discovered that there was an extra npc in the conspicuous place of the Tianwang State Academy.

After they passed, they bought a costume to put on the characters.

After that, they entered the campus according to Senxia's instructions. At this time, there was a group of soldiers inside. Qi Qi and the students immediately began to deal with these soldiers. And this story, they had never seen it before. The classroom that has been in and out of countless times can already be confirmed.

"Very interesting system." Thomas nodded.

"But there seems to be no way to load it on the host." Thomson frowned, but thought of another point.

They came here, not just to watch the game, but to evaluate the feasibility of this mechanism, but things do not seem to be that easy. This is easy to implement on the PC, but it is very troublesome on the host...


Hatsune Miku itself is not Sega's, but Sega did the Hatsune Miku singer plan. In addition, after Sega did not make hardware, it was really unbelievable to get the hang of it. I really don’t understand...

This is the second update (to be continued.)



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