Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 419: Universal Ono Daisuke

After the matter is settled, the cooperation between animic and Sega will begin next week, and the production of "Guilty Crown" rpg will begin. The production cycle of the game will be about 6 to 10 months. Although it is very tight, there is no way. Thing, because dc will be on sale at the end of this year. ●⌒, x.

Not only that, Sega also hopes that Morinia and them will be as soon as possible, so that they can provide them with more data.

Although in Senxia's opinion, this is useless, but since you can sit on Sega's Dongfeng, this kind of free lunch, don't eat for nothing.

"Huh, I finally left." After the three people who had sent Sega away, Morika and Qianjia were finally relieved.

"Sorry, I'm late today, otherwise I don't have to be in such a hurry." Xiao Ma expressed his apologies again.

"It's okay, it's okay to talk about some things when you come." Senxia didn't care about it. The plane was delayed. This was pure force majeure.

"What else?" Xiao Ma asked curiously.

"It's Sega." Senxia shrugged.

"Aren't those people from Sega just now?" Little Ma was puzzled.

"They are here to talk about the game, but there are still things to talk about... But you may have to stay in Japan for a while." Mori summer looked back at Qianjia, "This matter may take a while to be settled, and there is no problem in China. Right?"

"Well, I was here to do things. There are a few partners on my side. It's not a problem to have them." Xiao Ma explained.

"That's good." Senxia nodded, "After that, you can come according to the predetermined plan. We will notify you when we get it done."

After reconciliation, things are almost done, everyone said goodbye, Xiao Ma also left here, and Senxia and Qianjia senior sister. Then he went back to the office.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly." Qianjia smiled and stretched out.

"But the premise is that we must catch up with time, otherwise it will be dangerous." Senxia shook her head.

There is no way to catch up in time, this is the most troublesome thing.

Now Moriha and the others are all going well, based on the fact that they can catch up with time, and then the time difference, that can be said to be a great tragedy.

Except for the Kadokawa All-Star, the other games are played by Morinia and the others. Although there are foreign aids like Wang Qinian and Mushroom, time is still tight.

"By the way, Senior Sister Qianjia. You talked to Sega about embedding chat software in their new host. Is this really okay?" Senxia asked Qianjia. The things he had with him before were also in this regard. content.

"Well, but I'm not sure yet. I just came to Sega and seemed to want to push them a. I just took advantage of the trend and put forward my own views, but my father doesn't have that influence after all. What are they going to do... Who knows? Yeah." Qianjia shrugged. "But if it can be achieved, I think this is a good thing for Sega and the others."

"But the host that communicates with text... well, maybe it can use voice?" Senxia felt that this point could be asked by Xiao Ma. If you can use voice interaction, this is in line with the communication of the host, and the speed of Japan is not a problem.

……Wait, Sega’s a does not seem to be applicable to adsl or broadband. Instead, it uses a dial-up network. This... Is this really no problem?

Senxia suddenly thought of a very important place, the speed on the dial. Basically, the speed is 56k. If you calculate it, it is about 6kb. At this speed, it is not that simple to download a relatively large book.

"Voice? If you can, it seems pretty good. I can ask Sega over there." Qianjia can't do it herself, but her father can. The business this time is not just for Senxia. That's all, Qianjia's father also wants to do something.

"Well, you can ask." As for Sega's network, Senxia felt that it was not reliable at all.

Think about it carefully, Sega is really funny. In the DC era, although dialing is the mainstream, the history of dialing in Japan ended relatively early, and even the era of l did not last long. Japanese people are discovering their own networks. After falling behind, they went directly to the optical fiber. This is almost the same as the South Korea next door. It stands to reason that Sega does not matter even if it is broadband at this time, but why are they short-sighted and connected to the dial-up network?

You know, since Sega can use the network, it means that they have a vision. At this time in the class, they used the dial-up mode. This is simply abolishing the network by half, and things like dc cannot be used as a browser. what.

Senxia thought for a while, and he understood a little bit.

At this time, Sega’s arcade department was engaged in PK with the host department. There was constant internal fighting between the two parts, and pig teammates were dragging their feet. It’s no wonder...

After figuring this out, Morinya also understood.

"If possible, after the cooperation with Sega is over, let's find a way to quickly turn to Sony." Mori summer concluded, "Sega this ship is like a Titanic about to hit an iceberg. We can't stop it. ."

However, as soon as Morinya finished speaking, he noticed that Qianjia was looking at herself with weird eyes.

"Uh, what did I say wrong?"

Good Sony, sister, you must understand this point!

Sony! Sony! Sony!

"Sinxia-kun, do you know that my father just invested in Sega." Qianjia looked at Senxia with contempt.

"Uh..." I almost forgot the most important point. Indeed, it is not very comfortable to say dejected words at this time.

"Well, I just complained a little bit, don't care, don't care~" Senxia waved her hand.

"Forget it, I know you are not optimistic about Sega... In fact, my dad also has some doubts about Sega's internal situation. Sega's internal departments are indeed a bit troublesome." Although Qianjia is very dissatisfied with Senxia's complaints, she Also a pragmatic person, "Ah, this Sega takes jujube pills!"

"Hey hey, senior sister, you spit yourself out!" Senxia said embarrassingly.

"Huh huh~" Qianjia shrugged, "This is just a complaint."

Regardless of whether it is complaint or not, Morinia and Qianjia are not very optimistic about the internal situation of Sega anyway, they all know a little about these things.

"Although he is not optimistic about Sega, Dad is still very interested in Sega's host, and I am also very interested."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia rolled her eyes very simply.

That's it, because Sega was pitted because of Shenmue's game and DC's host...

Especially for the game "Shenmue", this game has proved Sega's technical level on the one hand, but on the other hand, it also shows that Sega is indeed a pitfall in a certain aspect. It is clear that the technology is good, but it turned out to be a tragedy.

For &nb, I’ll leave it to Ayana-chan and Wang Sang. You don’t need to pay attention to Mori Xia-kun. Just concentrate on our script. Anyway, our main target is PC, host computer or something, it’s only incidental, and in the future The opportunity to go to Sony is the same. "Qian Jia exhorted again in order to make Senxia feel at ease.

"Well, of course I know." Senxia nodded.

Actually speaking, the most common platform for Morinia should be psp, the magic machine of the future. Although Morinia prefers pfp, it is just something in comics after all, and there is really no way to develop 18x for handhelds. Category of games.

The PC is the gentleman’s future. This is an indisputable fact. What Senxia didn’t tell Sega was that they were actually working on mods of the h category. When the time comes, it’s okay to put the blame on the players, and Senxia and the others The relationship is actually not big, which is a good thing.

"Mori-kun, Miss Qianjia." At this moment, Ono Daisuke came over.

"What's the matter, Dafujun?" Senxia and Qianjia both turned their heads.

"When you just went out, there was a call from Sony here."

Fuck, is it possible that Sony has already known about being the second or fifth son, and they are looking for trouble?

Senxia was sweating coldly.

No, in a small place like ours, it's not even qualified to be a young man, right?

Moriha thinks it's very unscientific. People like us will be fine even if they are released on all platforms, and Sony is not a super domineering guy like Nintendo...

"They have something?" Qianjia asked.

"Well, it's the "Plants vs. Zombies" before." Daisuke Ono's words made Mori Xia calm down.

"Speaking of which, "Plants vs. Zombies" will also be on the market, if there is no personal responsibility here..."

Qianjia looked up at Daisuke Ono.

"Huh?" Dafujun looked inexplicable.

At this time, Qian Jia took a step forward, and then patted the other person on the shoulder: "Dafu Jun, this matter is up to you!"

"But I still have to go to school! This kind of thing is impossible!" Ono Daisuke immediately shook his head.

"Salary doubled!" Qian Jia took out his killer.

Not to mention, the universal Daifujun seems to be able to do everything, and it is quite reliable to leave things to him.

"Hmm--!" Ono Daisuke shook.

"Here you are based on other people's full-time salary!" Qianjia once again took out his give it to me! "Even Daisuke Ono stood up at this time.

"Is this really no problem?" Senxia glanced at Qianjia, and then asked in a low voice.

"Well, we don't have enough manpower now, we can only do this, and it will be just fine!"

Qianjia waved his hand indifferently.

"Well, that's right."

Since no one can use it, that's all you can do if you come to work with the universal master...



This is the third one!

Ask for a monthly pass! (To be continued.)



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