Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 429: Not what you think, misunderstanding QAQ!

Senxia looked at Lihua blankly, but the latter didn't seem to realize the problem. 【..】

"Sinxia-kun, what's wrong with you...?" Lihua asked curiously.

"No, nothing!" Senxia immediately shook his head, he didn't want to continue thinking.

"Well, don't care about me, Senxia-kun, you just need to work hard, and I really like Senxia-kun who is working hard." Lihua smiled.

"Uh, ah..." Senxia nodded.

The President's words would definitely cause misunderstandings. After hearing her words, Senxia was sweating profusely, but Lihua himself didn't seem to notice this.

In fact, Moriha found that Lihua's own attention seemed to be absent here, and she didn't seem to realize what she had said at all.

"It doesn't matter, my work can be carried out at any time." Senxia waved her hand. With the help of Lao Xu and Mushroom, Senxia is much easier here, especially when Senxia knows that Mushroom is writing scripts seriously. At that time, Senxia knew that "this wave is stable".

It's just a little time to spare an hour or two, which is nothing.

"Well, if you don't mind, do you have anything to tell me, President?" Senxia actually thought Lihua was a bit weird a long time ago, but at this time Lihua is still a little absent-minded. In Senxia's view, this is probably the same The reason is the same before. This time Senxia didn't intend to let go of the chairman, he was going to be a "confidant sister".

"Huh eh?" Lihua seemed to be greatly frightened, she immediately stared at Senxia's side.

"President Lihua, you have been hiding something from me!" Senxia decided to speak straight.

"..." In an instant, Lihua's face turned red, and this redness seemed to be different from the flush that had appeared before because of being frozen.

Under the red light of the heating stove, Morinya did not notice the tiny change in Lihua's face.

"You, you...have discovered it?" Lihua retracted her hand and looked at Senxia with a very surprised look, who also nodded.

"Yes. So, President Lihua. If you have anything on your mind, just tell me! Maybe I can help you solve this problem! Senxia said with a smile.


Lihua covered her mouth and exclaimed three times.

Senxia was a little surprised, although he knew that Lihua would react greatly. I also guessed that she would resist or what, but...what kind of reaction is this?

Lihua's voice was a bit dazed and excited, but it was different from what she had imagined.

But what's the specific difference, Senxia felt a little unspeakable.

"President. You don't have to worry about it, just tell me if you have anything!"

Senxia showed a harmonious smile at Lihua.

"That, Senxia-kun... won't you hate me for this?" Lihua's eyes began to wander.

"Huh? How come?" Senxia shook her head quickly, "I just want to help you, the president!"

"Help... me?" Lihua seemed to shake, but her whole body began to tremble and excite.

"Yes, so don't be restrained, if there is any anxiety, just tell me!"

Senxia's eyes are extremely sincere, and his language is full of kindness.

However, Lihua seemed to feel a huge impact at this time. Her breathing became rapid, and her face was almost flushed with water.

"Um..." Lihua felt that her mind seemed a little strange.


She was a little speechless, inexplicably high in her heart, and her whole person at this time seemed to be totally different from the past...

"Tell me about you. Qianjia has already told me about your affairs. I know you are troubled by your family. Don't worry, no matter what. I may not be able to help you solve it, but I At least I can listen to you."

Then Lihua in Jixiangyuan stayed sluggish for ten seconds.

"Wow!" Then she screamed.

"President...?" Senxia looked at Jixiangyuan Lihua dumbfounded, while the latter became very strange at this time. Her pupils seemed to have lost their focus. After she screamed, she sat there blankly.

Seeing Lihua's expression, Senxia suddenly thought of the dolls that were broken by playing.

"President, what's the matter with you. Is it uncomfortable?" Senxia gently touched Lihua's shoulder.

But at this time, Lihua seemed to have been electrocuted, and she jumped up like this.

"President...?" Senxia was startled, he looked at Lihua with some worry.

At this time, Lihua also raised her head and looked at Senxia. There seemed to be a trace of tears in her eyes. She looked at herself like this, and her eyes seemed to be blamed.

Senxia was a little panicked. Could it be that she said something wrong and caused the other party's disgust?

"I was wrong..." Lihua whispered in a crying voice.

"President, you didn't make any mistakes!" Senxia said quickly.

"No, I was wrong, I misunderstood without authorization..." Lihua sighed leisurely.


Didn’t we just say the same thing?

Senxia was not a fool. After noticing Lihua's appearance, Senxia seemed to understand.

"President Lihua, are you okay?"

Senxia felt a little inexplicable. Although Lihua said she had misunderstood, to what extent did she have such a strong reaction?

Senxia couldn't figure it out.

"I'm fine! You don't need to worry about Senxia-kun, just forget everything just now! Just forget it!" Lihua hurriedly shook her hands.

"Um, President, if you have anything, please tell me, I will definitely help you solve it." Morinya said sincerely, "Even if someone is threatening you, I will find a way to help You solved this problem!"

"No, that's not the case..." Lihua kept backing as she said, her eyes wavered.

But after hearing Lihua's words, Senxia was even more worried, because her expression and situation at this time could be said to be completely wrong.

Morinia is not because of a guy who knows the bottom line. If he pursues the secret too much, he will touch what many people don't want to say. Such words will only make people feel offensive.

But at this time, it is an exception, because Lihua's situation at this time is really not quite right, and her expression is really very weird and worrying.

Although Lihua herself was strongly resisting, Morinia felt that she had to find a way to ask her what happened.

"Lihua...Chairman?" However, Senxia still found something was wrong, because as soon as he spoke, Lihua took a step back. When he called out the other party's name, he found that Lihua was already standing far away.

Seeing this situation, Senxia felt dumbfounded.

Could it be that our majestic President Lihua of Auspicious Academy, the reason why she is so confused now is because of our own relationship?

But in all fairness, Morinia didn't think she had done anything terrible to the other party.

Do we actually have a cruel second personality, do we do something inferior to Lihua every day...

Senxia muttered something inexplicably in her heart.

"President, if I did something wrong, please..."

"It's not Senxia-kun's fault! Senxia-kun, you didn't make any mistakes!" Before Senxia finished speaking, Lihua shouted out at this moment.

"Huh?" But at this time, Senxia felt even more inexplicable. What is going on?

"So Senxia-kun, please don't care about this matter, you... you just assume that nothing happened today. If this is the case, then there is no problem at all!" Lihua said in a trembling voice.

"..." Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

Just because I saw your appearance, I couldn't put you down so easily!

Morinya really didn't know what to say at this time.

"Ah, Senxia-kun, what are you going to do to Lihua!"

At this moment, Qianjia-senpai's voice came from the door.

She opened the door and saw a scene that shocked herself.

At this time, Lihua of Jixiangyuan was leaning against the wall, shaking her whole body and tears in her eyes. On the other side, Tianhai Senxia, ​​a beast, was standing beside the opponent, and then staring at the opponent aggressively.

In this situation, no matter how you look at it, you can feel that something terrible happened!

"Sinxia-kun! What do you want to do to Lihua!"

Qian Jia walked up angrily, holding Senxia's tie with one hand, and pressing Senxia's shoulder with the other, pushing Senxia to the other wall.

"Fortunately, I still want to come over to comfort you, I really didn't expect you to love such a beast." Qianjia's eyes were indescribable contempt.

"I am innocent!"

Senxia shouted, she didn't react to any situation in front of her!

I haven't figured out what the situation should I be tried this way?

"Oh? Innocent? Yeah, nothing has happened now. Of course you are innocent, but once I'm late, it will be bad!" Qianjia glared at Senxia.

Senxia herself is inexplicable. In short, it is better to let Qianjia calm down first at this time: "Things are completely different from what you imagined, Sister, you made a mistake!"

However, Morika's defense was weak. Chika looked at Morika condescendingly, and in her icy voice, she gave Morika the final ruling: "The question and answer is useless, Sinai (die)!!!"

"Please wait!"

When it was critical, Lihua yelled...



&nbo I'm working on codewords! (To be continued.)



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