Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 430: "There is definitely a problem!" said the famous detective 0 Yu 0 Jia

Just as Senxia was desperate, Lihua's voice suddenly rang. [Read the latest chapters..]

"...Lihua?" Qian Jia turned around and looked at Jixiangyuan Lihua with incredulous eyes, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"You misunderstood, Qianjia, things are completely different from what you thought!" Lihua explained immediately.

"..." Qian Jia didn't speak. She looked at Lihua, then turned her head and looked at Senxia's face. After looking at it for a long time, she turned her head again, looked at Lihua, and said in a distressed voice: "I didn't expect you to be so partial to Sen Xiajun, obviously he did such an excessive thing to you!"

"I didn't do anything!" Senxia strongly protested.

"Nothing to do?" Qianjia sneered.

"Yeah, it's just that I'm shaking. In fact, nothing strange has happened at all!" Lihua explained quickly.

Senxia next to him heard Lihua's voice, really dumbfounded, President, don't you think there is a suspicion of "There is no silver in this place" in your words!

"...Stockholm syndrome? Lihua, it turns out you are shaking m?" Qianjia couldn't believe it.

"Hmm..." Lihua did not immediately refute, but instead took a step back and leaned against the wall tightly.

"President, you quickly explain!"

Senxia quickly shouted.

Originally, Lihua should have vetoed it quickly, but why would you be shaken in an inexplicable place, my lord!

At this time, Qianjia would definitely not pay attention to herself. At this time, only Lihua can explain it, but the president of the president actually dropped the chain at a critical moment. What the **** is this! President, are you really the legendary shaking m?

If it weren't for the special circumstances, Senxia would definitely complain about it this time.


Finally, Lihua took a long sigh and finally calmed down: "Qianjia, calm down, things are not the same as you thought. Senxia Jun actually wants to help me."

"..." Qianjia didn't reply, but turned her head and looked at Senxia.

"Senior Sister, don't you mean to say, "Senxia-kun, do you use bullying to help people"?" Senxia has already guessed what the other party will say.

"Ah la la. Senxia-kun, you are so smart, yes, that's what I think!" Qian Jia squinted and smiled at Senxia, ​​while the latter felt cold all over.

"So. It's not like that. Mori-kun wants to ask about my family's affairs. Although I am very grateful to Mori-kun, I think this is my personal matter. There is no need to get involved with other people. That's it." After saying these words, Lihua herself seemed to be relieved.

However, Qianjia narrowed his eyes at this time.

"In this case, it doesn't matter, Senxia-kun, you have escaped!" Qianjia finally let go of Senxia. Senxia was also relieved at this time.

"Sorry, sorry, you just made me misunderstood a little bit. Let's end this matter." Qianjia apologized to the two.

"Then, let's do this, the student union still has a job, I will go back first." Before anyone else could speak, Lihua was a little embarrassed and prepared to leave Senxia and Qianjia.

"Don't you continue to sit? Qianjia is here too. If you have any questions, we can both help you." Senxia kept Lihua, but Lihua just shook his head at this time, and then insisted on leaving.


After Lihua left. Senxia shook her head, and then sat back in her original position.

"I think the reason why you two were here just now is definitely not that simple." After saying this, Qian Jia took the chair that Lihua had sat on before. Then he sat down in front of the stove.

"So, Senior Sister, you think too much." Morinya shook her head, "Things are absolutely different from what you imagined! Completely different! You have completely misunderstood!"

"I didn't misunderstand at all." Qianjia turned her head and smiled at Senxia.

This is a declarative sentence.

After hearing this sentence, Morika was stunned for a second, and then he reacted: "So Senior Sister, you just shabu me?!"

there is only one truth. That is to be pitted!

Senxia immediately understood what had happened.

Qian Jia hadn't misunderstood from the beginning, she just shaved Senxia from the beginning.

"I just want to prevent you from doing anything rude to Lihua, so I got a shot in advance." Qianjia disagrees with this, "And as I just said, your previous purpose here is absolutely extraordinary. , Otherwise, how could Lihua show that expression and be forced into the corner of the wall by you? If it weren't because I showed up in time, would you be satisfied with the president of our Auspicious Academy?"

The word "bidong" was still passed down by Morinya, but as a result, the word he used to complain about the girl comics this time was now used by Qianjia on her.

It's a pit.

After discovering that she had dug a hole for herself, Senxia had no idea what to say at this time.

But at this time, he doesn't care about being complained by Qianjia. What he cares more about is another point: "Actually, I have also noticed that President Lihua's situation is indeed a bit weird."

Senxia also admitted that President Lihua's situation was very strange at the time. Why did she have such an inexplicable reaction?

Except for the inexplicable, Senxia had no idea what adjectives should be used to describe Lihua's performance at that time. If Lihua was disgusted by herself, then she should have been afraid or disgusted at the time, but what was Lihua's reaction?

"Some...shy? Shame? Or what kind of feeling?"

Senxia can only judge based on Lihua's situation at the time.

"So, there must be a problem!" Qianjia showed a confident smile on her face.

"Then I will ask next time, I don't know if something happened in her house." There is obviously no special bond between the two people, but Senxia? I feel that I can't make the meeting. Just let it go.

"No, let me do this thing!" But at this moment, Qianjia volunteered to stand up, "Let my detective Chiba Chika come and uncover the whole truth, there is only one truth!"

"Hey hey hey, you're not a first-year elementary school student who was dosed with medicine!" After discovering that she had been shaved by Qianjia, Senxia's ability to complain about being sealed returned to him.

"Don't care, don't care~" Qianjia patted Morika on the shoulder, and then smiled, "All in all, I have a better say than you in the investigation of this matter. I'll just leave it to me today. I can still sneak into Lihua's house to find the reason, Senxia-kun, you can't do this, right?"

"Well, senior sister, is it really okay for you to do this?" Senxia felt that Qianjia's approach seemed a bit overdone.

"I'm Lihua's childhood sweetheart. There must be a problem with her appearance." Qianjia said with a smile, "At this time, as her best friend, it is only natural to learn about Lihua and her intelligence! I can go. She understands the situation at home and asks her parents, if they can buy a servant, it would be even better..."

"Although I also think President Lihua's situation is a bit strange, but Qianjia-senpai, you are already a stalker if you are doing everything! If you are really free, why not help me, I Now, even the cat’s hand wants to borrow it..."

Even the cat’s hand wants to borrow. This is a Japanese proverb, which means that you are busy.

"The cat doesn't have any hands, but I can wear cat gloves to watch them. Then, wear the cat's ears and tail together. If that's the case, will you be happy, Senxia-kun?" Qianjia said as she stretched out Put two hands on both sides of his head to make cat things.

Seeing Qianjia's movements, Senxia's heart was crying.

Why are you so funny? Give me the cold black long straight in the first impression!

Qianjia-senpai back then, you are obviously such a beautiful kaolin flower. Why do you now look like this? !

"...What's the matter, Senxia, ​​don't you write?" Qianjia noticed that Senxia turned off the computer at this time.

"Well, in this state, I can't write anything at all. Instead of consuming time like this, it's better to go home now." Senxia took the copied floppy disk from the machine and exhaled.

"It's also true. The weather this year is really strange. It's this time, and there is still such a heavy snow." Qian Jia also complained.

After tidying up the department, Senxia and Qianjia left here and headed home.

Although Qian Jia was still talking about Lihua in Jixiangyuan along the way, Senxia had decided to ignore it. He even considered whether to tell Lihua about this matter as the case may be, so that she could be psychologically prepared.

"Huh, I'm finally back." After arriving home, Senxia felt much warmer. As night fell, the cold wind outside the window became more and more bitter. At this time, it was still the warmest at home.

But when Senxia arrived home, she found that the light was on. of

"Brother, welcome home!" Yukino, dressed in a witch costume, walked over to greet Morika with a smile at this time.

" Yukino, didn't you go to the shrine to work?" Morinka was a little strange.

"The front hall has collapsed a bit, and the **** master said that it will be repaired again, so the part-time job at the shrine will stop recently." Yukino explained.

"It collapsed? Xuena, are you okay? God Lord Grandpa is okay?" Senxia asked quickly.

"No one is hurt," Xue Nao shook his head, "Ah, by the way, there is still good news to tell you, brother."

"good news?"

"Well, the one-hundred-thousand-word script you gave me, I have all finished!"

&nbs? ! "


Today's first chapter qaq

I am going to break out today, I beg you to subscribe>_<(To be continued.)



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