Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 431: Why is this relationship?

The witch costume that Yukino wore today was different from the daily one. It seemed to be new and more refined. On the white dress, there was a red trim, which was more gorgeous than the original white hakama. [Read the latest chapters..]

At this time, Yukino was wearing that witch costume, with long black hair tied behind his head, and became a ponytail, but the feeling of this ponytail was very different from Morinka's short ponytail.

Set off by the ponytail and the witch costume, Yukino looked very heroic.

If it were for Morinka on weekdays, he would definitely give a compliment after seeing the current Yukino, but after hearing Yukino said that he had already finished the big news, Morinka's attention had been removed.

"Xuno, have you finished writing all the scripts?" After hearing the news, Senxia was still a little unbelievable.

However, Xue Nao's answer was the same as before: "Yes, I have done it all!"

"Hey, it seems very interesting, let us see first!" Qian Jia said quickly.

"Okay, I have printed it out, wait a moment."

After Yukino finished speaking, he walked upstairs, while Morinka and Qianjia took off their coats and went to the living room.

As soon as they opened the kotatsu in the living room, Yukino over there had already walked over with the manuscript.

"A hundred thousand words are all done, it's really Xue Nao!"

After Qian Jia finished speaking, he took the manuscript and got into the kotatsu.

The so-called kotatsu is actually a small table covered with a quilt. The table is heated by charcoal or electric appliances. It is a very common winter utensil in Japan. People like to sit in the kotatsu and watch TV while eating tangerines.

Although the footsteps of the cold winter have passed, because of the sudden drop in temperature now, Senxia and the others seem to be back in winter. Qianjia is watching the manuscript at this time while eating tangerines.

She did it all right, but it was a bitter for Morinia next to her. At this time, Senxia leaned behind Qianjia and supported her body with her hands before she saw the content of the text.

But at this look, Senxia couldn't look away.

The script assigned to Yukino. It's actually a very simple part, which is the daily script.

In &nbame, "daily" is almost the main theme in the script, not to mention 90%, at least 80% of the script. It is related to daily life, even if it is a very passionate battle story, sometimes it is necessary to give you a large daily and academy plot.

Senxia is no exception. Yingmanji's Tianwangzhou No.1 College, Yingmanji and school classmates, and He Qiqi's daily life are all there.

But in the Mori Summer game, only a small part of the script is occupied daily, which can only be said to be the icing on the cake, full of money, that is, the part that is given to Xue Nai. It is more than half of them, or even all of them. Originally, the part of the story is very compact, and there is no room for daily life behind the story.

What Kesenxia never expected was that Yukino's grammar was very good for the one hundred thousand characters.

The previous plot is the part of Sakura Manji that hasn't seen Takichi. Here, Yukino presents the entire school to readers or players in a vivid way. Through Sakuramanji's communication with others, the entire Tianwangzhou The academy is described as "alive".

This is a very good level.

In the following part, a plot is skipped. Next is the daily script of Jiqi and Yingmanji.

A very warm script, the relationship between Yingmanji and Qiqi is naturally excessive in the daily script, but it does not exceed the script requirements of the outline, as far as the plot itself is concerned. This feeling is really good.

"Emotional description is Xue Nao-chan's strong point..." Qianjia nodded.

"Well, yes, the relationship between Keiji and Sakura Manji has been vividly manifested through this daily routine... No, it is better than imagined." Morinka also admired Yukino's talent.

What is "lively"? This is!

When Jiqi and Sakuraman gather together, there is a very warm feeling.

I just don't know. Why does this feeling make people have a... well, there is an inexplicable sense of sight?

Yes, I don’t know why. In this script, Takiji and Sakura Manji seem to have a very familiar sense of sight, but Morinia is very sure that this is not a certain game or similar fragments in it.

To be precise, it should have been seen "in reality."

But where is it? When?

"I feel that the level of this script is even higher than Senxiajun!" Qianjia said with a smile, "Moreover, the format of the script is also very good. This kind of content does not need to be organized and can be used directly in the program. in."

"Really? Great!" Xue Nai was very excited after hearing the news.

"Although Mori-kun's article is also very good, but in this part of the daily life, Yukino is even better. I noticed during the re-take before, Yukino seems to be particularly suitable for writing such a warm plot!" Qianjia found This is an important point.

"Yes, because I wrote this script according to myself and my brother!" Yukino smiled.

"Me?" Senxia suddenly realized, no wonder she felt that this episode had an inexplicable sense of sight.

"..." Qianjia glanced at Morinka, then at Xue Na again, "Is there really no problem with this?"

"Of course not!" Xue Nao cried with both hands. "I heard my brother say before that Ying Manji and Qi Qi are actually brothers and sisters."

"If it's blood relationship, it should be siblings, if it's related, it's uncle and niece!" Qianjia talked freely.

"No, it's brothers and sisters!" Xueno insisted inexplicably, "Sakuramanji and Sakuraman's real name are sisters and brothers, and Eki is made by Sakuraman's real name, but the actual age of Sakuramanji is older than that of Sakuramanji. The little one, so it's my sister!"

"..." Senxia is inexplicable, why can this kind of plot still quarrel, what the **** is this?

Senxia was stunned.

"Well, just treat it as brother and sister, but in the text, you can't write that way!" Senxia stood up.

"Well, this kind of relationship can only be implied, I know!" Yukino said, and nodded seriously towards Morinka.

And Senxia can only laugh or cry.

In Japan’s acg world, the atmosphere in the ten’s can be said to be extremely open. Even Doraemon movies for children, there are girls who don’t wear anything, but this time On the contrary, ethics is not as open as later generations.

In the 21st century, due to the complaints of parents, the art and gentleman atmosphere in the acg world has gradually disappeared, and they have to compromise with reality, but on the other hand, scripts such as "brother can also" and "only brother can". It began to prevail. From this perspective, the atmosphere of this era seems to be open again.

But just as Morinya was worried, this part of the plot is just hinted now, and writing it will definitely cause controversy.

And although Yukino is suggesting the relationship between brother and sister, this feeling is not obvious after the script is integrated into the overall environment, especially when combined with the context, this part of the content produces another feeling.

This feeling is similar to "foreshadowing", which is a kind of foreshadowing to reveal the true identity of Yuqi. It is precisely because of this part of the plot that when Sakuraman's real name appears later, the content of the article becomes more reasonable.

"Well, if you look at it this way, it seems you can..." Senxia nodded.

"Hey, brother, is this kind of plot possible?" Xue Nao looked at Morinya again, her eyes full of expectation.

"Well, it can be used at all!" Senxia gave a thumbs up to Yukino.

"Great!" Xue Na jumped up, but then she came to Senxia and looked at Senxia with hope, "Hey, can I write the script together?"


Damn it!

Senxia was dumbfounded.

Speaking of it, he originally wanted to keep Yukino away from their creations, but why are both himself and Qianjia commenting on Yukino's works so well?

Senxia's mouth twitched.

"Well, yes, you can arrange this part of Senxia." However, Qianjia didn't know the little abacus in Senxia's heart at this time.

She paused, and then continued: "I think the battle and the S2 plot, Mori-kun writes better than Xue Na, if possible, continue to arrange Xue Na to play in the daily and emotional scenes."

After &nbsake, Qianjia has already made some assessments of Yukino's situation.

As far as the battle plot is concerned, comparing "Earth Defense Boy" and "Eva-retake", we can find that Morinia is even better in this regard. His language is maddening, and the plot depicted is wild and unreliable. The kind of cunning style of fighting.

Xue Nai is very prominent in daily life, especially the warm feeling between the hero and the heroine, she is particularly able to show it. And although he didn't say it in front of Morinka, Yukino was describing the combat uniform, Ayanami and Asuka kind of color in the language...well, great.

"I think of a way to arrange it..."

Moriha sorted out the current situation. She still had 600,000 manuscripts on hand. The plots of this part are relatively compact and suitable for writing in one go. If you change the battle, it will appear very uncoordinated.

And it’s only 600,000. If it’s a bit more compact, Morinya is confident that it will be done in May.

"You can also add part of the daily routine to the end of the outline, so that it won't make you feel top-heavy, and it can also create a sense of tension and warmth before the war..." Senxia thought for a while, and then made a decision. That is to add another ten to two hundred thousand scripts to the text.


The second one today!

Ask for votes!

There is also, today there is fine, hahahaha! (To be continued.)



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