Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 461: The old driver 0 Jia has seen through 1 cut

When Senxia came back to her senses, what he felt was a burst of softness from his face. 【Full text reading...】

It's like a soft pillow that has just been tanned.

Very comfortable and soft.

If it weren't for a heavy object behind her, Senxia would definitely be able to fall asleep at this time.

Then the heavy object behind Senxia turned around, and then Senxia seemed to feel another pillow pressed against the back of her head.

Senxia couldn't help turning her head, and rubbed her face on the pillow.

It feels... good.


There was a cry from under Senxia.


Senxia seemed to react at this time.

By the way, I just fell down with Qianjia, and when I got up, I wanted to pull Qianjia up by the way, and then I lost my center of gravity. At this moment, Lihua also rushed over, as if She wanted to hold Senxia, ​​but what can be thought of was that she did not resist the weight of the two people, but was directly thrown down by Senxia, ​​who had lost her center of gravity again.

But compared to the bad first fall, this time Morinka fell on the soft pillow fortunately.

Eh...No, I am at the door of the living room, where are the pillows? !

Mori Xia suddenly realized what had happened.

He struggled, trying to pull his head out of the pillow, but behind Senxia's head, the pillow also had a huge pressure.

"Some suffocation..."

Not good.

The pressure on both sides made Senxia urgent.

Not good, bad, bad...

Senxia shouted again and again in her heart.

If I can't get out of here anymore, I'm afraid I will become the first person to be suffocated by the pillow. In the future, maybe there will be 1,000 kinds of funny news in the future.

Absolutely not!

Senxia started to toss, and he moved his hands to the pillow behind him, trying to remove it.


There was a burst of exclamation from behind, just like the exclamation from before him, but the voice seemed to be a little different from the one from before him. It was a voice from Qianjia.

So soft, then so flexible. And it feels good...

This was the last thing that Senxia mistakenly felt when he was conscious. Then he fainted because of suffocation. He squatted on the pillow in front of him and threw himself on the street.



When Morika wakes up again. He found himself lying on a cold wooden board at this time, which seemed to be the place where he fell. On the other side, Qian Jiazheng and Lihua were sitting in front of the TV watching "Zhonghua Yifan" on the screen.


Why does it always feel like jumping to other world lines?

Senxia stood up dazedly.

"Um, what's wrong with me?" Senxia walked over slowly.

"You just fell down while helping me up, that's it." Qianjia glanced at Senxia. Then she turned her head and continued to watch TV. Her expressionless and cold look reminded Morxia of the first time she saw Qianjia.

It was Jixiangyuan Lihua. After hearing Senxia's voice, she turned her head and looked at Senxia. But when the two eyes met, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and then she quickly turned her head to watch the TV.

"I just fell in place like this?"

No, no, this is the world line crossing, it must be the world line crossing the tongue!

"Of course, where did you fall. In order to prevent accidents, let you lie down there. Is there anything weird about this?" Qianjia kept watching TV without squinting.

Senxia tilted her head: "This doesn't seem to be true, but I'm a little surprised. I seemed to have fallen on the pillow before--Um!"

Before Senxia spoke, Qianjia threw the pillow on the sofa onto Senxia's head and hit it straight.


Did he really cross the world line?

Looking at it again, Qian Jia seemed to have returned to her previous high cold state after throwing herself a pillow. But Lihua doesn't know why, she always feels very shaken, and her whole person seems to be trembling slightly.

"And I remember it was just two pillows at the time—well!"

Another hit with a pillow, crit effect. Senxia-kun can't get up again.


"Ahhhhhhhhhhh, brother, why are you lying in such a place?"

After waking up, Morika found that Yukino was standing on top of her, and then looked at herself condescendingly.

Because he doesn't have to go to school, Yukino doesn't wear school uniforms, but wears black stockings, red plaid skirt, white shirt and flax sweater cap.

"Nothing. I seem to have fallen over."

Senxia touched her somewhat sour nose, then looked down at the two pillows on her body.

Well, there seems to be no problem now.

Well, it seems to have crossed back from the strange world line just now...No, besides the two pillows in front of me, there seem to be two pillows behind me?

Forget it, don't pursue it, otherwise it will always feel like being divided by a hatchet.

"Brother, if you sleep here, you will catch a cold. If you want to rest, it's better to go back to the room."

Senxia nodded, and then was about to get up, but at this moment, Yukino squatted down, pressing his hips against the place where Senxia's lower abdomen was exerting force.


Morinatsu, who was preparing to support her body, was suppressed again at this time.

"Xue Nai?"

Senxia raised her head and looked at Xue Nao, somewhat inexplicably.

"Although I don't know why, I always feel like you did something bad, brother, to punish you."

As Yukino said, she also increased the strength of her hind buttocks, and put most of her weight on Morika's body. While rubbing Morika's body, she stared at Morika: "All in all, brother, don't think you are yourself The only boy in the family does whatever he wants. You have a sister like me. That kind of thing is absolutely not allowed! My brother can like other people, but I will always be the first!"

It turned out that Xue Nai was afraid of being snatched away.

Mori Xia suddenly realized.

However, after being reminded, Senxia also suddenly realized that there are now four people in her family. Three of them are permanent residents, but among them seems to be the only boy...

Fuck, what's going on with this sense of sight!

Senxia suddenly found that this kind of time seemed very suitable for gentlemen to unfold.

But when he met Yukino's eyes. Senxia felt that she had better converge a little bit. How could she do that kind of beastly thing in front of her sister? What a bad influence!

In section c, Senxia decided that he should find a way to keep his few remaining section c.

"Hi. I will never do strange things, Yukino, don't worry!"

Senxia immediately packed up a ticket to Xuenai.

After hearing Senxia's confession, Yukino nodded and stood up from Senxia with satisfaction, and then pulled Senxia up.

"If your brother is going to rest, just go back to the room. How can you sleep in the living room-and the seniors too, why don't you cover your brother with a quilt?" After Yukino finished talking about Morinka, he looked back. Qianjia who is watching the drama at a glance.

"I sent two pillows to Senxiajun, and the temperature is pretty good today. I won't catch a cold." Qian Jia didn't look back, just waved.

"Really." Xue Nai pouted at the two of them, and then went upstairs with a dizzy Senxia.

"..." Although Qianjia was not looking here, Lihua next to her had been paying attention to Senxia's side. After seeing Yukino taking Senxia away, Lihua turned her head and looked at Qianjia, "That, Qianjia, is Senxia-kun really okay?"

"Huh? He just did such an excessive thing to you, are you still worried about him now?" Qian Jia looked at Lihua in surprise.

The latter blushed. Then he covered his chest, and his body shrank subconsciously: "It's nothing like that! It's just force majeure!"

"Oh..." Qianjia half-squinted at Lihua, "So, do you like being done by Senxia?"

"Don't confuse this kind of question together!" Lihua protested.

"Isn't it? When Senxia-kun fell down and rubbed, you didn't resist at all, but kept calling out there!" Qianjia seemed to see through everything.

"That's because of special circumstances! It's just because of special circumstances!" Lihua was unable to resist when she was at a loss. At this time, she was eaten to death by Qian Jia.

"Yeah, it's just a thin shirt, of course. Maybe Mori Xiajun is still reminiscing about that feeling at this time~" The old driver Qianjia has seen everything.

"Um-!" Lihua was severely hit.

Looking at Lihua's bewildered look, Qianjia laughed out loud, and then waved to Lihua: "Relax, Senxia-kun probably doesn't remember what just happened, no matter what kind of thing he did. , Just knock him out, and when he wakes up later, he will forget everything. Isn't this setting easy to use?"

"Eh...?" Although a little shocked, Lihua was obviously relieved after hearing Qianjia's but it's hard to say. "However, Qianjia's conversation turned around, making Lihua nervous again. "Sometimes a boy like a creature will deliberately pretend to be confused. You think he didn't hear clearly, you think he forgot everything, but in fact, this person may Remember everything, especially when facing most girls. Mori-kun is a gentleman, this is the rule in the manga, maybe he pretended it on purpose~"

"..." Lihua was very nervous, "Does Xia-kun Mori know?"

Qianjia shrugged: "Well, who knows, maybe know, maybe not~"

After speaking, Qian Jia glanced at the nervous Lihua.

Well, this expression is so cute, I like it...



In the future, I will see if it can be set at 12 noon and 8 pm. (To be continued.)



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