Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 462: On Gentleman's Clothing

Lihua is a temperate person, so after watching a few episodes, she doesn't plan to watch it anymore. She plans to keep the rest of it until the evening. [Read the latest chapters..]

"But there is still some time before dinner starts."

Qian Jia checked the time, and it was only four o'clock in the afternoon. What should I do for the rest of the time?

She thought boringly.

Then, her eyes moved to the calendar on the other side.

"By the way, tomorrow is White Valentine's Day. If you have a good restraint, Senxia-kun will not forget it, right?"

Thinking of this, Qian Jia's eyes immediately lit up, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

Qianjia stood up.

"Where are you going?" After noticing Qianjia's movements, Lihua turned her head.

"Go find clothes you can wear tomorrow."

After Qian Jia finished speaking, she went to the second floor and then into the cloakroom.

After moving here, Qianjia's clothes were also placed here.

"But having said that, there are so many clothes in the Senxia family..." Although there are many, the clothes here don't seem to be all. Hearing Xue Nai said that there seemed to be more costumes in the studio left by their mother, but Qianjia banged on her side and found that Senxia didn't seem to be aware of this.

"I remember Tianhai teacher seems to have made a lot of clothes like c-pants. Are these clothes in the studio?" Qianjia thought of some strange things, "If you look at it this way, Morinka doesn't know it is natural It's up, but why does Yukino know?"

Qianjia was a little confused.

But these are not the main points. Tomorrow is an important day. It is better to prepare in advance.

"If you don't wear it inside, it should be more interesting..." Qianjia thought, "But if there is nothing, it is meaningless. Such superficial behavior is not the opponent of Yukino sauce..."

And not long ago, Lihua also made Qianjia feel a crisis.

Don't look at Lihua's usual serious appearance, but she still has great potential. A well-proportioned figure with a Nordic temperament, and that rare blond hair, these are super nirvana skills that the Japanese do not possess.

Lihua was able to become Miss Sakino and the president of the student council with an overwhelming advantage when she first entered the school. This beautiful blonde has helped her a lot. In Japan, foreigners have an advantage, especially good-looking foreigners. In the school, only they bully others and no one has ever dared to bully them.

"Um... this!"

Qian Jia took out a full body socks.

This was after Qianjia had a gentleman's discussion with Morika. Something just bought.

"But I haven't worn this full-body socks yet."

In the wardrobe belonging to Qianjia, there are all kinds of stockings, black, white, pantyhose and garter stockings. There are also several full-body stockings, but this one is an exception.

Because this full-body stocking has two openings on the chest, and it still has an open crotch, but after putting it on, you can put on a jacket. It will be ugly, so Qianjia has never worn it out.

But try it here now, it doesn't seem to be anything.

Qian Jia took up the dress while thinking so.

"Anyway, Senxia is sleeping now, he can't break in suddenly..."

Just give it a try. Could something big happen?

With this mentality, Qian Jia took off all the clothes such as the fat times and the bra.

The full-body socks are made of high-grade materials, so they feel very good. In the afterglow of the sunset, this full-body socks reveals bursts of dazzling luster.

Although there are such and other designs. But this full-body socks seems to be designed to facilitate movement, for example, the palm part is not wrapped in, which can facilitate finger movement.

"Really, who would wear this kind of clothes to act every day..."

Qian Jia spit out. But he didn't take off the full-body socks he was wearing, and then came to the mirror and looked at himself.

Although the key points are designed as openings, I have to say that the material of the clothes matches Qian Jia's figure, which looks really good, at least Qian Jia himself is very pleased.

"If you change to an ordinary male. You can't hold it at all~ No wonder Mori-kun said this is a gentleman's artifact..."

Qianjia's face showed a thoughtful expression. As a gentleman scholar, she had already entered a gentleman's thinking state at this time.

"I remember Mori Natsu-kun said before that wearing this kind of costume and making ergonomic calls, it seems to be very good..." Looking at herself in the full-length mirror, Qianjia was thinking.

Then she slowly squatted down.

"Uh...Is it really okay to squat down in parallel like this with your legs open 180 degrees?"

Unlike during the discussion, after squatting down, Qianjia found it difficult to maintain her balance.

Sure enough, some things still need to be practiced to learn true knowledge. Mori Xia Jun is right. What a gentleman needs most is the spirit of seeking truth from facts.

Qianjia sighed for the great teacher's motto, and finally stabilized her body.

Then, she carefully raised her hands and placed them behind her head, as if they were the people pointed at by guns.

"Well, it is indeed a very gentleman's posture. There is a feeling of complete obedience to the person in front of you. For the player, this should be a very sensible posture."

A posture full of suggestive and realistic images. This action is one of the essence of a gentleman. As a gentleman scholar, Qianjia thinks this posture is very good, even she herself feels a very... Emotions.


At this moment, the door of the cloakroom was suddenly opened.

After hearing this voice, Qianjia didn't react at once. After she realized what was happening, she found that her body seemed to be unable to move, and her brain was even more white.

It seems that something terrible happened--

"Menxia——?!" Qianjia was taken aback, but after seeing the person who came, she breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out to be Xue Na."

"Senior...?" Xueno also realized that Qianjia was wearing a full-body socks at this time, and then squatting on the mirror, "Excuse me."

She closed the door decisively.


After Xue Nao left. Qianjia also lost his balance and fell to the floor.

"It seems that Yukino saw it just now..." Qianjia rubbed her own sun x.

"Well, forget it, I'm just doing academic research..." she murmured. Then slowly stood up and began to choose tomorrow's clothes.

According to the weather forecast, tomorrow’s weather is very good, with a temperature of more than 20 degrees, even if you wear less clothes, there will be no problem.

After Qianjia thought about it. I chose a pair of hot pants and a short white shirt, and then took out a denim vest outside.

Putting on a **** short shirt, there are some subtle bumps on the outside, but after putting on the little vest, everything is covered.

The black stockings exposed from the white short sleeves look like a bottoming shirt on the hand, but they are translucent, and outsiders do not know, but the wearer himself will have a kind of surging from the heart The wonderful feeling of getting up... well. not bad.

Then, I put the hot pants on my body together, and this was done, and a cute and hot new image appeared in the mirror.

"Well, it's not bad..."

Qian Jia felt that she looked pretty good in front of the mirror.

But just wearing hot pants on her body, Qianjia didn't feel good.

"Sure enough, it's because there is no fat time..."

She shook her head, took off the clothes, then took up a light yellow dress and put it on her body. She wore a small straw hat for sun protection. The temperament of some gentlemen changed in a flash.

"Yeah. It feels good... But in this case, isn't it the same as usual..."

Although she was amused in front of Morinka, when Qianjia was outside, she could be said to have maintained a cold posture.

This dress in front of me. It has a lovely and innocent feeling, and Qian Jia will always try it like this.

But tomorrow is an exception.

"I need a more impactful image..."

Qian Jia lowered her head, and then looked at the dress she had placed next to her.

The outfit I chose before has a feeling. It looks normal on the surface, but in fact it is very gentleman. Definitely able to attract Morinia's attention.

In this case, it is certainly possible.

"Well," Qianjia thought about it, she took off her clothes, and then changed back to her normal clothes.

After leaving the room, Qianjia went back downstairs. Lihua had already left the living room. At this time, only Xue Na was sitting here.

After taking a look at Qianjia, she turned her head and continued to watch TV, as if nothing strange had happened before.

Qian Jia walked over, and then approached Xue Nai.

"Now, Xuenai." Qianjia looked at Xuenai.

"What's the matter? Senior Qianjia?" Xue Nai tilted her head and looked at Xue Nai.

"Hey, Yukino, I remember that Teacher Tianhai used to make c-pants, is there anything I can use here?" Yes, Qianjia has already thought of a solution, which is c-pants.

"Well, there are new ones." Xue Nao nodded.

Qianjia folded her hands and knelt down in front of Xue Na: "Please lend me one, please!"

"This is no thought for a while, then nodded, then stood up, "wait a moment. "

After Xue Nao finished speaking, she walked to the cloakroom, but she frowned.

"No, in this case, seniors will have an advantage..."

Xue Nao muttered to herself.


Then at this moment, she suddenly found a roll of hemp rope next to Qianjia's wardrobe. Then, a happy expression appeared on her face...


New chapter! Today is the first update, please subscribe and monthly pass~

Women's clothing? This hasn’t happened recently, don’t listen to wind or rain.

If you want to imagine Morinatsu's women's clothing, Morinatsu's women's clothing is now closer to Jiuyuanji Youzhu, so let's owo. (To be continued.)



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