Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 463: Shura Field 2 Return

On March 14, White Day was a sunny day with cloudless miles.

Today was supposed to be the day when boys returned gifts to girls, but today Morinka took the three girls from the family to Ueno Park, Tokyo.

Ueno Park, also known as the "Sakura Park", has more than 1,300 cherry trees in the park.

Well, yes, today's Morinha and his party are here to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

The Japanese department publishes the forecast of the cherry blossom date every year, which is called "Sakura Frontier", which means "Sakura Frontier".

Generally speaking, the cherry blossoms in Tokyo are open from the end of March to the beginning of April, just like last year, when Morinka was enrolled in school, the cherry blossoms in Tokyo were considered to be in full bloom.

"I didn't expect the cherry blossoms to bloom so early this year." Standing at the gate of Ueno Park, Qianjia smiled and sighed reads();.

"Yeah, it's probably because the weather this year is strange, but it's because of this blessing that we can only see the cherry blossoms now." Morinka also knew that there are cherry blossoms now because of the preview.

Thanks to the abnormal weather in 1998, Moriha, who was so full of it, now has a way to resolve family conflicts.

Hey, it seems something is not quite right to say so, but Senxia thought about it, and he found that there seemed to be no big problem.

"But because it opens early, there are fewer people who come to enjoy the cherry blossoms at this time, isn't it just right?" Yukino smiled and put his arm around Morika's arm, "walking together on the street full of cherry blossoms, then It will be very comfortable!"

Yukino is wearing a yukata kimono at this time. The cherry blossom kimono is really eye-catching. In this cherry blossom season, it almost blends with the blooming flowers.

Qian Jia is dressed in hot pants and a small vest. It's very hot. It doesn't look like you are here to enjoy cherry blossoms at all, but it seems that you are here to participate in a show or the like.

The simplest is Lihua. She was wearing a plain dress at this time, and her hair was gently pulled behind her head. But although it is the simplest dress, Lihua has a noble breath from his bones. It is obviously an ordinary dress, but it makes people feel an inaccessible noble feeling.

Senxia's dress is also very simple, black sweater and black slacks, simple and plain.

The abnormal weather brought abnormal temperature. It was only mid-March, but the temperature was already like summer.

But this is just one day today. Japan is also the rainy season in March, and in two days, heavy rain will wipe out this abnormally high temperature.

"Wow, so empty!"

After entering Ueno Park, the four people realized that there were not many people here. Although there were a lot of people, the gap was too big compared to previous years, so there are many places for Morinka and the others.

"Thanks for the abnormal ghost weather." Senxia holding the picnic cloth exclaimed.

"Well, that's just right. We can take a stroll along Lake Buren and take a look at the cherry blossoms by the way." Qianjia put forward her own opinion.

In Japan, cherry blossom viewing has an exclusive vocabulary. It's called "Hanami". After stepping into the park, Morinka and the others are going to take a stroll along the Shinobu Lake in Ueno Park.

Shinobu Lake is also a famous lakeside in Ueno Park. In summer, it will be covered by lotus leaves, and the blooming flowers can be said to be very eye-catching.

Although it is still spring, looking at the surrounding scenery along the banks of the Shinobu Lake is also very beautiful when the wind blows. A burst of light folds between the cherry blossoms and the treetops, the scene is very beautiful.

Wandering on this corridor. Yukino couldn't help holding Senxia's right hand, and Qianjia seemed to have agreed. Grabbed Morika's left hand.

Only Lihua followed the three people pathetically. After she noticed the movements of the two fellow girls, she was a little dazed and wanted to catch something, but in the end she realized that she didn't seem to have her place.

She did not speak, just followed behind, quietly.

In the front, when Senxia hugged left and right, he found something was wrong.

"Senior sister?"

Especially when Senxia's left hand began to contact Qianjia, he even discovered that the clothes on the other party were wrong reads();.

"These are full-body socks, for Senxia-kun your'kill to die'~" Qianjia rubbed against Senxia.

Then Senxia realized that Qianjia was completely deliberate.

As if it were a prank, Qianjia pulled the collar a bit away, revealing the thin black silk inside.


Although she knew that Qianjia's intention was to play tricks on herself, Senxia was still a little bit confused by the gentleman's impact.

At this time Qianjia-senpai’s body temperature was gradually spreading to Morinka’s body through the black fibers. This heat was completely different from the feeling given by sunlight. Although it was also “hot”, Qianjia’s heat seemed to be mixed. With some wonderful feelings, Senxia almost had the illusion that she had touched the other's heart.

"No wonder you dressed so hot today..."

Senxia wanted to complain, but after seeing the senpai who deliberately sold meat, he suddenly stopped.

Although Qianjia always looks full of vitality in front of Morinia, Qianjia in weekdays is very cold, and now her appearance has a great contrast in normal days, but it is this contrast that makes Qianjia produce It was an unparalleled attraction.

"Brother, what do you think of me here?" At this moment, Yukino on the right also clenched Morika's arm.


There was a puzzled expression in Morika's eyes, because he could feel something protruding from Yukino's yukata.

It seems... it's a rope.

Yukino smiled slightly at Morinka head-on, and Morinka also realized what was wrong with Yukino.

This is easy to understand. Morinka understood when the strange rope-like collar appeared from the neckline of Yukino's yukata kimono.

Yukino had done this before, not just a rope, she had tried various other things.

Could it be that Qianjia offered herself "Kill Must Die" today because she was influenced by Xue Nao? !

Morinya found that she seemed to understand what had happened.

Senxia also chuckled, then leaned to Senxia's ear and said softly, "This is a tortoise shell."

"Ahem, Yukino, I told you before, don't wear this kind of clothes like this... Rope or something, it can't be used as clothes at all. Not only rope clothes, but also those leather and other clothes. It's not for you..."

Although I was embarrassed to say it before, Morinka felt that if she didn't talk about Yukino, she might toss some more weird things. Now that even Qianjia is affected, can she live in peace in the future?

Yukino pursed her mouth: "I think it's normal for girls to dress boys like this! And my mother keeps so many clothes, if we don't wear them, it's not a waste!"

Yukino, who is diligent and thrifty, seems to think this waste is shameful. In fact, Morinka also agrees with Yukino's approach, but the clothes that my mother left...well, those everyday clothes are fine, but those inner clothes are more exotic than a piece of work, what kind of trouble is this? reads(); !

But on this point, Senxia is not easy to refute, after all, their c-pants can not be separated from Senxia himself.

Because of the handle, there is no way to refute Yukino...

"...Well, Yukino, don't you think it's a bit...a bit strange when you wear this kind of clothes?"

There are some things that Moriha doesn't know how to explain.

"I feel very comfortable," Xue Nao tilted her head, looking at Morinya with a pure expression, as if she didn't understand the meaning of Morinya's words, "and I can't lose to Senior Qianjia!"

Sure enough, because of the sense of competition...?

Senxia has a headache.

"Ah la la, Xue Nao-chan, I can't pretend to have heard these words before." Qian Jia leaned forward and pulled his head out, "Although I am very grateful for giving me a pair of c-string pants, it is a matter of principle. It is a matter of principle, no matter how great the favor is, it cannot be changed."


c pants?

Senxia lowered her mind and looked up Qianjia's denim shorts.

After noticing Senxia's gaze, Qianjia smiled slightly: "That's right, Senxia-kun. I am wearing c-shorts, Senxia-kun, would you like to see it?"

"You fishy cat!" Xue Nai was unwilling to show weakness, she immediately stood out at this moment, the two eyes contacted, there seemed to be a strong spark in the air.

A line of cold sweat broke out on Senxia's forehead.

Although the feeling of "hugging left and right" is good, the result is that Morinka doesn't have the mind to look at the cherry blossoms. His attention is now completely focused on Chika and Yukino, and these two people seem to be too. The drunkard does not mean wine.

The walk on the shore of Lake Shibubuji ended in a horrible way. Senxia and the others chose to enjoy the cherry blossoms on a small slope, and next to them was a blossoming cherry tree.

Originally, this was an extremely beautiful scene, but at this time, Senxia felt like she was suffering in purgatory, and she didn't know where the dawn was.

Qianjia's relationship with Yukino seemed to have been very good before. Morinya thought they had already let go of their previous complaints, but I don't know why, at this time they were able to quarrel again, and the sense of confrontation seemed very strong.

Morinka had intended to tell them about the gentlemen's clothes they shouldn't wear, but now it seems impossible. In fact, Morinka found that she didn't even have the possibility of interjecting.

"All in all, let's make tea first...huh?"

Senxia, ​​who was preparing to make tea, suddenly noticed Lihua. She was sitting there quietly at this time, looking at the lake in the distance.

So Senxia leaned over: "President Lihua, the scenery here is beautiful, right?"


New chapter get!

I'm full of integrity! (To be continued.)

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