Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 466: This is called the aftermath

There is a saying called "I guessed the beginning of the story, but did not guess the end of the story."

Morinia now doesn't know why things turned out like this, but he seems to have seen his tragic end.

"It seems to be very lively here." Erika smiled.

Mori Xia Yu has a god, and he doesn't know how Erika sees the so-called "lively" in this strange atmosphere.

…Well, in a sense, perhaps this situation can really be said to be lively.

"But I didn't expect to see you Erika here." Qianjia walked over, looking at the maid outfit on Erika.

"Hi." Erika nodded, "Because today is the day when the cherry blossoms are open, so I took a half-day vacation for the employees, and then took everyone to enjoy the cherry blossoms!"

After Erika finished speaking, she pointed to a group of people not far away. They all wore the same maid outfits as Erika's, and they were all employees of the company.

"Yes, today is a rare day!" Senxia also nodded desperately, trying to divert other people's attention, so he said, "Now, everyone, why don't we treat them as well..."

"No way!"

Before Senxia spoke, Qianjia and the three of them raised their objections almost in unison.

"Brother, this kind of thing is absolutely not allowed," Yukino said with her arms akimbo, her upper body close to Morinka, she said with a pouting mouth, "Brother, today is the day we go out, work matters, or something. Put it in later!"

Qianjia also nodded in agreement: "Yes, there is no need to squeeze today. Although the cherry blossoms are fleeting, the time to bloom is not short."

Mori Xia also thought about it. Today she came out with her sister and others, and then called Lao Xu's elders arrogantly, but Nana and Ayana came over. Senxia felt that there was no problem.

"Although I still want to have a chat with everyone, my lovely employees can't be given up, so let's do this for now." Although Erika is a little regretful, she does not have the time today.

"Hi. It doesn't matter." Morika understood Erika well.

After bowing to everyone, Erika ran away.

After missing a sister paper, Morinka was also relieved, although it was a pity that Erika couldn't sit together, but after she left. Morinya found that she felt the pressure on her body relieved inexplicably.

There is always an illusion of escape.

"...Well, let's sit down together. Such a wonderful view is just the time to appreciate it." Senxia smiled.

A little bit of cherry blossoms floating down from the sky, this feeling is indeed very bright and exciting.

Sometimes, the petals of the cherry blossoms will fall into the tea cups and refreshments of some tourists, but they don't care, but mixed with the petals of the cherry blossoms and continue to sip the hot tea. The petals of these cherry blossoms are like seasonings at this time, and their food seems to be more fragrant.

Although such a scene description appears to be a narrative composition with a full score in the college entrance examination, the situation that Mori Xia faces at this time is the last mathematical application problem in the examination paper. This difficulty is simply cheating.

At least the current Morinka suddenly felt this way.

"Strange, I didn't feel too difficult when I took the exam, but now I feel super uneasy."

Morinia muttered.

"Yo, Senxia-kun!"

But at this time. Senxia heard another voice coming from the side.

Damn it, come again? !

Senxia was shocked.

Eh, wait, this voice is male.

Senxia followed the prestige. Then he was relieved.

"Tonggu, it's you!"

It's great, it's great to have a boy over at this time!

Senxia had no doubt that if a girl came to her at this time, Senxia would definitely be bombarded to the dregs. I am afraid that even the author would not be able to save her life.

"What a coincidence. Senxia-kun!"

The yellow-haired idiot walked up with a grin, and then saw the sisters who surrounded Morinya in a circle.

"President! Senior Qianyu! Ah, Yukino-chan!"

Before Tonggu finished speaking, Senxia slapped her face and said, "Don't call my sister's name in such a funny tone!"

"Senxia, ​​you are too far-sighted!" Tonggu glared at Senxia, ​​"How can you be repaired, I didn't expect you to be with so many cute girls! I really envy you!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Senxia pulled Tonggu over, and he almost gritted his teeth at this moment.

Senxia originally thought Tonggu would be able to help her, but the idiot is just a idiot. At this time, she is still adding fuel to the fire. Isn't this a fight?

"But what I'm telling is the truth. I have always wanted to play with cute girls, but I have never succeeded!" Tonggu's face was full of envy and hatred.

"Don't you have your "Meihui sauce"? What do you care about so much." Senxia rolled her eyes directly.

"That's different!" A look of horror appeared on Tonggu's face, "Furthermore, I want to be with a beautiful girl who is gentle, cute and kind, so I don't want that kind of scary devil!"

"——Oh, who is the terrifying devil?"

Just after Tonggu finished speaking, a cold voice came from behind him. The chill in this voice could almost turn the sun into a big hockey puck.

Tonggu seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and couldn't move in an instant.

A hand lightly patted Tong Gu's shoulder.

He turned his head stiffly, with a smile on his face that was more ugly than crying: "Master Meihui..."

Well, it was Mie Harada who appeared behind Kiriya.

"Do you dare to repeat what you just said!"

Harada Mie grabbed Kiriya's ear, but the latter could only beg and was dragged away.

"I wish you a happy stay in the kingdom of heaven, Mr. Kiritani." Looking at Takaya, who was drifting away, Morika drew a cross on his chest.

"It's really a powerful woman. It would be great if my brother could listen to me like that Kiritani-kun listened to the other person's opinions." Yukino felt sincere admiration for Mie's domineering.

"Ahem, that kind of appearance is not good, you must not learn Xuenao."

Put on black makeup, and then dye your hair. If this is the gentleman's story in the Lifan, Morinka must be happy to see it, but this kind of thing happened to Yukino... Morinka resolutely said no!

"Then, I should go back." Rena also stood up at this time, "Goodbye, Mori-kun, everyone."

"Well, goodbye." Morinya waved to Rena.

"Yo Xi, it's almost noon now. It's time to eat lunch." Qian Jia checked the time and found that it was almost too, so she greeted everyone to start eating.

The bento is a rice ball made by Chika and Yukino this morning.

Until this time, the atmosphere on the scene can be said to have truly eased up, probably because of the relationship between the hungry, and no matter how hard you want to make a fuss.

And Senxia strongly suspected that they were clearly aiming at themselves. They were obviously such lovely girls who came over, but they deliberately forced them away with a terrifying aura...

Morinya pierced her head, then grabbed a rice ball and put it in her mouth.

"Well, this is pork floss rice ball!"

Senxia's eyes lit up.

"Of course," Yukino smiled, "It tastes not bad, I did it!"

Morinka gave a thumbs up at Yukino.

"Well, it tastes very good. I rarely eat groups, but it's really good." Lihua nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of which, what kind of cooking will President Lihua cook?" Xue Nao looked at Lihua curiously.

Lihua froze for a moment, and then replied with some embarrassment: "Basically, everything taught in the home economics class is good, but my craftsmanship is not very good."

After all, it is the eldest lady, who can cook a few dishes, which Moriha thinks is great.

"Actually, compared to my own cooking, I think M Kee Hee tastes more flavorful. Coke fried chicken is simply a must-have for human beings!" Qianjia is very respectful of junk food, even not hesitating to treat himself To belittle human beings.

"If you eat too much of that kind of thing, it will really become a waste of human beings!" Senxia complained.

"But that feeling is really good. The fragrance of the chicken bursts in the mouth, and then a sip of cool Coke is poured down. This is simply heaven!" Qianjia was stubborn.

"If you think your weight is up to the standard, I don't have any opinion." Senxia took out his killer.

Qianjia-senpai, who was still immersed in the beauty of junk food, suddenly stopped talking.

On the contrary, Yukino, who was next to her, couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

"I don't know what would you think if everyone in the school knew that the cold-hearted Chika-senpai likes fried chicken and coke so much." Thinking of that picture, Yukino's face became very interesting, "It will definitely be an ideal disillusionment. Your expression."

"Fried chicken is a delicacy in the This is undeniable, and I am not too cold, I just don't bother to care about those stupid humans." Qianjia doesn't seem to care about other people's evaluations.

But Morika was surprised: "It turns out that Senior Sister Qianjia is so popular in Yukino's class!"

Yukino nodded: "Of course, Qianjia-senpai was Ms. Sakino's No. 2 player, and she was very unique. Everyone knows that it is natural."

"If she was able to constrain at the time, she might be the one who was selected." Lihua also added.

"So that's it." Senxia nodded silently.

He nodded his head not because of Miss Sakino, but because he felt that the atmosphere of the scene was right. Everyone sat and chatted and talked about life. This is so beautiful. This is life. Why should it be as scary as before. ...



Update on time at 12 o'clock! (To be continued.)

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