Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 467: RPG demo

After avoiding the fate of Shura Field for the time being, Morixia was relieved. 【..】

Facts have proved that the saying "If you die in catastrophe, you will have a blessing" is also correct.

Not long after White Day passed, animic received news from Sony.

"...Sony asked us about the work?" When Morika came to animic's office, she heard that Qianjia was discussing this with Lao Xu and the others, but it is a pity that Lao Xu was engaged in a game before. You said PC him You may know some, but there is really no way for Sony.

"Well, our game became popular with Resident Evil. Sony seems to want to ask us about the sequel, and also said it can be acquired." Qianjia looked weird, "Although I can deal with Sony, I still have nothing to do with it. Figure out the situation."

"In other words, Sony made a surprise attack?"

Moriha was originally writing at home, because she was a little stuck, so she came to the club, but she didn't expect to come here and was stunned by such a heavy news.

Qianjia nodded: "It seems like this."

Senxia thought about it, what is Sony going to do?

Suddenly, his eyes lit up: "PS2! The second generation of ps!"

After bluffing out ps2, Morinka added again.

Yes, ps2.

ps2 and d focus on games, while ps2 is the first choice for home entertainment, so the other party will put a DVD drive in it. This is like adding a Blu-ray drive to the future ps3. Why do many people use ps3? Actually I bought it to watch a movie, you know!

The game "Plants vs. Zombies" has become popular. It is not only endlessly fun, but also very suitable for home entertainment. It is reasonable to be favored by Sony.

It's 1998, and Sony’s ps2 should have been established long ago.

"Is Sony planning for the next generation of products?" Qianjia also understood.

"Probably, I think the cooperation in this area can go on. I don't know what Sony is going to do?" Morinya asked again.

Unexpectedly, after he finished asking, Qian Jia frowned instead.

"Sony's attitude in all aspects has become more and more overbearing recently. Are we still working with Sega over there. I am worried that after we cooperate with Sony here, they will let us suspend the contact with Sega." Qianjia considered it. "In fact, I also know about Sega. I heard that there are many manufacturers that are cooperating with Sega to develop games. They were all driven by Sony."


Think about it carefully, now Sony is indeed invincible. The previous generation of king Nintendo has withered, Sega as a challenger, SS has failed, and the next generation of DC has some news, but after all, it has not yet come out. At this time, it can be said. It is the peak state of the PS game console.

"It is said that the reason why many manufacturers joined the dc camp at this time seems to be Sony*?" Mori summer muttered to herself.

He doesn't know much about this, the grudges between Sega and Sony. Morinka knows a little bit, but when it comes to specific dc and ps2 game manufacturers, Morinka doesn’t know much. What he is more impressed is that the card **** who claims to be exclusive on dc eats his word and gets fat, but after all It's Capcom, it's not strange to do this...

"Sinxia-kun, what do you think?" Qianjia asked again.

"In this case, we can hug Sega's thighs tightly now. We don't have to cooperate completely with Sony. And there will be opportunities in the future. It's okay to take your time." Morinia didn't think it was anxious. "Our basic disk is not at Sony, so we can concentrate on the pc platform."

No matter what game console has an obsolete day, but PC will not, no matter what game console, it is difficult to have a complete gentleman game. But pc can, so Senxia and their games are destined to be developed only on the pc platform.

"Yo Xi, just do what you said, Senxia." Qianjia also agreed with Senxia's suggestion, "Let’s concentrate on our own business first, ah, yes. Speaking of which, the trial version of the rpg version has been made. Alright, Wang Sang and the others have been here before, Senxia Jun, are you?"

"Oh? So fast?" Senxia was also quite surprised.

The backbone of the rpg version of Guilty Crown has already been completed, the loading mechanism itself has been completed, and the rest is enough to fill the game with content. Now the entire content is about one-third completed. Wang Qiwen felt that it was almost the same, so he cut a bit here, intercepted it, and released a demo version.

"Well, I also want to see what the game has become now." Senxia smiled.

"Ayana sauce!" Qianjia nodded, and went over to greet Ayana and asked her to open the game program.

The opening screen has been slightly adjusted with i, but it is not much different from the original version. The font is also rendered in i, so the text looks sharper and clearer, and the whole screen reveals a future and fantasy feel.

There is not much content in the demo version, and there is not as much as one-third of it. According to Wang Qiwen's telling Qian Jia, it is about 30 minutes of content.

The script is the same as in the last trial, except that bg appeared in the last trial, so the content is only a bit tragedy.

This time is different. After optimization, the system is very smooth and the effect is good.

The game provides three resolutions, one is 640x480, one is 800x600, and the other is 1024x768. Although there are three resolutions, the actual content displayed is the same, but the material itself is scaled.

In addition, the system has another display solution, which is to keep the size of the material itself unchanged, that is, the original resolution of 800x600, and then expand the display content. In this way, the resolution can be modified, even automatically. Defined.

But this is the latter thing. Now this kind of scheme itself is still being tested. Compared with the second kind, the first kind is more compatible with player mods and so on.

After all, it’s not even the year 2000, 1024x768, which is already considered a "high-definition" resolution. When we want to get a clearer picture quality in the future, we can release a reset version!

Well, as long as it is popular, do it.

When Morinya controlled Ichi and came to the No. 1 College of Kings State, the game can still continue.

"The content of the game itself is until the next town. Only a small number of side scripts and main plots are provided in the middle. Although there is a little freedom, the content is not large." Qianjia has tried it before, so she also Explained next to Senxia.

"Well, that is what we will promote later. As far as the Guilty Crown itself is concerned, I still hope that players will focus on the story itself."

This is like an 18x mod. Morinia is not going to release it at the beginning, but waits for a while and waits for the story to ferment.

This is not only to remove suspicion, but also to allow players to focus their attention on the story first.

Because of a good story, players will be gradually attracted, and then develop more and more interesting content, which is understandable.

For example, in the future "spokes" and "The Elder Scrolls" series, which are famous for their mods, the official mod development tools are not released to players at the beginning, but only after the game is released for a period of time.

Before that, only the official dlc and a small number of mdos opened by players using unofficial tools.

Of course, Moriha is very interested in their game itself, at least those who have played the demo version on their forum, seem to find the role of Jiqi very amazing.

Of course, even if it’s the original version of the Crown of Sin, it’s a pretty good work. If it weren’t for a bad screenwriter, it would definitely become a masterpiece, but the editor itself likes to eat shit, so what can I do? What? In many Japanese scripts, there are scripts where the sister paper is ntr, or is suspected to be ntr or forced to ntr. Even "Digimon" can finally force the protagonist Iori Taiichi to ntr. It can only be said that this is completely a Japanese screenwriter. The literary and youthful illness is not saved.

Well, think about it carefully, even Digimon can play like this, and the funny ending of az in the future seems to be incomprehensible, because the screenwriter and supervisor are eating shit.

If you look at it this way, the more Senxia looks at Lao Xu, the more pleasing he will be. He seems to like the lover to be married together. Look at the end of the Guiwai Street, and see the touching flower ending of Saya’s song. Fuck, This is a cure!

Another trial point of the game is the dressing system. In this demo version, a total of five sets of equipment are provided, one is the original version of Ichi’s costume, one is the school uniform, and the other is the survivor’s clothes. , The remaining two sets are the color-changing version of school uniforms and the gentleman version of the costumes that only keep The dressing system is very good, it is really a highlight, and players will love it by then. "

Senxia nodded, especially the gentleman version of the clothes, which looks super slick!

Of course, this suit was released as a feature, which is the legendary dlc.

"Ah, very good!"

c The smooth work and the fresh picture, Morinya simply praises her.

"Yoshi, Senxia-kun, how about we post this demo version?" Qianjia smiled at Senxia.

"Well, wait for this first." Senxia raised an objection at this time.


Second! I'm working hard! (To be continued.)



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