Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 472: Senxia has a great advantage, Senxia A goes up, Senxia plays G...

After a while, everything seemed to have stopped. 【..】

However, at the end of March, a major event happened in the industry. A book worthy of history was released at this time, and the name of this game is called——


Yes, at the end of March 1998, a rts that could change the world appeared. A large e-sports country across from Japan has been a fan of this game for a long time, although it’s a bit too much. But this is indeed a game that feeds an industry.

This is StarCraft, the legend of start is beginning.

Morika also obtained a StarCraft game and installed it on the club's computer.

"It's all in English, is this the game made by Americans?"

"What an ugly's disgusting."

"Mori Xia-kun seems to be very familiar with this type of game, c is really smooth."

&nbss is also a big category in Omi. There were many such games before. I remember there was a command and conquer before, which seems to be very famous. "

Ayana and Nana are on the left, while Lao Xu and the almighty Daisuke are on the right side of Morika. They are watching the computer in front of Morika.

"Hey, don't stay so close, I want to try it out!" Being so powerfully onlookers reminded Senxia of the feelings of being onlookers in the bar, but these people behind him are not just onlookers. And he was still commenting on the situation, and was shocked from time to time.

What Senxia is playing at this time is the first level of the Human Race, and Jim Reynolds is fighting the Zerg in the colony.

However, these people behind him made Senxia feel uncomfortable for a while.

"But the Omi people really have ideas. The Japanese can't make this kind of smooth real-time strategy game." Chika stood right behind Morika, also thinking.

"Yeah, so this kind of game basically doesn't work in Japan!" Morinka shook her head.

"Well, maybe there will be a game that will suddenly become popular. This is also a possible thing." Qianjia was noncommittal.

"That's right, our "Plants vs. Zombies" is generally sold here in Japan. But it is very popular in the United States." Lao Xu also nodded, "This is a cultural difference!"

"Actually, I think it's okay." Ayana, who also has some foreign descent, seems to think this game is pretty good.

The quality of a game is not only related to the game itself. The relationship with the social environment and atmosphere is also great.

"By the way, Senxia-kun, didn't you say that the battle system of this game is very interesting? Battle?" Qianjia asked again.

"No, no, there are not many people playing games in this place. Lien Chan is mostly overseas. It will definitely get stuck, and it won't be interesting at all."

And now this abusive food is meaningless.

Well, let's be a little challenging.

Senxia thought for a while, he quit the campaign mode, and then entered the battle.

"Although it is not interesting to play against others, I can show you my level and let you see me one out of seven."

Well, 1vs7, Moriha opened 7 AI computer enemies and entered the game.

Senxia chose Xingling. Also known as the Protoss.

Proficiency began to choose farmers to mine, and then sent a probe farmer out to find a computer. After that, Senxia proficiently opened a crystal tower in front of the enemy's door, and then built a bunker.

In this case, other computers will send soldiers to rescue, but they will make one and send one, and one will die. It can be said that this is a way to bully AI.

According to the normal process, this time should be sent to block the road. Then he built a bunker frantically, and then held back his troops, but Morinia felt that she should show off, so she chose another method. From the very beginning, I was building troops on a large scale.

This tactic of consumption and delay is very useful, and the resources and time of the computer are uselessly consumed by Senxia's little skills.

The corners of Senxia's mouth curled up.

"Let you see my flow!"

Senxia has a great advantage, Senxia went up with a, Senxia played gg!


Senxia slammed her head on the keyboard.

"It's impossible, it must be my hand..."

Senxia whispered, and then clicked to start the war.

"No. I must!"

Although there are all kinds of cheating in this era, Senxia feels that even if there is a second delay, it is not a matter of minutes to slap these young people who have just contacted StarCraft!

After all the hard work to get this StarCraft, it is worthwhile to install a *.

Senxia started the battle, and then started looking for someone to single out.

There are very few people who use the network to fight against each other these days, but not completely. At this time, Senxia fell in love with a hapless child playing with the human race.

Choosing the Zerg, Senxia quickly entered the game.

The delay was not as big as Senxia had imagined. She was barely able to play, Senxia gave a grinning smile on his face, and then he started violently.

"It's time to show real technology!"

After a group of puppies broke out, Senxia chose to face up.

It can be seen that the guy on the opposite side is indeed a newcomer, and the other side seems to have only just been familiar with c. There are only two bunkers in his base, and even the machine gunmen are not satisfied. After seeing Senxia’s puppy, the other side seems Already panicked.

There was no suspense in the subsequent game, and Moriha easily crushed the rookie and won the game.

"Wow ha ha ha, this is my strength!" Senxia proudly looked at the final summary on the computer.

The victory belongs to Senxia.

"Well, am I very good?" Senxia looked back complacently. He originally thought he would see a group of admiring eyes, but... it seemed something was wrong.

"Hey, why are you all looking disgusting!" Senxia was inexplicable.

"Now, Senxia-kun, you have just beaten a poor newcomer who just played this game, so you think this is... interesting?" Qianjia looked at Senxia with contempt.


Senxia was dumbfounded.

"Mori Xia-kun, you lost before, and then you find a beginner to vent your anger. I don't think this kind of behavior is good." Ayana is also persuading Mori.

And Lao Xu's eyes clearly meant "I really didn't expect Teacher Xia Sen to be such a person".


Senxia received a knowing blow.

If you think about it, things seem to be that way. That's right, the whole thing seems to be Senxia... well, venting anger.

Because I wanted to pretend to be *, I was slapped in the face by the computer, so I found a rookie and stepped on both feet. This is what a typical villain would do...

"I, I, I... I was wrong... I'm sorry..."

Senxia lowered her head.

"Well, it's okay to forgive you," Qianjia looked at the screen at this time, and then said, "But the moba category you mentioned before, it seems that the c control method is similar, right?"

Senxia nodded, and then started another game, but chose the computer, and then Senxia opened the keyboard and entered the cheat code, directly turned on the invincible mode, and then increased the resources and construction speed.

Then Senxia created a machine gunner and said: "Yes, the c-control mode is similar to this, but one difference is that we are not controlling a population, but a character, just like this machine gunner. ."

"But the difference is that the machine gunner itself has its own experience, level and skills, which are inherited from the rpg, so our moba is a tactical type, which is different from this strategic type. In fact, moba can also become rs according to different extensions, all of which are interoperable."

If you use StarCraft 2’s map editor, you can even do vertical planes and third-person squad games...

"So, I seem to understand." Qianjia nodded.

Nothing can explain the facts better than the real thing. Although Moriha has done some conceptual drawings before and also explained what the game is about, it was only after seeing StarCraft that she fully understood what was going on.

&nbsa's model is successful. Moriha has no doubt about this. The same moba category Chenghai 3c became the tears of the times, but dota can become a model of success worldwide, this is undoubtedly.

After having StarCraft, Moriha is more confident in this game.

"However, compared to the more localized StarCraft, games in the moba category seem to rely more on the network. Can we survive? Let's see..."

Senxia murmured softly in her heart.

Morinka also wants to see what Kadokawa and Sega can make. This kind of unknown change is what Morinka thinks is the most interesting.

"Well, that's it." If possible, Morinya would like to see some other characters' chaos, the King of Fighters, the Metal Slug...not to mention, these are pretty hot~www.mtlnovel .com~ What about Naruto Smash Bros. In the era of Warcraft, these are quite interesting pictures, but unfortunately, these games did not cause the same sensational effect as Dota, so after the fall of Warcraft, these games Followed the decline.

I don’t know if these gadgets can attract attention now. If you have the opportunity, you can try it like this...

Morinya murmured so in her heart.

"That's it, the game is here first." Senxia withdrew from StarCraft, then took out the disc, and put it back in the original box. This is a genuine StarCraft, something that I haven't seen in the previous life. child……

"Yo Xi, everyone is going back to work now! This kind of thing is left for reference, just put it here, and everyone will have the opportunity to satisfy curiosity in the future!"


The first one today, I gained weight during the New Year, so I went out to exercise in the morning, sorry>_<

Continue codeword (to be continued.)



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