Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 473: New grade

The remaining script of "Guilty Crown" still has 500,000 words. Of course, this is only the part that Senxia has on hand. There are still unfinished parts in the hands of Mushroom and Lao Xu, but in general, the current situation is relatively one month. Before, it was a lot better. 【Full text reading...】

With the coming of April, Senxia and the others ushered in a new semester. From this day on, he is an official second-year high school student.

"Sophomore in high school..."

It was probably due to Senxia, ​​who had been sitting in the back row of Tonggu for a year, and was still in the back row of Senxia at this time.

"Sophomore in high school." Senxia also turned around, "Although I don't think you have changed much from a year ago."

"Ha...?" Tonggu touched his face in surprise, "How is this possible! I think I have changed a lot! Don't you think I am a man now?"

I didn't feel the man's breath, but the funny breath seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

Senxia is very curious. People are getting more and more mature. Why is this guy in front of him getting more and more funny? Is it because of having a sister?

Morinya muttered in her heart.

Well, it's really possible to think so. The strict tease of the wife and the sister paper of the visual department are simply a super weird combination. If the two people were not teasing, they would not be able to walk together.

"But Senxia-kun, you look a little bad." Tonggu noticed that Senxia's complexion didn't seem to be very good.

"I'm fine." He waved his hand, "It's just that I overplayed the game a bit."

After Moriha finished speaking, he yawned.

"It's really rare. I didn't expect Senxia-kun that you would overplay the game?" Tonggu looked at Senxia in surprise, it seemed hard to believe that such a scene would happen.

"Occasionally, it's a new game after all." Senxia said with a yawn.

"New game?" Tonggu is interested, "Now, what fun game is it? I tell you, I have both ps and n64 at home. If it is a good game, let's play it together. !"

"Starcraft." Senxia said the name of the game.

Then Tonggu looked dumbfounded*: "I haven't heard the name of the game. Which platform?"

"Pc, and it's also an online game."

Well, Senxia started to practice skills as soon as she was free these days and nights, thinking back then. He is also a man who can pick seven crazy computers, because after the last time he failed to forcefully install *, Moriha learned from it and wanted to re-train his skills.

As a result, Senxia found that her technique was completely rusty, let alone pick seven. Even the one-on-threes are a bit messy.

After all, this thing has been a very long-term thing for Senxia, ​​and now he is abusive at best, and the rookies on the network are not Senxia's opponents at all.

Only after going home to vent for a whole night, Morinya lost interest in this shameful abuse of food, and Qianjia and the others were correct. Anyway, we should take care of the emotions of the adorable new people.

After several days of hard work, Senxia is now reluctantly facing five or six computers, and there is no problem for the time being. But it is very difficult to restore to the best condition.

Senxia thought for a while. He felt that this should be a matter of atmosphere. So far, Senxia has never seen a person playing StarCraft, and even people who know this game seem to be few. So at that time, Morinka's interest in letting the Japanese play real-time strategy games was completely gone.

But in Senxia their next door, which is South Korea. There is a market for this kind of games, Mori Xia considers, or find a few Koreans to PK together, um. It feels good to abuse a Korean.

"P can also be used to play games?" Kiritani's attitude is similar to that of many other Japanese.

"Ah, pc games, real-time strategy." Senxia shrugged.

"..." Tonggu said nothing, he didn't seem to understand what real-time strategy was.

"Good morning, Morinka-kun. Your complexion doesn't seem very good." Erika walked towards Morinka.

Because today is the first day of school, so there is no need to go to class, and you can go back at noon. So everyone sits in the classroom and chats at will, Erika also walks over at will.

"Oh, squad leader, good morning." Morika waved her hand at Erika, "It's okay, it's just for work."

"Yeah, Senxia, ​​you seem to be playing a game yourself!" Tonggu heard the news, and curiously leaned over, "Hey, Senxia-kun, tell me what you did. Game!"

&nbame... you know? "

Hearing Senxia's words, Tonggu still looked blank.

Senxia understood that even though this guy played games, he didn't know anything about deeper things.

"It's a very interesting game." Erika smiled.

"Yeah, but playing games every day makes me very tired, but I like this feeling very much." Well, as the big boss, Morinka, he has already decided. When he has money, he will let him If someone else writes a script for yourself, let's not say anything like this.

The ideal life in Morinka's mind is to be able to enjoy life every day, and then that day is boring, so I write some manuscripts by the way, and if someone wants to read it, let them wait. If we are in a good mood, we will write a little, not interested. Then throw it to others...

The thought of this kind of beautiful life makes Morinya feel moved. This is called the real life...

However, it is a pity that the real world is cruel, and no matter how willful the author is, he must follow the Basic Law.

"Sinxia, ​​you said before, you seem to have gotten a club?" Tonggu asked curiously.

"That's right, so I'm playing games." Senxia replied.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, can I go and have a look?" Tonggu asked curiously.

"It's okay to take a look..."

If Tongya says he wants to join his own club as a part-time worker, then forget it. This kind of idiot can be used as a mascot, but there is no suitable job at all. Maybe he can do miscellaneous tasks, but there is no shortage of miscellaneous personnel in Mori. In addition to vocal training, he spends most of his time doing miscellaneous work there, and the universal type Dafujun is also a dual-purpose miscellaneous worker.

"Hey, we still lack a miscellaneous person over there, Mr. Tonggu, do you want to come to work?" Then Erika suddenly invited Tonggu.

"Uh, what do you want to do to me?! I tell you, I will definitely not obey!" Kiriya heard Erika's words, his instinctive expression turned bad.

"The staff in our White Bear Cafe are all cute girls~" Erika smiled.

"Um...really?" Tong Gu adapted the principle in an instant, and he immediately changed his position.

No, this fool himself seems to have no position.

"Of course it is true. Since it is a maid cafe, it is naturally filled with maids." Senxia added fuel to the fire next to her.

"...Um..." At this time, Tong Gu Xiao seemed to be more interested.

"Yes, I usually wear a maid outfit, and in special times, there will be cheongsam, Christmas clothes, cospy outfits and other themes!" Erika smiled, but her wonderful smile, how does Morinka look next to her? I think this should be a pitfall.

"I'm going! I'm going!" Tong Gu had completely agreed at this time, his eyes were bright, obviously he couldn't wait.

"Are you sure this is really okay?" Morita originally just wanted to pit Takatani, but at this time he seemed to have trapped himself.

"Of course!" Tong Gu nodded.

"Then your Mihui sauce, what should you do?" Senxia finally wanted to stop the other party.


Tonggu wavered again, this guy really didn't have any position, Senxia sighed.

"Imperfect relationship between men and women is forbidden!" Erika reminded him immediately.

", I'd rather not!" Tonggu's expression turned bad.

"Actually, your Meihui sauce is of good quality, maybe you can also go to work." Senxia also said.

It's true that Mie Harada is a cute girl, but it is too visual, and it really ruins that face...

"Let me think about it..." Tonggu was shaken.

"Ah, Senxia, ​​you are here." However, before the follow-up development, a figure suddenly broke in here.

"Senior sister? What's the matter?" Senxia is already commonplace for Qian Jia to break into other people's classes casually, so this time is not as calm as before.

"follow me."

Qianjia didn't say a word, then pulled Senxia up and walked outside.

"Senior Sister!"

Senxia was not calm at this time, Qianjia dignifiedly took Senxia's hand, and Senxia had already felt the strong breath from the fff group behind him.

"Senior sister, what's the matter?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Of course it's for what I said before." Qianjia turned around, "Did you say you forgot?"

"Is it the one I said before?" Senxia remembered this time.

"That's Although there is no class today, the student union has already started to work. I just want you to see the work of the student union." Qianjia said as she took Mori and left the building. , And then walked towards the back.

Sakano Gakuen is very large and has a lot of facilities inside. Mori summer just walked around the school when I first enrolled last year, but after that, Mori summer has not been here. I walked here this time. On the way, Senxia had a strange feeling.

"So where are we going?" Senxia asked hurriedly.

"For Lihua, she should be in the music building now." Qian Jia didn't look back.


The second update today, I am trying to get back section c!

In the last chapter, the typos, books→games, the starting point and the background were revised, but the results could not be changed, and then I studied how to upload and research for a long time.

I choose to die (to be continued.)



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