Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 476: The secret of popularity is exposure

With the advent of the new school year, another matter also affects people's hearts, especially the hearts of otaku. △, x.

——That is the first volume of the "re-take" version, officially released.

It is not the fan version, but the revised version after ventilating with Hideaki Anno. After a month of brewing, this book was officially released on the weekend of the first week of April.

On the day of the release, many people began to line up. Although it was not as hot as the original version of "eva", after the release as a version, "re-take" also began to have a dramatic impact.

Some fans naturally started to buy this book for the sake of watching a new eva story, while others were reviewing this story with a critical mindset.

In the history of "Original", Eva did have a rumored story, saying that Kaji Ryoji was not killed, but prevented the conspiracy from happening. Then the story happened three years after the original plot. This rumor is called "anima "However, because of the past ten years, this kind of rumor has long lost its topicality and did not cause much sensation.

But now it is different.

This year is 1998. Last year, Hideaki Anno had a quarrel with those houses. At this time, the news about Evangelion has not yet cooled down. The new things that appeared at this time will suddenly be changed again. This topic ignited.

How to put it, this is "time and fate".

When it came to the weekend, Senxia's forum was also detonated again.

The original comic version has only a small amount of release, but now this library version is different. This is a regular publication, and the audience is definitely huge.

In fact. Anno Hideaki was even considering whether to turn this thing into a comic.

You should know that the influence of animation is ten times that of comics, and the influence of comics is ten times that of comics. If a work wants the best influence, it should be serialized as a long-form animation.

But in the end, Anno Hideaki felt that this matter was not in a hurry. Because eva's original manga is still drawing by Sadamoto Yoshiyuki, if the progress of the fan is faster than the original manga, what will happen?

"The number of people on the forum has tripled..."

That is to say, on the same day that it was released, Morinka, Qianjia, and Yukino were all staying in the forum. Originally, Yukino still had a part-time job today, but she also took leave and stayed at home.

"Fortunately, I have the foresight and made a separate section of "re-take" in advance."

In order to prevent the sensation caused by this work, Senxia has allocated a new area in advance. Take out this work.

Now the traffic of the animic forum is already very large, so a little division of the forum area, there is no problem.

The classified forums are more orderly and easier to manage. Now after entering, Senxia found that this place is really good.

"It seems that we have a lot of scripts to praise us." Yukino looked at the post on the screen, also very surprised.

Compared with the Japanese forums of this era, Mori summer’s forum has a big advantage in intuitiveness. Rows of topics are placed on the screen, and on the right are the posting time and reply time. This kind of super normal forum is super abnormal at this time, but because of this, Senxia and the others are also very comfortable reading posts when they are visiting the forum.

"Ah, a super interesting book! Shinji-kun has returned to the past to save other people. This kind of plot is really great!"

"I thought it was Hideaki Anno who came up with something to toss us, but the plot is unexpectedly good..."

"This is the ruffian's money-swindling strategy, don't be fooled!"

On the forum here, posts are divided into two categories, one is for discussion. There is another category of spoiler posts marked in blue. If you want to be spoiled, check the spoiler icon when you post, so that there will be a small spoiler label behind the theme, so that those who don’t want to be spoiled People will not read these posts.

Spoilers have existed since ancient times, but not everyone likes spoilers. Try to think about it, when you are worrying about the heroine, suddenly someone pops up and says, "I know this plot, the heroine finally ran away with Huang Mao", do you have a general How do you feel?

Or another question, when you are watching a barrage show, someone suddenly says "This is the final boss", would you say the dog?

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, Senxia made a scheme of labeling method, which can be regarded as a solution to this problem.

No matter when, order is always first.

"I didn't expect these people to be so enthusiastic." Senxia sighed, "I didn't expect it to be like this at the beginning."

Although Morinka knew that the script could be popular, but it could become like this. Morinka never expected to encounter Anno Hideaki or something. This is a purely accidental event. If there is no Anno to help, this story will probably only be. Popular in fandom, and then gradually ferment.

Now this book has just been released for less than half a day, and it can be expected that the forum will become even more popular after it arrives.

"Now, we? I think we should be able to see the grand occasion, right?" Qianjia said with a smile.

"Didn't you send Lao Xu to guard?"

Originally, this job was done by the universal type Daisuke Ono, but today he is doing seiyuu training at the Second Youth School, so this job is handed over to Lao Xu. Anyway, Lao Xu’s situation is fine, and the scripts are not too much. .

"Let's take a look?" Xue Na was also very interested.

In fact, in Japan, when some magazines and books are on sale, the creators sometimes watch them nearby, especially when they start the publication. When someone buys, they will go up to say hello to the other person, thank them, and then ask them why they are interested.

"Well, let's go to Akihabara. It just so happens that our club is also closed today, so let's go sit there for a while!" Qianjia smiled.

Originally, the animic club had to go to work during the weekend club, but because the progress of the previous month was over-completed, Qianjia decided to let everyone take a good rest. Except for the squatting old Xu, everyone else was on vacation.

After the three of them finished talking, they packed their clothes and set off to Akihabara.

In this era, Akihabara is still an electrical town, but it already has the flavor of a house.

Speaking of it, the largest bookstore in Akihabara should be bookoff, but this is a second-hand bookstore.

In Japan, second-hand goods are called "Middle Antiquities." In Japan, there are a lot of things that are recycled and the industry is still very prosperous. This is also a strange place. In fact, there is also a Kanda Bookstore Street in Japan, where many second-hand books are sold.

However, this bookstore is not well-known among the homes, and "Tiger's Den" and "animate" are the more famous places.

Of course, the Tiger's Lair of the current "Stewardship Trial Ground" has just been established, and animate is the big head. Morinka and the others are watching animate at this time.

Because it’s the weekend, and eva is indeed a topic of discussion, the bookstore can be said to be overcrowded at this time.

"Xia... Senxia-kun!"

Lao Xu squatted here at this time, and when he saw Senxia coming, he immediately went over and said hello.

Lao Xu just wanted to call "Teacher Xia Sen", but in the end he suddenly realized that it might be a bit tricky to call that name in this place, so he temporarily called Sen Xia's real name.

If he had just called out "Teacher Xia Sen", it is estimated that these people who came to buy books would come to watch. Now the authors of the two articles "Xia Sen" and "Xia Xue" are already very well-known at this time. If these eva fans know that Morinha is the author, God knows what will happen.

"How is the situation?" Senxia asked.

"Hi, sales are very good." Old Xu said.

"It's great to have so many people like my book..." Yukino noticed at this time that many people had re-takes in their hands.

"Hey, many people are here for this book." Lao Xu has been observing for a long time here, and many people are here for this book. Otherwise, even if today is the weekend, he won't So many people come here.

"It seems that the results of this book are better than those of Young Girl Wars, Senxia Jun." Qian Jia also exclaimed.

"That book originally entrusted Eva's fame." Morinya had a calm heart about this. Morinya also knew the situation of the book. The story of the young girl's war can be said to be a blessing for topicality. The fire started in the first place. But conversely, precisely because of the good reputation of The Battle of Young Girls, after that book became popular, its effect was counterproductive to the current re-take. Although the number is not very large, there are indeed some people who are directed at Teacher Xia Sen. of.

Of course In addition, more is the effect of eva itself. But Senxia feels that this is nothing. There are two sides to the development of things. After Senxia and their works were helped by the original, the exposure of the original eva has also been improved. No matter what kind of work it is, there is such an attribute, that is, after the fire, it needs continuous exposure to support this work. The reason for the long-lasting popularity of migrant workers is because of this. Once it loses continuous exposure and power, This work will be the same as the old star, even if some people still think it is good, but the popularity will only continue to decline.

On the Musashino Animation side, do you want to make a long story in the future?

Senxia suddenly had a brain hole...


Young birthday, let **** publish it, what about your backbone? !

By the way, there is also the translated name, Pokémon dreams of a ghost!

Continue to hell...

The first chapter today~ (To be continued.)



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