Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 477: Old Xu and Martial Arts

Until the time he returned to the fan club, Morinya had been thinking about this issue.

For animation companies, that kind of long-term animation can be said to be a long-term meal ticket, and the influence of long-term animation is huge.

Grim Reaper, Naruto, One Piece, this "Dead Fire Sea" is the three legendary migrant comics. These works are all very popular works without exception. On the one hand, their popularity makes this work a long-term trend. On the one hand, the long-term animation has stimulated the sales of comics and novels.

Late-night animations basically rely on the launch of Blu-ray discs, but similar to this kind of migrant manga, they can make a lot of money just by surrounding them, and similarly there are Transformers, although the animation is very classic, this stuff Er was actually a promotional animation of toys.

Thinking of this, Senxia felt that this matter should be feasible.

"Um... forget it, let's wait for a chance in the future..."

Senxia looked back at Qianjia and the others, and finally felt that this idea could be moved to later.

After all, long-term animation means that you will be bound for a long time. Kishimoto has drawn Naruto for more than ten years. It can be said that he has devoted all his more than ten years to this manga.

If Senxia is allowed to do it here, it also means that all his time must be invested in it for her. Senxia has not the ability to gather so much time and energy.

So this kind of to put it, it depends on fate.

If there is a popular work, maybe I can get it to Musashino animation, and then enjoy the animation benefits here.

Speaking of it, it seems that there are many possible works in the future that have the potential to be a growth chapter, if possible. Many works can be made into long-length or similar series of works, such as ate, Sword Art Online, these are all works with long-form potential.

If you have a chance in the future, maybe you can try it.

As for the present, I can only forget it for the time being.

This long story cannot be edited by yourself. From the perspective of Senxia, ​​it is the limit to make a novel or something, and if you want to make it, then forget it.

Well, if there is a chance, it is a good choice to catch a strong man in the future.

"Huh." Qian Jia did it on the sofa, then picked up the novel in her hand and looked through it. When they went to observe, they also bought a novel.

"Although the quality is similar, the library version is in my hand. It feels different..." Qianjia sighed.

"It's just a psychological effect," Morinya said, "but I also understand this feeling."

Indeed, I know the ghost knows, but there is such a refreshing feeling in my heart.

"I don't know when our game is on the market. Will there be such a grand occasion." At this time, Lao Xu thought about their game's release in August.

"The situation of the demo version seems to be pretty good," Qian Jia said.

"Don't worry, since it's my brother's game. I believe this game will be fun!" Yukino smiled at everyone.

"Well, I am also very confident in Senxiajun." Qianjia also smiled.

"In fact, if I could skip the ticket to the winter cm sale, I would be grateful." Senxia spit out casually. These days, rushing to the draft makes others feel dizzy. The time after school became more tense than before, so Morinka just wanted to take a good rest at this time.

"Only this won't work, but if you finish this game, I can leave it at your mercy. There is no problem with this or that." Qianjia glanced at Morinya, and then continued to focus on the book in her hand. .

"Absolutely not!" Xueno walked over and stood between Chika and Morika, "And don't worry, brother, I will help you write for you too!"

"Xuno-chan, your writing is very good, but in the crown of sin, you don't have much use for it." Qianjia smiled at Xuno.

"Yes, Yukino's writing style is more everyday. When we play the games of the daily series, we will be able to use it!" Morinya patted Yukino's head. His words were not evasive. It is Morinka who really thinks that Snow is more suitable for the traditional galgame, and Morinka and the others are making the evil crown, which is actually an abnormal galgame.

Although it has the same strategy content, the Crown of Sin is more inclined to battle and adventure. If it is avg, it is actually quite appropriate, but relatively, in terms of love and love, this is relatively small.

Yukino seemed to have a good grasp of the character's feelings, but there was little room for him to play in the crown of evil.


After Yukino heard Morinka's words, a look of expectation appeared on his face.

"Well, although our next work has not been determined, we basically decided to adopt the campus theme." Senxia said.

"No, it's not that simple." But this time Qianjia said, "After the Crown of Sin is finished, our club will be renovated and a new round of expansion will be carried out. At that time, we can play two games at the same time. At that time, we will not only do campus theme, we can also do a more interesting fantasy theme and the like."

"No, no, one is fine. When large countries do scientific research and production, they always produce one generation, a research generation, and a pre-research generation. If we make two games at the same time, it will only affect the quality of the game." Development, but the development progress of these two games should be staggered. It should not be done like what Qianjia said. It definitely won't work.

"We should stagger the research and development. When the second game fails, we will be able to put the new game on top immediately, but it is not wise to study the release at the same time." Morixia explained, "We can do it at that time. Two groups, one is the main attacker, and the other is used as a preparation. After the main attack is finished, start working on the other one, and then continue to think about new works as a new preparation."

And there is one thing that Senxia did not say, that is, they will open the vest to make little butter. If they are doing two games at the same time, then add the little butter that is under development at that time, this is three open, time Both Shang and energy can't catch up, but because Xue Na is here, Senxia can only remind him euphemistically.

"Well, it makes sense." Qianjia nodded.

"Moreover, the larger the size of the company, the more disadvantaged it is for us. According to what you said, please wait until after our graduation." Senxia reminded.

"But even if we want pre-research, we always need someone to do it? Can Teacher Xia Sen be busy?" Lao Xu interjected next to him, "I remember the teacher still has a novel serialized?"

"Of course I didn't write it!" Senxia smiled and walked in front of Lao Xu, and then patted him on the shoulder, "Lao Xu, didn't I tell you before, and the fourth game will be given to you. !"

"Huh...?" Lao Xu was stunned, he thought that Senxia was just talking last time.

"So the original plan and script of the new game are left to you, Lao Xu, you can think about a story!" Senxia gave Lao Xu a thumbs up.

"But I don't know what to do." Lao Xu shook his head, "I have tried my best to make all the scripts on hand now. I have nothing to do with the new work."

Lao Xu is now on the crown of crime with all his heart, but in fact the script on the rpg side is almost the same, only the 18x part is left, and the manuscript at hand is not too much.

"Well, in that case, I recommend Lao Xu's martial arts novels for you to read. I think you will like it." Senxia smiled, "When you see what you like, then write according to your own ideas. Enough."

"A martial arts novel, I really like that." Lao Xu nodded, "If possible, it seems really interesting to make such a work."

I don’t just know that you like it, I also know that you will really be a martial arts man in the future...

Senxia remembers that Lao Xu really went to do martial arts in the future. It was a thunderbolt puppet show on the side of Duiwan. The name was Donglijian's Travels. But unfortunately, Senxia didn't see this work, only knew the news of this work. That's it.

But Lao Xu hesitated at this time: "But in Japan, there are very few people who know this information on the otaku side, right?"

Morika nodded: "It's true, but there is no problem. We can make martial arts scripts with Japanese characteristics. For example, put the background in modern, or combine with technology, or come with something more weird, but can Poke the cute things in the heart of the otaku."

The people in the fan club now basically have a concept of "cute". After hearing what Senxia said, Lao Xu nodded thoughtfully, and then began to think about it.

After returning to the sofa, Senxia heard Qianjia say again: "Sinxia-kun, would you actually think of doing martial arts? This is a niche among the niche."

"Martial arts..." Xue Nao frowned, she seemed to be thinking about how to deal with this kind of seemingly tricky type.

"Of course, but just trying." Senxia said casually.

"Do you really want to enter the market?" Qianjia tilted her head and looked at Senxia.

" can't say that, but maybe we can have cooperation or something." Morinatsu remembers that there seems to be cooperation with Japan and other animations, such as the animation version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

If we take the initiative to find cooperation, maybe we can still occupy a more advantageous position.


Having said that, if you cooperate with him, then let Lao Xu come to the screenwriter, is it fun?

Uh, forget it, in that case, it will definitely not pass the trial...

However, if you do this kind of subject now, you can be familiar with the culture. After all, there will be the thigh in the future...


2nd today

There are still a lot of black spots, 3ds resolution, full screen gameplay

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