Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 478: This is a very important thing to talk about!



Until the second week when she returned to school, Senxia was in a very good mood.

Putting her schoolbag on the table, Morinka whistled happily.

"Sinxia, ​​you are so happy, did you encounter any good things?" Tonggu saw Senxia's arrogant appearance, and seemed a little good.

"Guess!" Senxia didn't answer Senxia immediately, but smiled and glanced at Tonggu.

Tonggu thought for a while, and then said, "It's the election of Miss Sakino, isn't Yukino-chan selected?"

"Huh?" Unexpected answer.

"...Don't you know Morika?" Kiriya was taken aback for a moment. "Starting this week, Miss Sakino will be selected!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Senxia nodded.

Ms. Sakino is the Ms. Sakino that Yukino had been muttering before. The election of Ms. Sakino, held every two years, finally started again.

Ms. Sakino can be a freshman and a sophomore student for two years.

However, the election of Miss Sakino is very troublesome, because it does not mean that I can participate in the registration. This is not a kind of audition program. It is recommended based on the situation of the students, and then let the students of the whole school Election "Miss Sakino".

Of course, not everyone is interested in Ms. Sakino. If she is selected but she strongly opposes it, the school will respect the students' own consciousness.

In fact, it is hard for Morinia to imagine that Jixiangyuan Lihua will sign up for similar activities by herself, but with her personality, if she is recommended by someone, she will definitely not refuse.

"The year before last, Miss Sakino was our respected president, but I don’t know what it will be like this year..." Kiriya seemed to be concerned, "Nah, Mori-kun, you know, I’ve asked about it. It is said that in that year, the competition between the president and your Qianyu-sen was quite fierce. Although the final winner was the president, Qianyu-sen had a lot of votes."

According to what Kirigaya said later, Morinka also knew that Qianjia himself had complained about being elected, but the students at Sakino Gakuen finally chose Lihua with blond hair. And Moriha has no doubt that if Lihua will participate in the election this year, she will definitely be elected. The Japanese have a natural love for foreigners like blondes.

Fortunately, Senxia has not heard that there are amazing foreign girls studying in this school in the past two years.

"Xuno seems to care a little about this event. If she can choose, it would be fine." Morinata muttered.

However, he is also a little strange. Why does Yukino care about the election of Sakino-san, because Yukino's own character does not seem to care about such activities, but why does Yukino seem to care about Sakino-san?

For an instant, Senxia's brain flashed through Qianjia-senpai's wicked smile.

Could it be because of Qianjia-senpai?

Shouldn't Yukino care so much about Sakino-san because she knew that Senka-senpai had participated in the election of Miss Sakino and was almost elected? In other words, it was President Lihua himself that Xue Nao confronted the consciousness?

Well, think about it this way. It seems very possible.

I don't know why, Senxia found that Xue Nai had a strong sense of confrontation with Lihua and Qianjia. If the two of them provoked, Xue Nai would definitely take it all.

For the provocation of ordinary people, Xue Nai is not able to deal with it, but Qianjia and Lihua use the "provocation" skill against Xue Nao, it must be "outstanding effect".

Well. But since Yukino likes it, probably nothing will happen, right?

Even though she thought so, Morika was worried about Yukino again.

"What's wrong with you, Senxia? Why do you laugh and frown again?" Tonggu looked at Senxia's expression somewhat inexplicably.

"...I think there is something wrong with this." Senxia frowned. "Because April is also the time for the kendo selection. Although Yukino wants to run for Miss Sakino, will this affect Yukino's training?"

Yes, Yukino will participate in the women's kendo contest this year, but Sakino-san is obliged to cooperate with the school's publicity. Morinka doesn't know if this will affect Yukino's competition? You know, Xue Nai is more than just participating in selection. Yukino still has to go to Toba Shrine to work part-time, and the part-time job at Toba Shrine is not easy to give up.

Morika was worried.

"Don't worry about this, Morinka-kun." Erika walked towards Morinka, "Our school's strategy for Miss Sakino is to use the other party's leisure time to promote, and everything will not affect her normal life. Be sure, otherwise, if our president is so busy, how could she also serve as Miss Sakino?"

Hearing Erika's words, Morika finally felt relieved: "That's it, thank you so much, Erika... monitor."

Senxia called wrong again.

"Oh, Morika, you just yelled'Erika'!" Tonggu, the person himself, unexpectedly noticed this.

"Uh... when did your head work so well?" Senxia's mouth twitched and looked at Tonggu.

"Well, call me Erika. I think this name is also very good. I don't need to change it." Erika waved her hand, and then set her eyes on Tong Gu's body.

A murderous aura spurted out of Erika's gaze, directly poking at Tong Gu.

At this moment, Senxia seemed to feel the meaning of the word "foul light in his eyes".

"...Uh, squad leader?" Tonggu was also panicked.

Erika smiled, "Have you made a decision about coming to my cafe to work?"

Tonggu immediately shook his head: "Well, please give me a little more time. And Mihui-sama has already contacted the monitor with you?"

"Well, it's okay, I have decided to help you reply to your'Master Meihui', I will tell him that you are going to work here, and I also told her that in my coffee shop, there are Many, many, many, many, love, girls, children, children!"

Hearing Erika's words, Tonggu had been petrified.

"You... do it for yourself..."

Senxia patted Tonggu on the shoulder mercifully, and then turned her head.

Well, I have seen Tonggu's tragic future.

"Mori-kun thinks who can choose this year? I heard that there are many cute girls in the first grade this year." Erika smiled at Morinka.

"Of course it's Yukino!" Senxia didn't even think about it, supporting her sister is unconditional.

"Sure enough," Erika said with an expression of "I know", "but Yukino-chan is really good. She is so cute and gentle. She is also very heroic with ponytails, so she is popular among girls. It's also very high..."

"——It turns out that Yukino is also very popular among girls?" Senxia was shocked.

"Sinxia-kun, don't you even know the evaluation of your sister in school?" Erika looked at Morinka strangely.

"Ahem," Senxia coughed awkwardly, "My knowledge of our school is limited to our class-I say that, do you believe it?"

Morika just finished speaking, he found that Erika was looking at herself with pity: "This is not good, Mori-kun, our school life is so colorful, but you have basically never experienced it. How can this be? !"

I also want to experience it, but the situation is completely different from what you think!

Morinya wanted to explain such a sentence, but it sounded like an excuse in every way.

"Yes, I really don't know much about this school." Senxia didn't deny this. He was really unfamiliar with being in this school, and the only familiar place was the teaching building.

"It's okay. Our school is very big. There are actually many people who don't understand the situation in the school. And in some places, the children of the wealthy people are more active. It is difficult for ordinary people to integrate into it." , Expressed understanding of Senxia's situation.

And Morinka was slandering at this time, and Erika Aoi was also a rich man...

However, Morika agreed with Erika's statement. Sakino Gakuen is a private college. Although it is different from a purely aristocratic school, the temperament of some wealthy people here is indeed different from others.

Like the horse farm that Mori summer had visited before, the equestrian club at Sakino Gakuen is a women's club. It is said that the girls in the equestrian club are also big ladies. Although this is heard, it may not be without reason. Morinia thinks it is After all, although the equestrian club is funded by the school, one or two good horses are brought in there every year. , This is the student's own expense.

But Senxia was a little puzzled, why are there a group of girls who are keen on riding, but there are no boys? And I heard that the equestrian club is still doing quite well.

"Now, Morinka-kun, do you want me to take you to see our school? I know a lot of things other people don't know!" Erika sent an invitation to Morinka.

For Erika's words, Morinka believes, after all, the channels for the rich will always be broader.

"Well, let's talk about this later!"

However, Qianjia's voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

"Ah, Senior Qianjia!" Erika also found Qianjia standing next to her at this time.

"Senior sister, something?" Mori asked.

Qianjia nodded: "Of course, and it's still a major event related to our club!"

"Society? Now Shiyan?" Senxia seemed to understand.

"That's right," Qianjia hooked her finger, and then greeted Morinya to walk out of the room. After reaching the corner of the corridor, Qianjia continued, "It's a major issue for us.

"I thought the president, you don't seem to care about this club anymore..." Senxia complained.

"How is that possible?! This is the club I founded!" Qianjia akimbo.

"Then what's going on with our current research?" Senxia asked again.

"Then you need to talk about it, of course it's recruiting newcomers! New recruiting!"


First today! (To be continued.)

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