Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 485: I have a drinker...

For Sakano Gakuen in April, what matters most here is not the recruitment of new clubs, but the election of Miss Sakino. 【No pop-up window..】

"Menxia-kun, are you okay?" Tonggu poked Senxia who was lying on the table, "You seem to be very sleepy these two days."

"Hmm..." Senxia, ​​who was lying on the table, was lying on his stomach. After receiving news from Qianjia, Senxia was basically busy until two o'clock in the evening before going to bed. The most troublesome thing was that she still needed It can be said that maintaining the quality of the content is completely hurting Morinatsu.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, are you really okay? Do you want to go to the health room to rest?" Tonggu looked at Senxia with some concern.

"If you really want me to have a good rest, let me lie here more, thank you." Senxia replied tiredly, then continued to lay on the table and rushed to the street.

After these two days, Senxia was really exhausted. After talking to this idiot, Senxia felt that she was going to die. With this time, it was better to take a break.

"But Senxia-kun—"

"——If you have so much time, why not think about how to deal with your Meihui sauce!" Senxia directly replied.

"Hehe~" However, after talking about Meihui sauce, Tonggu's face unexpectedly smiled.

Hmm... Am I dreaming? This script is wrong, Tonggu is not his wife and stricter?

Senxia rarely recovered some energy, he lifted up slightly, and then glanced at Tonggu.

"Mihui-sama likes the maid cafe unexpectedly, so I didn't hold me accountable!" Tong Gu looked happy.


Senxia rolled her eyes, and this idiot pursued just that. He stopped paying attention to the other party, turned his head and continued to pounce on the street. The rare time between classes is used to replenish his spirit.

"Hey, Morinka-kun, why are you lying down again?" Kiriya poked Morinata, "Minxia, ​​Miss Sakino's election. What do you think?"

What Kiriya wants to ask is the recent election of Miss Sakino.

"Xuno will win." Senxia raised her head subconsciously, and Yukino had been selected two days ago. As an older brother, Morinka said that this must be a victory for Yukino. absolute. If Yukino didn't win, then the world must be wrong.

"Maybe, I heard that there are a few lovely girls in one year." Although Inoue was no longer sitting in the front row of Morinka, he leaned in at this time.

But for Inoue's words, Morinatsu disagrees. Because Xuenao's appearance and figure are superb, as long as there is no foreigner like President Lihua, then Xuenao is almost sure to win.

"By the way, when it comes to one-year-olds, there seems to be a strange student coming over there." Someone next to him said c. His name is Fujita, and he is a classmate of Morinata. Well, passerby, don't care.

"Huh? What kind of person is it?" Tong Gu seemed to be very interested. After Senxia they reached the second year of high school. The first grader was assigned to another teaching building, and now if you want to go to the first grade to watch, you have to walk a long distance.

"I don't know, it seems strange anyway..."

Hearing that they were discussing here, Morinya yawned and then lay down on the table again. Life is short, let’s hurry up and rest every moment...

After waiting for the lunch break, Senxia yawned and then came to the department with a lunch box.

"Sinxia-kun is good at noon." Senxia looked over here and saw Ji Ye and Qian Jiazheng sitting here. After seeing Senxia, ​​Ji Ye greeted him.

However, it can be seen that Senior Ji Ye's face also has two thick dark circles, and it is obvious that he has recently overdrawn a lot.

"good afternoon……"

Senxia yawned. Then he sat at the computer desk.

"Ji Ye, there should be no problem with the cg behind, right?" Qianjia glanced at Morinya, and then turned back to continue discussing with Ji Ye.

"Well, at this level, I can barely catch up. But this time is really urgent." Ji Ye sighed, "And are there any problems with you?"

"Well. As far as the performance is concerned, I have done all the work that can be done. The rest is to wait for Mori Xiajun to finish writing the script, and then perfect it again." Qianjia yawned.

"So that's it." Ji Ye nodded, and then looked at Senxia, ​​"That's still hard work for Senxia."

The scripts written by Morinya here are not meant to be used immediately. If you just copy and paste, of course there is nothing, but these scripts have to be added to the game so that the script can match the performance of the game to achieve perfection. . Therefore, Morinha's work here is even ahead of the final deadline, otherwise it will affect other aspects.

Qianjia asked others to prepare the material first, and then wait for Morinka’s script, but the time was limited after all, Morinka had to deal with all these things before the end of the Golden Week.

"But there are a lot of things in the end, is there really no problem with Senxia?" Ji Ye asked again.

"Well, probably, you can only find foreign aid in this regard. If you can find a few excellent script writers, there should be no problem." Qianjia thought.

"If it doesn't work, maybe I can help a little bit." Ji Ye said kindly.

"Well, Ji Ye, just go busy with your affairs. You are also very busy with your work. I can't trouble Ji Ye above this." Qianjia waved her hand, "Don't worry. Actually, I don’t even know a good scripter. If it’s really impossible, even if it’s a special method, I will find a way to ask someone to help us do it."

"..." Senxia glanced at Qian Jia. He wanted to vomit, but he looked back at the manuscript on his computer screen. In the end, he just sighed, and then went back to the codeword.

Although I really want to complain about Qianjia's overdone method, but he is in a hurry, and there is no way to use such methods at this time...

Well, in order to save yourself from working hard, this is the only thing this time.

After eating lunch at noon, in the afternoon, Senxia still stayed here to work with codewords, while Qianjia set off for the animic club.

After she came to the club, Lao Xu was also working hard, and the club was deserted.

Daisuke Ono is now helping him with Zn-san's tuning, while Ayana goes to Waseda University to do the program with Wang Qiwen and the others. Nana is still in the remedial practice song. So for now, there is only Lao Xu here.

"Lao Xu, how is your work there?"

Qianjia leaned forward.

"Sinxia-kun, I barely finished the work over there. What I am doing now is the script of the rpg part." Lao Xu yawned after speaking. It can be seen that he is also tired at this time. It's unbearable.

Although Lao Xu finished the work at the first time, it was just a game, and Lao Xu also had an rpg script to take care of. So the follow-up work cannot be given to him.

"I have sent the script to Teacher Xia Sen." Lao Xu added after yawning.

"Well, it's hard work."

Qianjia nodded, and then took out a notebook. She looked at the contents of the notebook and seemed to be thinking about something.

"What is Miss Qian Jia looking at?" Lao Xu asked curiously.

"I can get in touch with the scripters, but I don't have much time, and there seems to be none that can match Senxia in style..." Qianjia collected all the information that could be collected in the past two days, but it can be seen. She didn't seem to be very satisfied.

At this moment, the door of the club was opened.

"Good afternoon. Everyone." Zn-san and Ono Daisuke came in.

"Oh, good afternoon, Zn Sang, Dafujun." Qian Jia also greeted him.

"Congratulations, it's really amazing to be able to cooperate with a big company like Sega." Zn congratulated Qianjia.

After all, from the perspective of zn, it is indeed a good thing to be able to cooperate with a large company like Sega.

However, he found that Qian Jia and Lao Xu's faces were not very good.

"That...did something happen?" Zn asked strangely.

"Zn-Sang, although it is very good to cooperate with Sega. But the work is too tight, and everyone can't stand it." Daisuke next to him said euphemistically.

"So, I'm sorry." Zn sincerely apologized to the two of them, "I have been inspired recently. So the production of bgm is very fast. The game part of the work is almost finished, and rpg should also be able to apply. Most of it. Well, is there anything I can help here?"

Qianjia shook his head: "Zn Sang should finish the rpg version of bgm together. After all, the fighting part has been added. As for this, the main remaining part is the script."

The background depends on Takeuchi and outsourcing, and finally there is no problem. CG and Lihui, and Ji Ye also temporarily invited several assistants to help. They are all well-known people in the industry, so there should be no problem. Now the most troublesome part is the script. There is no problem with Sega in the program. In terms of channels, they have already given the green light, just waiting for the crown of sin to eat.

zn can also draw and write programs, but the script is not that simple.

"So that's the case. Sorry, it doesn't seem to help me in this regard." Zn nodded.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and said to Qianjia: "By the way, although not a scripter, I know someone who can write something. I think his standard is very good~www.mtlnovel. com~If I ask, maybe he can help a little bit?"

"Oh? Zn Sang is also very respected, who is it?" Qianjia asked curiously.

"Oh, he is my drinking buddy, his name is Fujishima Yoko, I remember the pen name is Dragon Knight 07..."


According to the research conducted by Nizhan, the real name of Dragon Knight 07 is Yoko Fujishima, but his brother is called Yata Sakura, but he should be a pen name.

The id who pushed Fujishima Yokoto seems to be owned by the fans when the Umineko cried, and should not be him.

Dragon 7 himself neither admits nor denies this name.

But this is a parallel universe, so take it owo, but anyway, it's called the dragon knight in the play, and it doesn't matter.

The second one today! Seeing that I have been updating on time recently, let me give two monthly tickets... (To be continued.)



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