Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 486: Your uncle is really sinful...

When Senxia knew that Qianjia had worked so hard to find two people to help write the script, it was already a weekend. . Romance starting

"Both sides have agreed." When Qianjia put down the phone, her face showed a grateful expression.

"Sister, did you ask two people to come over to help?" Senxia and Qianjia were about to go out at this time. They signed a non-disclosure agreement at the Jia headquarters. By the way, they could get some Sega game console development materials to help them keep their games. Go to Sega's machine. After hearing the news, he asked casually.

"Well, because I'm not very much in the industry, so I have a lot of time. It's just right for us," Qianjia smiled. "One of them is Ji Zong Gangji and the other is Dragon Knight 07. They are all pen names."


Senxia, ​​who was wearing shoes, fell on the hallway.

"What do you think they are called?!" His voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Gangji Ji Zong and Dragon Knight 07 are not people in the industry, but their writing and storytelling skills are very good. I contacted Ji Zong Gangji through Lao Xu's contacts... Well, but the relationship is far Ah, this Dragon Knight 07 is Zn Sang’s drinking friend, who Zn Sang recommended to me.

After Zn Sang introduced Dragon Knight 07 to Qianjia, Lao Xu thought of some people who might be able to help, and after a few days of rebirth, he finally got in touch with this guy named Ji Zong Gangji. People, it is said that the potential is very good, and I also like the work of Mr. Xia Sen very much. When I heard it was an invitation from the ani fan club, he immediately agreed. This is what happened before.

Damn it.

Damn it.

Damn it.

Because it is very important, I vomit three times.

"I'm going to see them! I'm going to see them now!"

It wasn't that Senxia was excited, but Senxia discovered that it was a coincidence. Two celebrities were actually contacted at once.

Ji Zong Gang Ji is the creator of mv-luv, well, that is the creator of mv who has no sound in this article except for n animations.

Dragon Knight 07 is even more famous.

Mori Xia once thought about the work When Higurashi Cried in her head, and Higurashi's original author was Dragon Knight 07.

"I'm going to see them!" Senxia said again.

"Calm down! I know Senxia-kun, you don’t want your work to be dusty. But you don’t have to do that!" Qianjia said while pulling Senxia up. She thought Senxia was excited because of these two people. Level, "We are still going to pass the Jia headquarters."

"Um...hmm." After being pulled up by Qianjia, Morinya finally calmed down.

Yes, there is still work to be done now.

Morinya rubbed her temples and finally calmed down.

Although it was accidental. But Senxia felt that this matter was actually an inevitable thing.

Senxia and Qianjia need to find someone who can do game scripts, and they also need to reach a certain level. At this time, the options available are much narrower. Then, among these people. Counting those who are the right age, those who have time now, and those who are going to debut soon or have just just made their debut, there are even fewer options, and they can be seen through Senxia's contacts. It makes sense to find these two people.

"In fact, I have already looked for several plans, including looking for f, elf and the like. But their works are based on daily life, so with the current level, I think it is just right." Qianjia There are also many means, but after a more appropriate plan. She abandoned all those plans.

"Well, that's fine." Senxia nodded, "After I have been to Sega, we will contact them."

"This is a must. I'll ask about the time later." Qianjia nodded.

"Okay." After hearing Qianjia's words, Senxia concentrated for a while. He shouldn't be affected by things like this now. She still needs to concentrate. Then, what to do on Sega's side is the right way.

After the two left the room, they set off, but they did not pass away directly from Ka headquarters, but went to Ichiro Sato's office first.

Regardless of this matter, you need the help of Uncle Sato. After all, minors need a guardian to act as their agent.

However, when Morinka and the others came to Sato Ichiro's office, the first thing they saw was not Uncle Sato, but the three idiots Loli squatting at the door.

It's just that they didn't make a lot of noise today, but squatted at the door and didn't know what they were talking about, looking like the enemy.

"Three little ladies, what's wrong with you?" Seeing the abnormal appearance of the three elementary school students, Senxia couldn't help but walk over curiously.

"Uncle empathize, don't fall in love!" Nangong Meixiang pouted.

"That fishy cat, I thought it would be great to be an uncle's assistant!" Yue Yong Shuizhi also looked like she was not angry.

"I won't back down!" Kosaka Marie was also decisive.

Morinatsu couldn't laugh or cry. It seems that these three fools have a sense of crisis for Uncle Sato's new assistant...

While talking, Ichiro Sato opened the door and walked out, just in time to ran into Morinatsu and Chika.

"You have arrived...Huh, the three of you...Huh?"

Sato Ichiro also noticed the three elementary school students at the door, but before he had time to speak, the three elementary school students suddenly ran away, leaving Sato Ichiro inexplicable.

"Well, forget it..."

Sato shook his head. He really didn't understand what these pupils were thinking.

Then, he turned his head and looked at Senxia: "It just so happens that you two are here, let's go first!"

"Ichiro-san, your briefcase."

Before the two had finished speaking, a voice came from the room, and then Morinka saw a woman in an ol costume smiling at Sato. This woman has her hair **** and wears a pair of glasses. She has a very intellectual feeling, but she seems to be young, and she even feels a little fake. Although it is very beautiful, Morinatsu knows at a glance that this kind of sister paper is definitely not in Sato Ichiro's hunting range.

"Thank you very much, Senxia-kun, we are just starting now, let's go."

Sato took the briefcase and walked all the way to the garage.

"Ichiro go well." The secretary of Sato Ichiro greeted the other party. The voice was very gentle, and the expression was extremely virtuous. This is simply a virtuous wife watching her husband go out to work...

After saying hello, she turned her head and smiled at Morinka and Qianjia, then closed the door and returned to the house.

Suddenly, Senxia felt as if someone poked her waist.

"Huh? What's wrong, Senior Sister?" Senxia glanced at Qianjia next to her strangely.

"Your uncle is really a sinful man." Qianjia smiled with evil interest.

"Huh?" Morinya shook her head, "In fact, I'm even more curious that this female secretary Sang is not a primary school student, right? I really don't know how she fell in love with Uncle Sato."

"Who knows, maybe her daughter likes your uncle too," Qianjia thought for a while, and felt that the other party's age seemed too old. "Maybe the secretary Sang has always liked your uncle since he was a child, so now I come to Baihe to repay my favor. ?"

"This has nothing to do with Baihe repaying his favor? But the latter possibility is really there."

Baihe repaying kindness is a Japanese mythical story. Although it doesn't match, Morinka feels that if this female secretary had been an admirer of Uncle Sato since she was a child, it would be natural to come over now.

Thinking of this, Morinka is really a little embarrassed. It's a pity that Uncle Sato is only interested in mature women. Otherwise, it's safe to say that there is a secretary to do, and it's okay, then the rhythm of the secretary, uh, don't think so, Sato My uncle's admirers are all elementary school students and young girls. If such a frenzied thing happens, the picture will be horrible.

Well, don’t blame Senxia for killing her kisses...

The two of them went all the way, got in Uncle Sato's car, and then came to Sega headquarters together.

Senxia and the others are not here for the first time, but they have a different feeling when they came here today.

For them now, being here means they have taken a big step forward.

"Ah, Brother Xiao Ma!" At this moment, Morinya noticed Brother Xiao Ma who was hurriedly walking into the building.

"Xia Sen!" After seeing Senxia, ​​Xiao Ma walked up in surprise, "What a coincidence."

Not only Senxia and the others, but also Xiao Ma and his team are also busy. Compared with Senxia, ​​Xiao Ma is more busy here. What they have to do is to do well the qicq software, and then It is embedded in the dc platform.

Xiao Ma came to Sega today to communicate with the technicians here.

"How are you doing?" Because of the busy schedule, Senxia didn't know the progress of Brother Xiao Ma, so after seeing Brother Xiao Ma, she came over and asked.

"Basic communication is no longer a Both voice and text are very easy to use. We are now studying how this system can seamlessly connect with the game." Xiao Ma is a little proud, "Besides, we will later Prepare a public relations system for multi-person chat and communication, but it's still up to Sega to do it."

Although the original version of dc has network games, but the number is very small, it is only natural that Sega has no experience now. After all, even the concept of network games has only just emerged these years.

But Mori Xia believes that the prospects for this type of game are bright, maybe not in Japan, but it is absolutely feasible in Europe, America and a certain oriental country. So Senxia nodded and smiled at Xiao Ma: "Come on, I believe you can succeed. I have some exchanges with Sega here, and we will talk later when we have time."


After bidding farewell to Xiao Ma, Morinya and Qianjia left here, and it was finally time to meet Sega...


Today’s first update, this is such a stable update, so stable! (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please visit //m.ia



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