Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 487: Sega DC

Mori Xia originally thought that she was just here to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and then got a glimpse of the Sega DC lineup. 【Full text reading...】

But something that surprised him happened.

Well, yes, Senxia just signed a non-disclosure agreement and then came into contact with dc.

But after knowing the world's dc specifications, Morinia was dumbfounded.

cp is Hitachi's sh-4, 32-bit, risc simplified instruction set, clocked at 200 MHz, and operating speed is 360 mips.

The display chip is still the one that used to put der_vr2 in nec.

The original dc used in the audio system, Mori Xia has long forgotten, but the dc in this world uses a Yamaha chip.

As for the memory, it’s a bit more than the original one, using 32mb, of which 2mb is for the voice and network system, 2mb is for the sound system, 12mb is for the graphics system, and the other 16mb is for the main system.

In the optical drive system, dc is still the same as the historical choice, using encrypted instead of DVD.

In addition, a Hitachi co-processor has been added to this dc, which uses the development code name "Demon Blade", specifically for processing network and voice systems.

However, these are not the most critical. The most critical part of the entire system is that the entire dc has added a very unusual structure-they actually added a hard disk to the computer!

Fujitsu 6.4gb hard drive!

When Sega really added a hard drive, Morinya was confused.

He looked at Qianjia, who was also looking at the information next to him. The latter noticed Morika’s gaze and looked towards Morika, but after finding that Morika had no other meaning, she tilted her head, and then reopened her. His gaze returned to the information in his hand.

Wait, I seem to have set up fg before...

Senxia suddenly thought that he had really had such a funny idea. He thought that his butterfly effect seemed impossible. As for Sega to get a hard drive for DC, it was simply impossible.

Fuck, it's not like this, right? Is it the rule of this world that the protagonist must be beaten in the face?

What a joke about knitting!

Damn it!

Although Morinha is expressionless now, the feelings and complaints in his heart at the moment are enough to write a hundred thousand characters.

Senxia is a little suspicious, does her own fg physique really exist?

No... absolutely impossible! Everything is an illusion, you can't scare me!

Senxia shouted in her heart.

Putting down the manuscript in her hand, Morinya looked at the technician who came to contact him on the opposite side: "Excuse me, what is this hard drive?"

"Oh, this is a system we added for the'Demon Blade'." The technician thought Morinya was talking about why they added such a hard drive. You must know that all game consoles these days have no hard drive. Yes, even the future ps2 will not have this stuff.

So for the game consoles of this era, this is indeed a pioneering work.

So Senxia was stunned.

"The main function of the hard disk is to install some functions of the game. For some game content, a single disc cannot be included, so it can be pre-installed into the hard disk. At the same time, with the help of this system, we can also The content is downloaded here, and the hard disk is also a storage system. In addition, our chat system body is also stored here." The technician introduced some contents of the dc hard disk to Morinia.

It sounds reasonable.

Indeed, since there is a new chat system, storage space is indeed needed. Hard disk is the best choice at this time, and the best way for DLC storage that Senxia thought of is also hard disk, and with hard disk, traditional The memory card can also be discarded, and the hard disk can also pre-store the contents of the disc. In addition, the hard disk can also act as a cache for the entire system when necessary.

But this new version of dc still has a little bit that makes Mori summer feel "fucked".

——Since you have installed a hard drive, why don't you want to change to a DVD!

In Senxia's view, one of the original failures of DC was that it did not support DVDs. Looking at it now, Sega's nature in this era has not changed.

"I changed the broadband card, and then added a hard drive. Compared with the original version, isn't the cost soaring?"

Senxia thought of a very crucial question again.

However, Mori Xia thought that the original dc price seemed to be much cheaper compared to ps2. If some additional costs are added, it seems to be at the same level as ps2... but this is not the reason why you don't need DVDs! Not using DVDs is just a death! Using nec's display chip is also killing it! Sega, do you understand it?

Senxia naturally couldn't say these words like this, he could only complain in his heart.

"The development environment we use is windowsce 2.0, which is very convenient for the porting of PC games," the technician continued to Mori Xia, "you are developing "Crown of Sin", using this system for porting will be very convenient ."

Indeed, dc's development environment is very friendly, and Sony's ps2 was flew eight streets in seconds at this point.

According to the other party, this system seems to be true and can support mods.

The mod on the host? Fuck, isn't this achieved more than ten years earlier than the original world?

Moriha found that Sega in this world really accomplished a feat.

But this is not the reason why you don't use DVDs!

Senxia spit out again in her heart.

DVD is the king of the future, why don't you understand it!

Forget it, anyway, it's not our own thing, now we just use your platform, after waiting, what should we do...

There are three deadlocks in dc, one is nec’s cheating chip. It’s not that this chip is not good, but that ne was out of stock for a while after it went on the market, so dc missed the best time to distribute goods. Said to be fatal; the second deadlock is for DVDs, ps2's DVD is a great contributor to helping them harvest good works; the third deadlock is the loss of Shenmue.

Well, yes, this version of Sega DC is indeed different, but in Senxia's view, this thing is still the same. If these three knots are not solved, the current DC can only face the final outcome.

But the Sega technician on the other side didn't seem to think so, he seemed super confident.

"I can kill Sony, I can hang Apple!"

Well, sorry, this is just a wishful thinking.

"Although I don't understand programs very well, for our development, this kind of portable platform seems to be a good thing." Qianjia nodded. She couldn't see Sega's future tragedy, so she felt that Sega seemed to be very tall.


What can you tell me?

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, we have this plan." The technician nodded in agreement, "This system is very easy to transplant. Your company's "Plants vs. Zombies" can also be easily transplanted to our platform vendors, and we can also provide more For an excellent display effect."

Hearing what the other party said, Senxia seemed to understand why Sega found herself so passionately.

Not only because of the credit for the game they are working on, but also because they have a game that has already been released before that and has sparked a craze!

"Plants vs. Zombies" now sells millions of sets, and Sega’s main battlefield is actually North America. It’s strange that Sega didn’t notice this game at this time.

If this is the case, things seem obvious...

Senxia nodded secretly in her heart. In this case, what happened before would be more reasonable.

After signing the agreement and reading the information, Senxia and the others set off to return.

Sitting in the car, Qianjia seemed to be thinking about something: "Senxia, ​​I seem to understand Sega's expectations for us."

"Plants vs. Zombies, right?" Senxia said.

Qianjia nodded: "Plants vs. Zombies is now a million-level work, and in Sega's view, we now have such a large sales volume. Isn't it natural to expand the scale in the next step?"

Mori Xia was stunned: "In other words, the reason why Sega made this request to us is also to predict that we will expand?"

"Of course, my father is also considered as a shareholder of Sega, and they can't make things difficult for me because of this kind of thing!" Qianjia said naturally.

"That's hard to say, maybe someone in Sega might be dissatisfied with us?" Sega is also very clear.

"Uh, that possibility is very small, you don't need to care. But since this is the case, it means that we really need to expand." Qianjia looked at Morinya very seriously, "In other words, we want Hiring!"

Yes! To hire people!

Not only the club of the current research institute, but also the club of animic, we must recruit people!

"That's what I said." Senxia nodded.

"Yo Xi, the initial target is that Ji Zong Gangji and Mr. Dragon Knight, if they are of good quality, they should be recruited first..." Qianjia thought about Well, that's good. "Sinxia nodded, but then he was stunned again.

Wait a minute, if these two people join in, what about the original mv and chill?

This is a serious problem...

Senxia realized that it is shameful to let such works disappear. We are here to spread cute culture and gentleman culture, not let them disappear!

If it doesn’t work, then you have to do it yourself...


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In addition, I would like to thank fh56 classmates for the reward of 50000 starting currency, as well as readers, Brother Mouse, Shi Yejun and other book friends for their rewards and support^_^



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