Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 488: In fact, I refused from the beginning...

Senxia prefers scum to make a rescue plan. When Senxia first learned that the original divine work actually wanted him to create it, he actually refused. [Reading the latest chapter..] Because Morinka thinks you can't ask me to write it, I will write it right away. This divine work originally had a master. Now you write one and add a special effect. If the work is dang, it is a divine work! As a result, the original author must scold Senxia, ​​saying that this is all plagiarism! It's fake, it's a special effect!

But the current situation is a bit wrong. Both Ji Zong Gangki and Dragon Knight 07 joined them, in order to prevent the original works from being destroyed and annihilated in the dust of history, so Mori Xia felt that the gods could be written, and it was like this when writing. , Don’t add special effects. Senxia arrived, and the masterpiece he wrote is still the same!

Anyway, the original author is here, we can also guide them, and then let them create... ahem.

Although the small theater in Mori's mind just now was a bit funny, to be honest, he actually doesn't like being a simple copywriter.

If it’s just to reproduce other people’s works, it’s meaningless for Morinia. Perhaps for rebirths, this kind of philosophical means of making money is very “cool”, but it’s not for Morinia. In other words, it doesn't mean anything at all.

"Earth Defense Boy" is more significant to Morinia, so he won't say that it is because after he has money, he feels that it's boring to simply copy the text!

Just because I want to write something interesting, there will be a magically modified version of "Girls Fall in Love with Sister" and a super magical version of "Guilty Crown".

What Senxia wanted was to change the world, and he discovered this when he made money from the release of the game "Plants vs. Zombies".

He was not interested in the game "Plants vs. Zombies" itself. On the contrary, he felt a sense of emptiness after the game was released. However, when Morinka knew that the game had become popular in Europe and America, he cared about people there. view. Yes, the game itself. Morinka is not interested, but he is very concerned about what kind of chemical reaction the game itself can produce.

What if Madoka Magical Girl is taken out at this time? If this time we shoot an animated version of Harry Potter. What will happen? If we get a PSP handheld now, will this world explode?

When Senxia learned about the changes in dc, shock was one aspect, but in Senxia's heart, she was actually faintly excited.

This is the change of the world line! This is what I thought of!

Although I know it's all eggs. But Senxia knew that all this was indeed changing, under the influence of her own butterfly wing.

You know, when making a child, a posture change may cause the boy in the future to become a girl. The changes from the birth of Morinia to the present have been greater and greater, plus the inherent inherent in the two worlds Some differences, everything is different.

Morika likes this feeling.

Even if it's not me who makes a profit, for Morinia. This is all very interesting, because he knows that this is the change of this world, this is the change of the whole world.

But Senxia still knows that this kind of thing is often accidental. If you want to trigger a greater change, it means you need to stand on a higher platform.

For example, if Mori Natsu is the principal of Sakino Gakuen, he can turn all school uniforms into mini skirts, if he has black technology. He can turn all of Japan into a world of cute boys and beautiful girls...

Therefore, status or something is sometimes very important.

As a pursuing gentleman, Senxia's goal is to make this world as beautiful as the second element... Well. Daydreaming is actually quite interesting.

"Now, Senxia-kun, Sega’s "Demon Blade" seems to be very good. Many of the ideas we thought of before can be put into this system." Qianjia sitting next to Senxia suddenly slammed into it. Hit Senxia.

"Our previous mean rpgmaker?" Senxia thought of this.

Qianjia nodded.

The latest version of &nbmaker is rpgmaker95, last year. It was released in March 1997. The platform was windows, but it did not trigger any trend, but was submerged in the dust of history.

"The game market you said about Xia Jun seems to be very interesting, I think it can be applied after this system." Qianjia thought.

The production company of this software is owned by Kadokawa, and will be incorporated into Kadokawa in the future. It is a good choice to cooperate with each other through this channel. In addition, Senxia can also make a similar software tool by themselves.

"We have a lot of money now. We can buy the copyright of this game and start making it ourselves. Moreover, the accumulation of games in this area can also save us a lot of work. Some of our games can also be used as It's part of the material and development template, so the workload is not big." Qianjia smiled.

"The difficult part is the content, and Qianjia-senpai, you are talking about Sega's dc, this is a home machine, so some-gentleman content, can't be added to it." Senxia glanced at the uncle driving in front. Some things are too straightforward to say.

"It doesn't matter, we also have a pc version. If the transplantation is super simple, we can transplant it directly." Qianjia thought.

Senxia did not speak, but was thinking.

This mode makes more use of the network system, but the right way of the network is to play network games, but there is really no basis for traveling in Japan, so this type of game can only be developed. This... is it a gentleman version of steam platform?

It's so inexplicable...

This version of dc, or the Sega game console now code-named "Demon Blade", itself is designed with a hard drive. The capacity of 6.4gb is the current mainstream. Putting some games like rpg does not seem to be a problem. .

After Qianjia initiated the idea of ​​a gentleman version of steam, Morinka thought of something else.

Outside of Japan, the future that will be more profitable is to swim...

By the way, although the legend once swept a certain oriental country, before the legend, there seemed to be a few games that were very popular, um, yes, they are "Magic Baby" and "Stone Age"!

In this regard, you can pay attention to it. In the future, if you get the agency right, you can hand it over to Xiao Ma to operate, and then the game can be logged in with the qicq account, and it can be linked with qicq. This time, the situation of qicq in a large eastern country will also be given. Revitalized...

Well, it's super good.

But it seems that these games have not been made yet?

Senxia guessed that these games should already be in production, but these games are all typical of the flowers inside the wall and the fragrance outside the wall. When they find that this game is on the street in China, we will be able to go and buy the bottom.

Original or something, Senxia wanted something more interesting, but the agency, of course, how did you make money? Brother Xiao Ma seems to have lost confidence in the game now, but now we can restore Brother Xiao Ma’s confidence. With...

"We can consider buying rpgmaker, but we need some fine games on this platform." Morinya has no doubt that Qianjia, who has "someone above me", can buy the copyright of this software. They also have enough money now. The problem The point is that such a single game is actually not that simple.

"...Well, what are you looking at me for?" Just after Morinya said this, he found that Qianjia had been looking at herself.

"Sinxia-kun, after finishing our current game, you can develop two fine mini-games, one gentleman game and one normal game, how about?" Qianjia looked at Senxia with expectant eyes.

"...Huh?" Senxia was stunned for a few seconds.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, I think this kind of platform is our main channel to promote gentleman culture. Maybe it’s not possible on the'monster knife', but it must be possible on the PC! Senxia-kun, with your ability to tell stories, I I think we can make two interesting games and put them into them!" Qianjia feels that this kind of small game does not take long.

"Well, indeed, if there are enough people, this kind of system will probably only take a month or two to make a game..."

On the &nbmaker platform, a game also has a production cycle, and some works have not been available for a long time. But don't forget, this is because most of the games on this platform are made by one person or a small team. But if it is made by Morinka and their animic club, the work will be much more convenient because of the platform and engine. The trouble lies in the vertical painting and the character design, but they have the great **** Jiye here, so this It's not a problem either.

"Yo Xi, if there is no problem here, I will go to them to discuss copyright." Qianjia said.

"Okay." Senxia nodded, but at this time, all he was thinking about was what kind of game he was doing better.

Ordinary games are very simple. Nobita’s Resident Evil, Waste City Monogatari, these are all fine products. Since they are to increase popularity, it doesn’t matter if they are brought up. Although there is no interest in simple plagiarism, Morinatsu also wants to see these. The chemical reaction caused by the game after it appeared now must be very interesting.

But besides ordinary kind of game should Gentleman Butter use?

This is a more troublesome thing.

But fortunately, there is still more time now, and there will be opportunities to think slowly in the future...


The standard customization of DVD has little to do with Sega, and there is no such thing as using DVD patent card Sega. Without DVD, it is more a problem of Sega's strategy. Gd is a high-density CD, and there is no so-called autonomous format. Sega had split internally at that time. As for Sony, it can only be said that it was an external cause. Even without Sony, Sega had many internal contradictions at the time. Especially after Nakayama Hayao retired, Sega had no helm.

Today's first update.

After insisting on updating on time for so long, I will try to see if there is a wave, and I have to pay off the debt before.

Elf has closed the official, and it's over from scratch, and we can't continue to burn out! (To be continued.)



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