Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 509: The basis of cooperation?

"Good news, Ye and ELF are very interested in our plan."

Ye She is Leaf, and ELF is the leader of Galgame, which is now reaching its peak step by step.

At noon the next day, just when Senxia thought they could usher in a peaceful and happy high school life, Qianjia rushed to Senxia's class and pulled out Senxia who was too late to get a lunch.

"Huh?" Senxia was about to rush to eat, she was pulled out by Qianjia, "Huh, why is it so fast?"

Senxia thought it would take at least two or three months for the news to come back, and it might not be good news.

However, at this moment, Qianjia actually came over to tell Morinya that both LEAF and ELF had reached a conclusion.

"What happened?" Morinya said inexplicably, "If it is LEAF, forget it. ELF is also very interested in our proposal?"

"Yes, I didn't expect it, but their response was stronger than I thought. Isn't this a good thing?" Qian Jia looked excited.

Whether it is Qianjia or Senxia, ​​they are both inheritors of gentleman culture, and both of them are very enthusiastic about the spread of gentleman culture.

ELF is now the industry leader of Galgame, and it can also be said to be one of the enlightenment people in the gentleman world. If they want to join, it will also be a huge help to the gentleman's career in Morinia.

"But why did they think of joining us? Senior sister, how did you convince them?" Senxia was a little confused about how Qianjia convinced these manufacturers.

"Well," Qianjia looked at the time, then pulled up Senxia and walked outside, "Today we will go to the restaurant for dinner, Senxia Jun, you rarely go there, we will talk and say at that time, hehe~ "

Qian Jia could see that she was in a good mood, and she took Morinya to the cafeteria.

Although the cafeteria at Sakano Gakuen is called "restaurant", it is actually a high-end restaurant. The meals inside are very exquisite food, but the prices are also high. Of course, the restaurants here are not without cheap food, and all kinds of bento are also sold. But if you are in the mood to go to the restaurant, you might as well go to the store on the other side of the school to buy some convenient fried noodles and bread.

Most of the time, Morinka makes lunch at home and brings it over. If she is very busy or annoys Xuenai, Morinka buys bread most of the time. As for eating at the restaurant. This is really not a few times. People from ordinary families like Rena rarely come here to eat.

The restaurant at Sakano Gakuen is very well decorated.

There are bonsai, fountains and landscapes everywhere in the room. Rather than saying that this place is a restaurant, it is more accurate to say that this place is an outdoor attraction.

The floor of the entire restaurant is white marble, and the entire room is also based on white tones. After entering the restaurant, you can feel a bright and elegant atmosphere.

The ceiling of the room is also pure white frosted and translucent. When the hazy sunlight shines on the fountain in the middle of the restaurant, it has a wonderful feeling of being in it. The whole person's heart seems to be able to be cleared.

How should I put it, it feels as if I have actually stepped into a place where a nobleman dines.

"Although I rarely come here, it's really good here."

After Qianjia took Senxia to the restaurant, the two chose a place to sit down.

"There don't seem to be many people." Senxia found that there didn't seem to be many people around here.

"There are several restaurants on the school side. I chose the one with the best environment." Qianjia smiled. "This kind of environment is a little bit more outdoor. It's pretty good. The decoration in the other places is pretty good, but they are all It's indoors. Eating in a garden-like place like this is also a kind of romance."

Not long. A waitress came to Senxia.

"Miss, sir, what do you want to order?"

"Um... let's have a..."

"Here is a red lotus fire dragon meat and a fresh blood."

Before the two spoke, there was a voice next to them.

What the **** is this?

Qianjia took the menu. Then I found that a golden double ponytail was sitting next to the table.

The waiter nodded seriously, and then said while remembering: "I see, a charcoal grilled steak and grape juice, right?"

Damn it, how do you understand?

Qianjia was shocked.

"Lily, why are you here?" After ordering the meal, Qianjia looked at Lily.

"The true ancestor of vampires is everywhere. You, as my dependents, of course I know where you are." The little vampire sipped the tea in front of him gracefully and smiled at Qianjia.

"In other words, she ran here from the one-year-old school building right after the get out of class, and followed you all the way. I didn't expect our little vampire to be a stalker." Senxia spit out while translating.

"You are all wrong, I... wrong, the concubine body is the true ancestor of the vampire with a life span of a thousand years, and your every move is under my control." The golden twin ponytail raised his proud head.

"Well... Forget it, let's continue talking about business." Qian Jia chose to ignore it.

"Yo Xi, a gentleman is the right way in the world." Morinya also chose to ignore, "Senior sister, how do you convince the ELF company?"

"ELF company?" After hearing the name, the golden double ponytail leaned over.

However, Senxia and Qianjia didn't notice this second fake loli at this time. Qianjia said to Morinya: "In fact, I just told them our intention to do this, and then everyone became interested in it. Especially about transplantation and opening up overseas markets."

"I know transplantation. When did we say we would open up overseas markets?" Senxia was a little strange.

"I think this is necessary, maybe you don’t know it yet, Mori Xiajun, in some communities of Omi, someone will specifically translate Japanese Galgame into English. Although this is just a folk behavior, it does show that galgame. There is also a market in Omi." Qianjia explained his plan to Morinka full of spirit, "We can launch galgames in English and Chinese. They are only translations, and the secondary cost is not high."

Hearing Qianjia's words, Morinya was inspired. In a few years, this type of translation will become popular in a large eastern country. No, it is already popular now. It’s just that this type of translation is just a personal hobby. Games like Tsukihime and Fate are all Someone from a major eastern country did it privately, and the quality of the translation is not bad.

In fact, there are a lot of very ordinary works that only appear very elegant and beautiful writing after being polished by translation. Many people say how powerful a certain work is and how superb writing is, but In fact, these are all the credit of translation; some people think about how good a certain work looks after reading the original work, but later someone reads the translated version but feels that it is not good. This is also the pot of translation.

The simplest is to look at the translations of the Taiwanese version and the simplified version of World of Warcraft, and you can find the level differences between the various translations.

Generally speaking, small-cost games like galgame all consider the domestic market. As for overseas markets, they actually don't think much.

"It was probably because I suddenly heard you say that, so they think that overseas markets should be able to make extra money." Mori summer guessed the other party's ideas. After all, overseas mainly use systems and also have new translations, so they can make money. Some extra money seems to be okay.

"Not all," Qianjia shook his head. "Many games are sold at once. If these games can be used as waste, it would be a good thing."

"So that's it..."

Senxia nodded. Actually there are only a small number of topical works, and the number of sequel works is limited, but the total amount of galgame is far more than topical works. Many of these works have to be Thrown into the dust of history.

In fact, some of these games are very interesting, and some can even be called the creation of the era, with a very unique world view and gameplay, but they are not popular.

There are not many people who really know about the Internet in Japan, but the galgame industry is on the rise, but at this time, these people have realized that if galgame continues, there will be limited channels to increase it.

"It's the relationship of mentality." Senxia suddenly realized.

"...Mentality?" Qianjia didn't know what Morinya was thinking of.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something else." Senxia waved her hand.

The mentality of Japanese people this year is still very different from 20 years later. Even those who do galgame at this time are more aggressive than gamers 20 years later.

After figuring this out, Morinka suddenly realized Maybe someday we can sit down and talk with the people of ELF? "But in terms of galgame, Moriha and the others are actually inferior to these bigwigs, but this is not the case, because Moriha and the others are "Plants vs. Zombies", and all ELF's current game sales are added together, which is not an opponent.

"Now, were you talking about ELF just now?" The little loli over there finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Hey, the elves in the forest, just like you, a vampire, are an out-and-out long-lived race." Senxia perfunctory little Lori, ELF means elves.

"I'm not a kid! Don't use such words to perfuse me!" Little Lori broke out.

"Well, that's probably the case. I will ask Lao Xu to contact other manufacturers again. Then there will be time." Qian Jia concluded.


Today is the second one~ 咩咩咩~

It's a bit late, sorry. (To be continued.)

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