Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 510: Girl, come and play the gentleman game!


Morinia and Qianjia were very enthusiastic about talking here, but Lily over there was already pouting. Obviously, being left out by these two men made Little Lori very upset. ↑,

But the two people in front of her obviously didn't intend to give her a chance to interrupt. The attitude of these two people was obviously the feeling of "the adults talk and the children go."

After the two people talked for a long time, their topic finally stopped.

"Speaking of it, our club will start activities too." After talking about work, Qianjia turned to the school again.

After Qianjia finished speaking, she glanced at Lily next to her.

"At this time, you need me as the true ancestor, right!" After hearing Qianjia's words, Lily instantly regained her spirit.

"Well, when we are doing club activities, the power of vampires is also necessary." Qianjia nodded.

Now that he has finally assembled five people, Qian Jia at this time wants to take a serious and normal club activities.

"Then wait for your enlightenment, the concubine will lead you to that mysterious, extraordinary life!" Lily lowered her voice, as if it was a witch who bewitched young people to fall.

"Rejected. From now on, we are going to live a'normal' club life." Qianjia waved his hand.

"Protest! What you were talking about just now is not an ordinary topic! El club I know, it is a game club!" When Lily is not calm, she always uses her everyday tone.

"No, no, our lovely lady vampire, you have no idea what we were talking about just now." Qianjia shook her head and looked at Lily with pity, but this gaze would only make Lily angry.

"Our vampire has a thousand years of knowledge and unparalleled learning ability. There is never anything that my concubine does not understand!" Lily looked at Qianjia firmly.

"Then you know galgame?" Qian Jia asked, squinting.

"Pants, trousers and trousers~ Are you looking down on vampires? I will participate in the festivals of the gods in August and December every year!" Lili stood up, "It's not just you who say In the el club, even the rumored great sage teacher Xia Sen’s "Guilty Crown", I have also played!"

This secondary disease is unprofessional. Using words like "concubine body" and "ru" is obviously full of contradiction, and even the second one does not insist.

"Except for the parts that are sealed by some indescribable spells, I have played most of the others!" Lilian had her head tall, showing her knowledge to Morinka and Chika.

It's just that the two people in the back look weird.

"Lily means that, except for those 18, I have played all age versions." Senxia translated temporarily.

"Hey, I just played a normal game. There is no way to enter the world of our gentlemen!"

Qianjia's face was extremely firm.

"Well" Lily was knocked down. "It's not my fault, it's just because those mortals can't see through the magical disguise of the great vampire!"

Senxia glanced at the legal loli, and then sighed: "Sure enough, Lily's figure, even if she pretends to go out and buy, she can't get the contents of 18, she can only go to those illegal ...No, even those people. After seeing Lily, they won't give her the book!"

Lily is exactly like a pupil. Even if she was put on a school uniform for elementary school students at this time, and then thrown into the group of elementary school students, there would not be any sense of disobedience. The only thing in her body that can surpass elementary school students... Well, maybe it can be counted, although this is not Big. But Erika, the squad leader who can definitely crush Morika.

Although some bookstores will illegally sell 18 games to high school students, if it is a super elementary school student like Lili...that's an exception.

In fact, there are many people who misunderstand Lily's age. There are rumors in Moriha's school that there is a primary school student who has skipped a grade in one year.

Lily also seems to want to play the games marked with "18", but unfortunately, even if she wants to, she can't play it. Although she knows the names of clubs like El and Lea. But unfortunately, she couldn't play the games produced by these clubs even if she wanted to.

Although Senxia and Qianjia were discussing a very gentleman's topic at this time, but Lily did not understand what the two said, so she could only stare. She couldn't intervene before, because she did not have a topic to talk to Senxia and the others. .

"If you are enlightened, come and have a try. I will let you know what is a gentleman's world..."

Qianjia looked at Lily with a provocative expression in her eyes.

"Try and try! I will never lose to you!" Lily stood up, "I am the true ancestor of the vampire, a mere mortal, I can't be bothered!"

"Well, you can wait for me in the department after class is over!" Qianjia laughed, "As for now, you can pay for our lunch."

"Why me?" Lily was inexplicable.

"It's normal etiquette for newcomers to invite the elderly to dinner, whether in the club or in the society." Qianjia thinks this is normal.

"Ahem, senpai, don't bully Lily, she's still a child!" Senxia felt that Qianjia had gone too far in doing this.

There was nothing before, but when Lily heard that Morinka called herself a child, she immediately exploded: "The concubine is a vampire for thousands of years, not a child! Give me the bill this time!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up and said, "You two wait for me. It's just a human being, and I'm still a family member. You dare to talk to me like this. The games after class must be played for me... No, those mysterious The book of magic must be read for me!"

Sure enough, there are some unqualified secondary diseases...

Senxia wanted to vomit, but finally resisted desperately.

After the checkout, Lily left here, and she jumped around when she left, seemingly very happy.

"Well, Senior Sister, is it really okay for you to let an underage child play that kind of game?" Senxia asked again.

"What are we afraid of? We should be one or two years older than her, but to speak of it, the age at which we accepted the gentleman game should be younger than her." Qianjia shrugged.

"That being said, there is always a sense of guilt..."

Senxia sighed. Seeing Lily's innocent face like a legitimate loli, Senxia felt an inexplicable sense of guilt in her heart.

Is that guy really 15 years old... Obviously 10 years old, right...

Uh, this view must not be heard by Lily herself, otherwise it would be dangerous.

"By the way, senpai, what works are you going to show Lily to try?" Senxia asked.

"This guy had a special reaction when he heard about the el club. I think she should be very interested in the games of this club." Qianjia is also thinking about it. "The students at the same level are the most classic. Not bad, by the way, the recent stinky work seems to help her open up a new world!"

"Well, I actually think it might be a good thing to introduce teacher Erdaime's book to her." Mori Xia felt that Qianjia's direct use of that kind of work seemed a bit too much.

"No, I think this is just right. This guy is obviously from the visual department. After all, the second generation works are novels. We must first use images to guide her into the new world, and then use the works of the second generation teacher to let her see the new world. Beautiful." Qianjia said very seriously.

"Well, it makes sense." Morinya nodded. After all, the second-generation works are novels. Although there are also Lifan works, 20-minute works are really not enough for preaching.

As for the el club, let’s not mention those games and other games for the time being. Games like this for students of the same level seem to be good, whether it is used for preaching or doing anything, it seems to be fine.

In fact, when Morinka saw Lily, the first thing he thought of was games like Heartbeat Memories and Autumn Memories, but he thought about it, this kind of game Lily should have been exposed to it, or else the taste is too light and meaningless. At this time, using el's works, it seems to be just coming.

"But what is the real name of classmate Lily? Senior sister, do you know?" There are some things about this classmate Lily that Morinia is still curious about.

However, facing Senxia's question, Qianjia could only shook her head: "I don't know, but I am sure that Lihua must know, and she must know this classmate Lili."

"So, when we met yesterday, it seemed like this was indeed the case." Senxia remembered that Lihua recognized Lily at a glance, and she seemed to be familiar with it, but Lily stopped him from trying to say something in the end. Up.

To be honest, Morinka is really curious about Lily’s real name, but it’s a pity that this little vampire didn’t plan to tell Morinka his but this little thing seems to be very interesting. One can't help but want to bully. "Although Qianjia chose to ignore Lily when discussing with Morika, but in fact, Qianjia felt that Lily was actually a very funny guy. "Just make me think of Lihua. No wonder these two people If they can play together, they are all such easily bullied characters. "

Although Lihua and Lily's personalities seem to be completely different, but to say it, there seems to be something in common in this respect.

"Really, I actually think Lily's smallness is quite protective."

Well, to be honest, Lily really has a feeling that makes people want to take care of her. Such a small little loli really can't bear to bully.

"Because it's small, bullying is fun!"

"...Senior sister, you just want to be happy."


Today’s first update, bleating~ (to be continued.) For mobile phone users, please visit

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