Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 518: This is a super classic setting!

At the beginning of the game, it is not possible to check attributes and talents, but this does not mean that the players will know nothing at the beginning. In fact, in order to facilitate the players to familiarize themselves with the skills, the players are all beginners at the beginning. Combat skills are good, but "Void" is not used. ↖, x.

Although the difficulty can be modified in the game, at the beginning of the game, all the difficulties are the same, so whether it is legendary difficulty or simple difficulty, they are actually facing opponents of the same difficulty.

According to the player’s "strategy", the player should not follow the prompts to go forward at first, but turn back to the deep forest, where you can gather herbs, and then after you get the herbs, you can dispense poison, and then you can apply it On the weapon.

At this time, the help of s/l. In the game, the damage caused by poisoning is real damage. At the beginning, Qiqi can't break the defense. The poisoned dagger is used to continuously save and retrieve files. , And then poisoning this crystal beast boss can kill the opponent.

However, some people also found that if the crystal beast was not killed, but instead after ten rounds and waited for the school to come over, the effect would be the same, and this would trigger a mission to destroy the crystal beast boss, but the result would be the same. of.

It doesn't matter if you die while fighting against the crystal beast boss. After being rescued, you can also go to the back mountain to find the clues of the other party, and then turn back to give the clues to the student council president Arisa, and then trigger this task again.

If you want to make a difference, it’s just the clothing on Jiqi. In addition, it’s the gain of reputation. If he kills the crystal beast boss by himself, then when Jiqi enters the first college in Tianwangzhou, his reputation It is friendly, but in other cases, the reputation will be less.

And if this task is not triggered until about lv10. The crystal beast boss will be killed by the school's people, and the crystal beast's weapons can be purchased by asking the school for a large price.

The original intention of this boss design is the newcomer killer. When it is around lv10, this is also a very tricky boss for players, but after two or three levels, this boss is crushed by the level, which violates the original intention of the design, so Sen Xia's design here is to simply let this boss disappear directly.

As for collecting poison, it is actually a way to overcome this boss method. The reason why the player knew how to use poison to kill the boss. It is because after he received the side quests, one of the quests was to go up the mountain to collect poison, then poison the boss with the poison and then take the opportunity to kill the opponent.

But at this moment, the player's brains were wide open. Since we were on the mountain from the beginning, if we got this poison at the time, wouldn't we be able to kill the opponent in the first place?

As a result, I don’t know if I try, I was shocked, it turns out that this can really kill the boss!

Ichiro Kuroshima was also surprised to discover this.

After dragging the boss to death alone. The school festival rushed to the scene and talked with Takichi. After that, the school festival took the other person to the school, and then met with Yalisha, the worship house.

When Ji Qi mentioned that his memory was confused. The school rule festival took the other party to see the doctor, and then determined the attributes, until this part, the story behind is the same.

"Sure enough!"

After this story. Ji Qi's level has been upgraded by one level, and the original costume has also been retained.

The plot after that is the same plot as before, but with a little more branching at this time. That's the plot after getting the modified weapon.

Weapons can be selected, such as daggers, long swords, hand guns, longbows, etc. Kuroshima Ichiro chose the dagger because he felt that the picture of Chiaki holding the sword was not good, and the pistol needed ammunition.


After building the equipment, he found that the equipment was green. He was a little confused. He had seen blue and purple equipment before. What is this green?

He thought for a while, and simply picked up the manual.

There is an introduction to the basic knowledge of the game in the manual, and there is also a part explaining the material of the game equipment.

The equipment in the game is divided into several types, gray, white, blue, purple, green, and dark gold.

Gray is inferior equipment, without any attribute bonuses, and extremely low durability.

The white is general equipment, and there is no attribute bonus.

Blue is sophisticated equipment, generally has one or two attributes.

Purple is void equipment. In addition to additional attributes, there will be various special effects. If there is no special effect, there will be special bonuses. This is equipment contaminated with void.

Green is the growth equipment, which is also the void equipment, but it will share the player’s experience of fighting monsters, the highest is lv16.

The gold is epic equipment, with the most powerful attributes and abilities.

It is worth mentioning that the clothes purchased by players in the game are all white, such as school uniforms and maid outfits, but they can all be enhanced with materials. There are 16 levels of enhancement, but they will not be displayed. The materials required for each strengthening are different to judge. When clothing reaches 4 levels, a special attribute will be added. When it is upgraded to lv4, it will become blue, when it is lv8, it will become purple. When it is lv16, the clothing will become gold, but the attribute is based on the enhancement. Except for the color, this promotion is the same as the green equipment upgrade.

In addition, the weapon itself can also be upgraded, but this requires players to upgrade their skills, then modify the equipment, and consume a lot of materials.

"That's it."

Ichiro Kuroshima nodded, this setting seems to be quite interesting.

In fact, this design is half of Morinha's first.

This setting was originally used by Blizzard in Diablo, but this setting was thoroughly carried forward by Blizzard in the second generation, and then it became an indispensable setting in various games.

In addition to this setting, these equipment will have prefixes and suffixes above purple.

Anyway, this element is very interesting, I am afraid that no one likes it.

The fact is also true.

After coming out of clothing hell, Ichiro Kuroshima became obsessed with equipment again.

Yeah, I didn't pay attention to this at all at the beginning. Now that I think about it, I still need advanced equipment!

Thinking of this, Kuroshima Ichiro thought of the wild dog at the door again. If he had dark gold equipment all over him, wouldn't he be able to crush the opponent from the beginning?

Uh, it seems impossible, because all equipment has different level restrictions, not to mention the material, if you upgrade your weapons to the stage where you can't equip them now, it would be funny.

"But we are different now from before!"

Holding the green crystal beast dagger, Kuroshima Ichiro rushed towards the wild dog at the school gate!

Ichiro Kuroshima has a great advantage, Ichiro Kuroshima went up, and Ichiro Kuroshima played gg!

Qi Qi was directly hit by a backstab by a wild dog and was directly killed.


Ichiro Kuroshima was stunned.

"A mere stray dog ​​can actually backstab, and it also made a crit!"

Ichiro Kuroshima lifted the table.

"calm down……"

He rubbed his temples, and then steadily killed the black dog according to his previous style of play.

After not paying attention to clothing, Kuroshima Ichiro’s progress has been much faster. The green equipment at the beginning has good attributes. The performance of green equipment at the same level can only be said to be moderate, but because it can grow with the player, there is no need to specially It’s quite convenient to change equipment.

"Sure enough, Qijiang is best seen wearing this suit."

After changing into the original costume, Ichiro Kuroshima was in a good mood.

Although they can be upgraded, they are all in the later stage. In the early stage, they mainly rely on dressing. There are only a few clothes that you want to strengthen, such as school uniforms that can be modified.

Qi Qi's dress is blue, which is at least lv4 level. The defense of this dress is very weak, but it is strengthened to the void and range.

Void is probably similar to magic, and the effect on the map is very exciting. In addition, there is a setting of "Profound meaning" in the game... Well, it is still a direct excerpt of the content of the path of the sky.

I have to say that the Japanese are really interested in the battle of Sora no Trajectory, and Morinka has added new elements such as backstabs, and the actual effect is very good.

"It's great, this kind of battle mode." The picture is beautiful and fresh, and the battle process is also very smooth and comfortable. When the "Void" is cast, the gorgeous performance effect is also amazing.

All the way to the Akihabara stronghold, Kuroshima Ichiro finally caught up with his previous progress. Although the character level and materials are less than before, the character is now more eye-catching.

"Let's check the news on the forum, maybe there will be a new strategy." Although I have always wanted to go to the strategy after playing through it, Ichiro Kuroshima can't bear it now.

However, as soon as he entered the forum, he saw someone posting.

"Sure enough, he is the boss in the end!"

Fuck, someone will clear the customs?

Because it is a spoiler post, the title of the post does not say the key.

"It must be Yingmanji!"

But at this time, Ichiro Kuroshima knew that the boss facing the opposite person must be Sakura Manji!

The facts are exactly as he expected.

"Sakuramanji is indeed the Dark Emperor. I didn't follow the main line to find him. I found him after sneaking through the dots and walking the other way, and then I was instantly dropped by Yingmanji..."

Huh, you can play the final boss from the beginning?

It was not just Ichiro Kuroshima who was surprised, but also other players on the forum.


Today the first update, immediately write the second update, starting tomorrow, it should be able to update on time. (To be continued.)




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