Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 519: Old Xu is smiling

In fact, at this time, many people have found the funeral club and discovered something wrong with the world, but these plots are still far away from the final boss. 【Full text reading...】

But after hearing this player's speech, they discovered that they could attack the final boss from the beginning, which made them curious.

Many people saved a party at this time, and then sneaked into Yingmanji's base according to what the other party said.

However, these people came to Yingmanji's base not far away, and when they saw the base, they were shocked by this place.

&nbsm is an enemy, either a crystal beast or a soldier. There is no way to sneak in. After encountering it, it is basically a direct kill.

To enter here, it is not enough to sneak in. If you don't know how to sneak in, and then rush in, you will still be struggling.

At least after seeing this scene, Ichiro Kuroshima decisively chose to read files, he didn't even have the patience to run back.

But many people are not giving up at this time. They are all studying how to sneak in. Since others can succeed, we have no reason to do it!

The Japanese have an extraordinary preference for games. They can study many tricks in one game. Obviously, these people are like this now.

At this time, Ichiro Kuroshima felt that he would start the game early, and then hit the true ending in the second week.

With this New Year, Ichiro Kuroshima started a quick strategy, anyway, the level is not enough now, and he can't pass the magical outfit. When the time comes, he will wait for the second week and then brush up. He even simply ignored many branches.

Ichiro Kuroshima met the funeral club in the following plot, and then cooperated with the other party. The memory of Ichi gradually recovered. In the end, Ichiro finally got a glimpse of the truth of the "world of minds" and it became clear. I learned the fact that Yingman is the Dark Emperor.

In the subsequent plot, Kuroshima Ichiro attacked the void research institute. Then after killing the gho organization, he faced the Dark Emperor.

In the end, the boss is very powerful, and Ichiro Kuroshima chose the highest difficulty, although this difficulty is easy to get advanced equipment. But this strength is still limited in front of the boss.

In the end, Ichiro Kuroshima called several teammates, and then took drugs and bff before starting the battle with the opponent, but even so, the final battle was still very difficult.

Yingmanji can use the void energy very skillfully. Moreover, he still held Takiji's "Void", that is, the Void Great Sword. Although it was four to one, Ichiro Kuroshima took the boss's energy to kill the opponent.

But in the end, Ying Manji chose to explode, and the huge void energy swallowed the entire space and the entire world. The game here is the first bad_end.

At this moment, the system popped up an archive prompt.

Kuroshima Ichiro didn't even think about it, so he chose to save, and then the system prompts to return to the main menu or start the second week.

Just after hit bad_end. Without even thinking about it, Ichiro Kuroshima immediately started the two-week plot.

At the second week of eyes, Qi Qi woke up from the top of the mountain.

"Yo Xi, the level and items are still there..."

After discovering that his level and proficiency were still there, Ichiro Kuroshima walked down the mountain, preparing to kill the crystal beast that was blocking the way.

However, at this time, Ichiro Kuroshima discovered something was wrong.

"Hey, what about the good boss!" Ichiro Kuroshima was planning to kill this week's stumbling block, but found that the boss had disappeared!

And Ichiro Kuroshima discovered that at this time the plot seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

Although Ji Qi still has memories in the beginning, it was a little confused. But the chaos of the first week of purpose seems to be a little different.

After meeting the school article festival, Qi Qi went to the student union room with the other party, and the plot in the middle part was also omitted. In the second week of the month, Qi Qi seems to be a member of the school from the beginning, and some pre-plots have also changed.


The sudden appearance of the setting made Ichiro Kuroshima stunned. The plot seems a little different...

Originally, Ichiro Kuroshima was going to check everyone's strategy, and then go to the perfect ending. But after discovering that the plot of the second week was somewhat different, he became interested.

Sure enough, after entering the second-week plot, he found that the entire story had subtle changes, and some of the branch plots he had done before also had some changes.

After several days of work, Kuroshima Ichiro spent almost all of his remaining time in games except for work.

At the second week of the week, Ichiro Kuroshima passed all the branch lines he could find. At this time, he discovered that the main storyline also seemed to have some subtle differences, and at the second week of the week, some branch lines he had done during the week also happened. With some changes, there is absolutely no branch line exactly the same as before!

This is a surprise!

Especially when Kuroshima Ichiro found out that new branches appeared in some places, he felt that this setting was great.

In the second week, Ichiro Kuroshima discovered that the main characters seemed to have their own side tasks. These tasks were not triggered in the first week, and only the second week could be triggered.


After completing the side mission of the school festival, Ichiro Kuroshima sighed again. There is no other reason. After the mission is completed, the school festival will give a piece of clothing...well, a bandage outfit.

The bandage outfit is a purple piece of equipment. It has a very powerful effect without upgrading. It can reduce damage, and it can restore blood every round. It can also slowly recover hp when walking. It is so good that it is unnecessary, and more importantly. : This dress is too gentleman!

Well, yes, gentleman! Super gentleman's bandage outfit!

Praise! 32 likes!

Ichiro Kuroshima was excited when he saw Ichi dressed in bandages. As expected, Ichiro is still the most suitable type of gentleman's clothes...

Don't be too good!

The ending played by Meguro Island Ichiro in the second week was that Ichi wanted to save Sakuramanji, but in the end, it still failed.

After the second week eye was over, Ichiro Kuroshima felt very enjoyable. He didn't say anything, and immediately started the third week eye after saving the file.

This time, however, Ichiro Kuroshima found that the plot was even more different-the school festival had disappeared!

No, not disappeared, but left from the school. This time, because there was no interference from the side plot, Ichiro Kuroshima moved very quickly, but at this time, Ichiro Kuroshima discovered that the school festival He turned into a villain... No, the school festival has always been standing next to Yingmanji. A lot of information about the funeral society was leaked by the school festival festival!

This time, the player has gone through untold hardships and finally came to Yingmanji's side again, but this time the boss fight that should have been there has disappeared. Ichi and Yingmanji have a mouthful of guns, but the dark emperor Yingmanji But she didn't trust Qiqi, and told her that the darkness of the world was far more terrifying and profound than she thought.

Then, Ying Manji handed Qi Qi some tasks for her to complete.

Knowing this time, Ichiro Kuroshima discovered that the main storyline of the original three-week target turned out to start after encountering Sakura Manji!

At this time, some new elements were opened up in the plot.

However, Ichiro Kuroshima didn't realize that the skill of the game's scripter Xu Yuanxuan had gradually been shown, and the whole story began to move towards the heart abuse.

The first main mission was to ask Kaki to solve the small head problem in Chiyoda District, but after Ichiro Kuroshima killed the thief, he discovered that the thief was stealing to keep his younger siblings alive. .

Because the previous side missions had multiple endings, Ichiro Kuroshima immediately read the file after discovering it was a bd, and then continued the mission.

This time, Qi Qi chose to let go of the thief, but at this time, the sheriff in charge of the investigation had a career because of it. He finally chose to commit suicide, leaving behind a pair of orphans and widows.

After Ichiro Kuroshima weighed it up, he read the files again, and then still caught the thief.

But this is just the beginning.

The second task is to go to Musashino to help a group of people gathered here. Every year, these people send several children from their gathering area to the mountains and forests to enshrine a powerful crystal beast, and the other party can protect them.

This task is also entangled, because if these children are saved, the crystal beast will attack the village. Even if the crystal beast is eliminated, the people in the village will not thank Qiqi, because there will be other crystal beasts.

And if these children are not helped, they will be eaten alive by the crystal beast...

Ichiro Kuroshima was hurt by the plot, and then he had to continue the game.

After being tortured, Ichiro Kuroshima finally understood that Sakura Manji had also reincarnated countless times, hoping to save the world, but ultimately failed.

In the reincarnation, Qi Qi's spirit and memory gradually collapsed, but she still maintains the deepest thoughts in her The two people have experienced countless lives in the reincarnation, and What Ichiro Kuroshima touched was only a tiny corner of it.

In the end, the story became more and more abusive, and the plot changed from abusive supporting actor to abusive protagonist. Even Ichiro Kuroshima felt that he was about to collapse.

"Who wrote this story!" Ichiro Kuroshima flipped the table.

Well, by the way, the script seems to be a guy named Xuxuanyuan, um, you must send him the blade! must!

Kuroshima Ichiro entered the forum again, and sure enough, at this time, the forum was also wailing.

The humans and stories that are gradually going to extinction have all been healed. Could it be that this is the final ending of the story, make a woolen thread!


The second update today is still section c. (To be continued.)




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