Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 789: The mode of text online games

Although Sony's matters have yet to be discussed, Morinia has to deal with another matter.

——That is the reply from teacher Erdaime.

Teacher Erdaime agreed to Morinka dw's request and agreed to help them make game scripts.

After all, it is a minority, so Morinka and Chika didn't have hope at first.

But after learning the news, both of them were ecstatic.

The world's first 18x ​​online game has taken the most critical step.

"What are the mods? After I got the files from Sony, I asked them, but it was not allowed at all. And ps2 estimated that there will be no hard drives or anything, so we don’t think about extensions for games on ps It’s like sex. Our main game platform is still PC. It doesn’t matter if a platform with a high degree of freedom is placed on DC. PS2 is a must, but most of the time, this platform is a supplement."

The previous topic, Morinya ended with this sentence, which is the end of Sony's problem.

"Teacher Erdaime said that I will give out the script and settings today. I will check the mailbox first." After discussing Sony, Morika opened the mailbox.

Sure enough, teacher Erdaime's message had already been sent at this time.

This is a story about the world setting and the main context of the plot.

Because he wanted to use the background of the fantasy world, the teacher Nidaime directly set up a new fantasy world.

In this world, humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, dragons, undead, monsters, and other creatures all exist here.

Looking at the past in the 21st century, this setting is simply too classic to be a classic design. Especially for fans of online novels, this super traditional setting is simply too familiar to be familiar. .

But precisely because it is a classic and because it is easy to use, so many people use it.

For example, in cultivating immortals, there are always "classic" settings such as Qi training, golden core, and Yuan Ying. This kind of thing is mature and easy to use, so it uses more talents.

Humans, orcs, elves, etc., appear not only in novels, but also in animations, but also in games. What is World of Warcraft, what is fierce battle, what is the battle of Rhodes, anyway. But for now, this setting is actually not perfect.

Morika originally thought that the Erdaime teacher would make a worldview setting that is convenient for ergonomics and overthrow, but he never expected that the Erdaime teacher would make a normal setting.

In the setting, I didn't feel the breath of eros and gentleman at all. On the contrary, an atmosphere and detailed and rich world was rushing toward me.

This feeling is great.

Senxia had to admit that in this era, such a setting is really beyond his imagination.

In the plot, the worldview seems to be a reference to the story of Cthulhu. The whole world is in the dream of the Supreme God Asathos. Asathos is the Supreme and Stupid God who has fallen into eternal madness, and this world , Is the opponent's "real dream", symbolizing order and reason, but chaos and darkness always appear inadvertently.

Of course, this kind of background setting is probably only a reference. The second generation teacher did not intend to move the entire Cthulhu.

In the script, the whole world is probably made up of two continents. The New World is a chaotic land without intelligent life, and the other continent is the main stage for the development of the script and the story.

In addition to the real world, there are many chaotic worlds in this setting. Those chaotic worlds are chaotic and dark.

The plot setting of the whole world view is enough to surprise and delight many setting party members, but this is just the beginning.

In order to illustrate the whole story, the Erdaime teacher also made a simple drawing and placed it in the setting.

"I feel that the world view is very good, but I think there are some places that need to be corrected..." After seeing this big background, Qian Jia thought it seemed quite interesting.

"Yes, but it's a pity that the Erdaime teacher only agreed to communicate through the Internet, but refused to meet..."

Senxia shook her head.

There are two ways for Morinia to contact each other. The first method is to let Morinia communicate through the Internet, including tools such as qicq, and the other way is to communicate through the other party's editor.

However, teacher Nidaime refused to communicate face-to-face with Morika.

Although the other party expressed interest in the script and expressed that he liked animic very much, the other party did not agree with the meeting.

"Teacher Erdaime has this kind of personality. She was determined not to show her face when attending offline activities. Before the animation company wanted to make the work of Teacher Erdaime an ova, at that time, Teacher Erdaime did not agree with The other party’s meeting, so please forgive me."

——The above sentence is the editor in charge of teacher Elohir II and the news they said.

"Speaking of which, Teacher Erdaime really doesn't have any plans to meet with people. There is no other way around this." Senxia shook her head with some regret.

If you think about it carefully, the second generation teacher is indeed the case. As long as you attend various offline activities, the other party will definitely find a way to hide their face, even if they just come out to participate in the bookstore signing event, the other party will definitely It will make others unable to recognize yourself.

Although I know that teacher Erdaime is a girl, this kind of thing is still not good enough.

"Well, it feels good."

The content of the first part of the second generation goal is not a gentleman, but it does not matter. In Mori's view, the second generation of teacher's own ability is very good, this general setting, Mori summer also feels very good.

In addition to this setting, the second generation teacher also wrote her own general ideas for the skills and other settings. Because time is not very abundant, she only made this kind of settings superficially, but did not elaborate. design.

However, at this time, only a simple directional setting is required, and Morinka will basically be able to understand the other side's thinking.

As the text progressed, Morinia and Qianjia seemed to form a picture in their minds. This picture made them feel very comfortable.

"If it can match the picture, I feel very good." Qian Jia exclaimed.

"Well, there is no problem with this. It is actually not a very difficult thing to simply add the picture." Senxia gave the answer like this.

"Eh, it's really possible? In this case, will the game become more complicated, and in this case, it will deviate from our original intention."

Qianjia has learned the lesson. Every time she and Senxia have a brainstorming, they will forget all the business in the end, and then crooked outside the building and then crooked. In the end, Senxia and Qianjia often don’t know about this topic. Which dimension did it go to?

This time, Qianjia felt that it was absolutely impossible to continue nonsense like this.

"Ahem, this won't happen!" Senxia said immediately, but his eyes seemed a little guilty. "I'm just talking about it a little bit. Although it can be matched with the picture, it doesn't have to be very It’s fun, and it’s enough to be simple. As far as the game itself is concerned, this is about expanding a 5mb game to 10mb."

Although it is very troublesome to get the material in many cases, just get a simple material and use these materials to make the picture appear.

Hearing Senxia's words, Qianjia finally nodded, agreeing with Senxia.

"But Mori-natsu-kun, what you are requesting the Erdaime teacher and the dw company, I have understood a little bit, and it seems a little different from the traditional mud."

Qian Jia asked another question.

"In fact, the core part is still the same, but it has changed slightly."

In fact, the most core part of online games in the 21st century is basically the things on the mud. It's just that the text is turned into graphics. It's that simple.

"Well, it's really different, I don't know how to describe it... Well, it's probably a game like a private roguelike."

After thinking about it, Senxia suddenly said a name.

Among word games, the more classic games are probably games like world_of_dungeon and hall_of_.

In addition, the abbreviated game tales_of_maj\\\'eyal is a game belonging to the roguelike category. And angband, nethack, adom, dungeon_crawl are all classics of this kind of games.

These roguelike games with textual combat information, in Mori's view, have a simple beauty.

On the other hand, roguelike is more advanced than mud.

Although both are composed of characters, roguelike can be operated by keyboard or even mouse. In mud, except for movement, skills and magic, etc., which can be moved by small keyboard shortcuts, most of the other things need to input commands, which can be said to be very The egg hurts.

"Roguelike? I know there is a game called rogue."

Although Moriha's brain supplements very well, Qianjia doesn't even have the concept of "roguelike".

"Well, it comes from this game."

The concept of roguelike will only be familiar to people in about seven or eight years. Although the concept of the game has declined at that time, with the popularity of the Internet, this game has gradually become known.

Rather, Qianjia has heard the game of rogue now, and is a little surprised. Although this game is very famous in foreign countries, people in Japan are actually more willing to discuss Dragon Quest.

In the 1980s, two engineers developed a game called "rogue" on a certain mainframe of the unix system.

The purpose of this game is to reproduce the "dnd" game experience on the computer and strictly follow the "dnd" game rules as a single-player turn-playing game.

This game was immediately popular when it first appeared, so that a series of games similar to or of the same type as "rogue" were later derived. These works are collectively called "roguelike".

Although the word already exists, it will be recognized and defined by the government several years later.

Speaking of these things, Mori Xia also understands, but he does not want to discuss this issue with Qianjia. Now Mori Xia is more concerned about the game itself, how to perfectly integrate this game format with the second generation teacher’s setting, It is something Morinka is considering.

"There are a few more points to be mastered for this type of game. The first is the randomness of the generation. In this case, I think we have no problem. Our settings are not completely random, but the rich options are enough for players to choose every time. There are surprises. The second is the one-way process. This is also very simple. There is no one-way online game. The third is irretrievable. In most roguelike games, each character has only one life. The death of a character means that the player will lose that character I don’t think this is very good, so I didn’t adopt it, but a core mode or something can be introduced in the future..."

In addition, this type of game also pays attention to the non-linearity of the game, the simplicity of the screen, the complexity of the system, and so on.

The complexity of rogue itself is far greater than that of any work of the same period, and roguelike games may include incalculable elements in a game, such as geology, climate and biological distribution, as well as fine to the skin. , Muscle, blood, bone and fat fighting system, even after the battle damage healed will leave scars and sequelae. In some games, it may include hundreds of causes of death, thousands of creatures, and tens of thousands of items. It can be said that apart from roguelike games, no traditional game can have so many elements regardless of cost.

The non-linearity of the game is actually not a problem, because Mori and the others did not consider linear development at the beginning.

And the simplicity of the picture... it won't work if it's not simple!

As for the complexity of the system, well, the Japanese like to do this the most!

"But we don't have much time?"

Qianjia thinks there are still problems.

It's not that simple to make pictures, and it can even be said to be troublesome.

"Well, so is it... Ah, yes, I have a way!"

According to Mori Summer, someone in the branch has made a PC version of Cthulhu's board game. Maybe you can borrow it?


Well, here are two games, Amway and Elona, ​​which are very good.

It's a pity that we haven't found this kind of game that a gentleman wants. It's always a pity.

Obviously it is very suitable as a gentleman subject...

(To be continued.)



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