Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 790: Big is good! More is strong!


Because it is a niche game, and the users are destined to be few, Morinha added some of her own whimsical ideas to this unnamed 18x online game.

The main body of this game is still the original word game, but the graphics are also possible.

Simple picture materials constitute a map and simple graphics, adding some visual elements, there are still some.

Of course, this is only the case, similar to the actions of the character, the language of the character, or the long plot, etc., these are also completely text versions.

But visual maps and characters can at least increase the playability of the game.

Of course, although there are characters, it is actually just a simple symbolic character on the map, probably just a few pixels. The costume and equipment of the character still depends on the players for brain supplement. .

"The most interesting part of the design is the map." Morinya said with a good feeling of herself, "I discussed with that side before. At the beginning, the size of the entire game map was made according to the size of the Elder Scrolls 2 Dagger Rain."

After hearing what Senxia said, Qianjia was shocked: "How big is that?!"

"It's about the size of two Britains," Senxia said.

——Two Great Britain is so big, this is more than just talking.

In the world of "The Elder Scrolls 2 Dagger Rain", the size of the entire map, if converted to the size of the real world, is indeed the size of two Britains. If you want to explore the whole map completely, it can be said in the game. Very difficult.

In the world of Dagger Rain in The Elder Scrolls 2, there are more than 15,000 cities, villages, dungeons and areas to be explored and 750,000 conversational NPCs.

If the Elder Scrolls 3, 4, and 5 are the size of a big city, then the size of the Elder Scrolls 2 is almost a crushing advantage.

The map area of ​​The Elder Scrolls 2 Dagger Rain is 62394 square miles, while the size of the Elder Scrolls 4 Annihilation is 16 square miles, and the Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim is about 20 square miles. As for the Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind, it is even smaller. .

——Don't think that this game is just a simple map stacking. In fact, the Elder Scrolls 2 is still a good game that won the title of the best role-playing game in 1996.

In fact, the game area of ​​The Elder Scrolls 2 is a world record. Among the games Morinya has played and known, the largest is probably only the 135 square mile map of Operation Lightning 2, but this game map, There is still no way to compare with The Elder Scrolls 2.

Of course, this is not absolute. Someone has calculated that if possible, Minecraft's map size can reach about 800 million square miles. Although Senxia doesn't know how to calculate it, this game can indeed surpass The Elder Scrolls 2.

However, the game Minecraft "Minecraft" does not have the same rich plot and connotation as the Elder Scrolls 2, so it is not fair to simply compete in this aspect.

"But online games use random calculations. Is this really no problem?" Qianjia also knew about The Elder Scrolls 2, but at this time, Qianjia thought of a somewhat critical question.

This type of random calculation... is there really no problem?

The map of Dagger Rain in The Elder Scrolls 2 is generated by random calculation.

The Elder Scrolls 2 is a stylish rpg, this game is a crpg game.

The so-called "c" means create, which is the meaning of creation. In this game, the attributes of the protagonist are set and perfected step by step by the player. The degree of freedom, whether it is the future The Elder Scrolls 3, 4, 5, or the Fallout series, are far behind.

In The Elder Scrolls 2, the total number of locations that can be explored, including previous towns and dungeons, etc., exceeds 17,000, and the number of missions is unlimited. The game is like mud, multi-plot and multi-task. As for which task to complete, there is no order requirement. In a sense, this is also a roguelike game.

Although mud is an online game, the concept of online games can be used in stand-alone games, and the concept of stand-alone games is not something that cannot be used in online games.

Moriha does not fully follow the original future game concept.

"We are not entirely using this method. My personal opinion is that at the beginning of the game, except for the set location, the other places are completely blank." Morixia said, "Wait. When the player encounters a task or advances to this place, the terrain will be generated."

The terrain file is just a few characters, and then fill the material into the game. It doesn't take up much space. The advantage of this is that it gives them more room for maneuver and can design more and more interesting games. The mission and plot, and rashly inserting some brain holes, will not let the script collapse.

Well, in a sense, this thing is a guinea pig, just like the Story of the Young Girl.

Senxia thought for a while, and then went on to explain: "For example, there is a city in the game, and the player goes out of this city and then enters a certain forest. At this time, the forest map will be produced. In addition, If the player has not been to this place, but he has received a task, after the task is accepted, the map of the task destination will be drawn in advance, and then the player can complete the task after the player has passed. And after the player leaves, other If the player comes here, he will not perform random calculations. At this time, the system will retrieve the map data that he already has. If the player changes the terrain in the game, this change will also be stored."

"Wait, you mean, the player can change the terrain? Is this really okay?" Qianjia was a little concerned about this.

"Personally, I think there should be no problem." Mori Xia said, "Moreover, if players can create their own room in the game, it should be a very interesting thing, right?"

Hearing these words, Qianjia nodded.

It belongs to the player's own room or something, this kind of thing is indeed very attractive to the player.

This is already explained in "The Crown of Sin".

Change the terrain, of course players can also build their own world in this way.

But Qian Jia thought of a question: "What if someone demolishes someone else's house?"

"It doesn't matter, we can set a protection mechanism, and that's it."

After all, it is a kind of game, so Senxia is also crossing the river by feeling the stones, wherever he goes.

"Well, I don't have any problems." Because it was probably a daunting relationship, Qianjia asked Morika to say first, at least, for the problem that she just thought of, Morika has already reasonably explained and came up with a solution.

"Well, let me take a look first... Well, teacher Erdaime doesn't have a gentleman setting on the worldview, but the latter setting is quite interesting."

Senxia looked at the settings behind, and found it quite interesting.

Although in the context of the big world, teacher Erdaime did not involve all kinds of workers and gentlemen, she did some interesting settings in other places.

For example, there is a small country in the game. This country is probably a reference to Europe from the 18th century to the 19th century. Women in this country have to wear girdles and various restraints to live since they were young. This is definitely a variety of s and m fans’ favorite country.

In the game, there is another race of heroes handed down from ancient times. All of them are beautiful girls and powerful heroes. But this tribe has been cursed by the Demon King since ancient times. They can only increase their strength by doing this and that with different men. But as they increase their strength at any cost, they will be addicted to it. And let one's soul become filthy, and finally go to fall.

For another example, there is a cursed armor handed down from ancient times in the game. People who put on this armor will be in the clothes where the armor is and will do this and that by the armor.

In addition, the second generation teacher also talked about some ideas, such as the ergonomics on the props, the gentleman on the skills, and the settings for adults like slavery.

"The second generation teacher suggested that when we set the world itself, we should not turn the ergonomics and gentleman content into the key to the plot, but let it be dependent on the plot for development." The second generation teacher also proposed some later. Own opinion.

The ergonomic elements can promote the plot, and can also be used as some interesting branches, but the ergonomics itself is best not to become the core of the plot and the world.

"That's right. Although the world of a pure ergonomic gentleman is very interesting, a world with only such an element must be very monotonous and boring, right?"

Qianjia nodded.

"Well, I think the more important thing is that pure ergonomics will make the world itself very false and not suitable for players to bring in. Gentleman content can be included, but it must be properly and beneficially placed in the game. That’s the key."

Gentleman content is indeed very interesting, but for the sake of gentleman content ignore the basic logic, then players will realize that the script is unreasonable after entering the sage mode.

Faced with the suggestion made by teacher Erdaime, Morika nodded here to agree.

"Why is Teacher Erdaimu just unable to meet us?" As soon as Morika thought of this, her heart was filled with resentment.

Yes, everything is good, but the key part is just a little bit worse.

Fans of these two Erdaime teachers can be said to be very looking forward to meeting with Erdaime teachers, and the worldview background settings made by Erdaime teachers are also very in line with their needs.

But the problem lies in this place.

There is no way to face-to-face with the Erdaime teacher. No matter what they are doing here, the two of them have a feeling of tickling their boots. This feeling makes them very uncomfortable.

In addition to the basic design, the second generation teacher also expressed support for Morinatsu's cyoa character creation model. She said that although this part of the writing is very troublesome, she will finish it in the near future.

In the end, the second generation teacher also gave his qicq number, and said that everyone can contact in time through this method.

"Ah, if there is qicq, it should be easy. When the time comes to communicate with the Erdaime teacher, it must be convenient." Senxia exclaimed.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and add Teacher Erdaime to your friends! Open qicq!"

Qianjia is also impatient.


Without saying anything, Senxia immediately opened her own qicq, and then typed the qicq number of the second generation teacher.

Subsequently, the search results for "Alohir" appeared above.

Morinia immediately added this id as a friend.

"Hello, Teacher Xia Sen."

After explaining the identity and becoming friends with the other party, the other party began to communicate.

"Teacher Er Daim just happened to be online, which is great!"

After seeing that I was immediately added as a friend by teacher Erdaime and started chatting, Morinka also got excited, teacher Erdaime, I am your loyal reader With fans! I have seen every one of your works, and I will never be absent from your signing event every time! "

Morinya expressed his admiration and respect for the Erdaime teacher without hesitation.

"It's a coincidence. I also like your work by Mr. Xia Sen very much. It is really outstanding. Every time I look at it, I will be fascinated."

The second generation teacher Elohir on the opposite side seems to like Morinata's work very much.

After the other party finished saying this sentence, he also said the plot in Morinka's "Earth Defense Boy", and expressed surprise and love for Morinka's method of killing a character in each book.

In addition to "Earth Defense Boy", the second generation teacher also expressed interest in the plot and brain in the "Young Girl Wars". In the second generation teacher's own words, that is: "A serious nonsense. , A serious description of the absurd plot, this feeling is so interesting!"

The words of teacher Erdaime made Morinka also feel happy here.

Teacher Erdaime is not a polite, she has really seen the plot of Morinka, and really feels interesting about the plot.

After receiving this news, Morinya was very excited, and this feeling seemed to be one step closer to the second generation teacher.

For Morinka and Qianjia, this feeling is like a national leader patted his shoulder and said, "Little guy, work hard, I am optimistic about you, I feel your books, and I have benefited a lot." .

Morinia and Qianjia felt that their hearts were purified in an instant...


Today’s update.

It is still a two-in-one of discipline~ (To be continued.)



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