Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 813: Push her down, master!

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Just when Morinka was talking with Ji Ye, a voice suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hot spring, and then Morinka saw a naked boy.


Then, Senxia and little Lori looked at each other.

However, after this loli was seen by Senxia, ​​she didn't even care that she was shown by Senxia, ​​but her eyes lit up. The whole person was like drinking ten bottles of blue cans of Red Bull. All energetic.

"Ah, sorry, I'm bothering you~"

Listening to this little tone, she knew that she didn't know how happy she was at this moment.


Senxia just watched little Lori leave this side happily with her mouth open.

"Ah la la, it looks like Xiao Guang has misunderstood something." Ji Ye smiled.

Senxia glanced at Ji Ye whose bath towel had completely fallen aside, and then thought of the bare little bit who had just been jumping around.

"Should I say that I really deserve to be a sister..."

Senxia spit out in her heart.

In the face of such "candid" sisters, if there is no such thing as Yukino and Chika outside, Morinka might really be out of control.

Although Ji Ye is the predecessor of Senxia, ​​compared to Qian Jia and Lihua, Ji Ye's figure can be said to be "petite and exquisite".

However, there is still a difference between this petite body and Lily's loli figure. This is not the petiteness of a child, but the petiteness of a girl.

The kind that arouses impulse.

"Sinxia-kun, you have been staring at me." Ji Ye noticed Senxia's gaze.

"I said senior, don't you think you are playing with fire?" Senxia couldn't help but complain.

"Playing with fire? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,

"This question is very complicated, and, senior, don't change the subject suddenly. At this time, as long as you are a boy, you will not be calm, right?"

Senxia Tucao.

"But it's funny, isn't it? Morinka's appearance reminds me of the boys in the comics who are about to be pushed down~"

Ji Ye's words filled Senxia with a feeling of cold.

"Ahem, let's forget this." Senxia didn't want to discuss bl or something, "Senior, you just know that I am a very upright person, so you are doing this now!"

After hearing Senxia's words, Ji Ye stuck out her tongue, her playful appearance made Senxia really moved.

The skill points of Jiye-senior teaseers are very high...

Senxia scratched her head, what should she say at this time?

"Hey, really."

Ji Ye was lying next to the stone in the hot spring, her body that could no longer be covered by the towel, but was now covered by the stone.

She turned her head, then looked at Senxia, ​​her head still resting on her arm.

Ji Ye's hair was originally tied behind her head, but at this time, some of the ends of her hair fell to the ground, and there was a strange beauty.

This quiet and weak feeling makes people feel a sense of care and protection in their hearts.

Senxia couldn't help but abandon her head at this time.

"Sinxia-kun, which one do you like?" Ji Ye asked.

"This question, I don't know how to answer you, really."

Morika's expression at this time is also very subtle.

"Oh? Do you like Senxia-kun?" Ji Ye raised her eyebrows, "Senxia-kun, you really are a big carrot."

So, at this time, we really don’t know how to explain...

"Master," at this moment, another voice came from outside, Iki's voice, "The afternoon tea is ready."


Sister Yi Ji!

You appeared too timely!

"Ahem, senior, let's do this for now. Let's go have tea together."

After Morinia finished speaking, he took the bath towel and stood up, and ran out hurriedly.

"Great, sister Yi Ji, you helped me a lot." Senxia sighed.

"Hi." Iki nodded, "Master, whether you admit or deny it just now, your success rate for the Raiders of Miss Shiina will decrease, so I decide that you should be called out at this time."


Senxia was surprised how many times in this day.

By this time, Senxia realized that she was even a little numb.

But at this time, Iki said, "Although Shiina Himeha is a rotten girl, she is also an excellent woman from another perspective, and her family background is also very helpful to the Tiankai family. of."

After hearing Iki's words, Morinka had no special feelings anymore.

She already looked like this, Morinya didn't want to say anything anymore.

If I really followed Iki’s plan, Morinatsu might have to collect everyone from the maid team in addition to the girls next to her.

Although some people think that such things they love to hear are very interesting, Morinha herself is not included among the "people".

If there is no emotional foundation to discuss this kind of thing, Morinatsu will never do it.

After changing into the yukata, Morinka and others came to the Japanese room together.

At this moment, it had started to rain, and the doors on both sides of this Japanese room had been opened, and the sound of spring rain and thunder outside was endless.

"Well, even if it rains, it makes people feel happy." Holding black tea and pastries in his hands, Ji Ye looked at the cherry blossom trees outside the window.

There are also many cherry trees in Hot Spring Resort.

Although it is not as good as the forest of cherry blossoms in Shiina's house, when everyone sits indoors together, watching the rain and thunder outside the window, and then admiring the cherry blossoms, this feeling is also different.

"Yes, after Chika-senpai and Iki-senpai redecorated this place, it feels completely different from before."

Senxia also nodded.

I have to say that Yi Ji is almighty in all aspects. This place is mainly arranged by Qianjia, and the person who actually puts Qianjia's ideas into reality is Iki.

Although Qianjia is not a designer, she feels a little self-taught in this respect. Not only the design in the real world, but even the design made by Qianjia in the game is also very brilliant.

After speaking, Senxia glanced at Xiao Guang next to her.

Ever since Xiaoguang ran into Jiye and Mori summer in the hot springs together, this little guy now looks happy when he sees Mori summer.

So, this thing is making trouble...

But fortunately, everyone ate the meal soon, and there was not much after that.

After drinking afternoon tea, Senxia did not continue to go to the hot springs. He felt that if he continued to go to the hot springs at this time, his position would become subtle.

So Morinya didn't plan to do such a thing.

After discussing this matter, Morinka came to her room and turned on the computer.

The network in this place is very good, so Senxia likes to surf the Internet very much at this place.

Entering the world of the Internet, Senxia still feels that the Internet in this world is not so good. Whether it is the speed of the Internet or the content of the Internet, it is very different from what Senxia wants.

Fortunately, it is now 1999, not 1995.

If it were four or five years ago, the Internet was even more stagnant. At that time, the most active ones were actually various technical forums related to the Internet and computers.

But now, the Internet has at least begun to undergo various changes.

"Speaking of which, the game made by Brother Xiao Ma is almost the same..."

For the two games of Stone Age and Magic Baby, Xiao Ma has been struggling recently. Although there is still some time to complete, at least this year, it can be considered to be online.


There was also Yukino who didn't go to the hot springs.

She spotted the opportunity, and then came to Senxia's room.


Morinka greeted Yukino.

"Brother, are you playing Brave New World?" Yukino noticed Morika's game screen.

"Ah, ready to play." On Senxia's interface, a game interface was indeed opened. This is a game interface.

But Senxia just put this game here. He doesn't have a game for the time being, but looks at the feedback from players on the forum.

"I just transplanted the paper doll system, which can achieve some of the functions you want."

On the forum, there are a lot of posts on various technologies. At this time, some people put some small corrections about themselves.

There are a lot of interfaces reserved above. Players can import new graphics systems, rendering systems and engines through this interface. With the core unchanged, there is a lot of room for modification outside this system.

Even if someone wants to make a 3D graphics interface into the game, so that the entire game becomes a 3D game, in theory, this is very easy to achieve.

Well, in theory.

This paper doll system is one of them.

Because it's an experimental word game, Morinka doesn't care about the graphics system or anything. For many games, most of the graphics and characters are bought, but this game is an exception, because it is originally I don't plan to get much money.

On the other hand, the players' brains and ideas are also very good.

Not everyone is the same as Lihua, who played and cultivated from the beginning, and there are more people who started the task directly. On the forum, at this moment, many people are discussing things about the game.

The degree of freedom of the game is very high, but after analysis, in order to enhance the interactivity, it is better to be limited to a few places where the players were born. However, this limitation is not completely fixed. Players can also pass options. Determine your birthplace and let yourself play online stand-alone games.

Speaking of it, Moriha was also a single player on the Internet. He likes to play online games, and even likes to get together with a large number of lively servers, but he likes to be a lone ranger. If possible, he even prefers to swipe a copy and do it alone. task.

On the forum, there are also many people who come for 18x, and they also don't like to play with others, so there are still many such single players.

Because the number of players is small and the game map is very large, there is absolutely no problem in the game where players want to be single.

"Help, after I overthrew the second girl, I was chased and killed by the first girl infinitely!" A guy with the nickname Acheng posted a help post here.

"Sure enough, female characters play more interestingly than male characters. They just became the top card on Red Light Street..." There are also players who like to play alternatives.

"Does anyone know how to do this and that with the same sex? I have a cute male elf..."

"Does anyone know, when will NPC's stand-up paintings be released?"

There are really a lot of posts on the forum.

Those who ask questions, discuss the game, and those who want to know the progress of the game.

"Some suggestions for multi-player character creation together."

"--Eh, this seems very good." At this moment, Yukino saw a post on the Internet that she liked very much, "Brother, click on this to see!"

Yukino immediately urged.

Senxia shrugged, then clicked on the post.

"Some suggestions on building a game with multiple players. In this game, the relationship between players and players is actually not great, but this setting is actually not very good. So I think we may It’s a better idea to be able to make a more interesting setting and link our system to players.”

This person first talked a lot, and then he explained his In short, there are three suggestions.

The first is to allow players to establish contact with other players in one breath when creating characters. For example, everyone was born in a French street dance team, or everyone is a monster hunter.

The second is to allow players to link their relationships with other players when creating characters, for example, let their relatives be set as a certain player instead of being generated by the system.

And the third idea was that he found that many women in the game would conceive and give birth to children because of this and that kind of gameplay, and he thought that in fact, other players could perform these children.

Regarding the third point of inheritance, Senxia actually has a plan here, which is to let the player choose to play his own child after giving birth, and then the old player retires.

This method is very good, but there is another problem with the time axis, because age and time axis are difficult to correspond to the relationship, so this idea is just an idea for the time being. But this person has now proposed a new plan. Although there are also timeline issues, it seems to be quite interesting.

As for the first two points, this kind of brain hole, Moriha had never seen it before when he played games, but he felt that this brain hole was very desirable.

"Brother, let's play a pair of twins in the game too!" At this moment, Yukino's energetic voice sounded in her ears...


Today’s update, two-in-one chapter~

Suddenly it occurred to him that Morinatsu really wants to knock down all at once, I am afraid it will...

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